Eco-Friendly Strategies for Managing Sucking and Borer Insect Pests in Chilli | InformativeBD

Development of eco-friendly management approach against sucking and borer insect pest complex in Chilli

Md. Abdul Mannan, Md. Mosharraf Hossain, Md. Motaher Hossain, Muhammad Khorshed Alam, and Ashutus Singha, rom the different institute of the Bangladesh  . wrote a research article about, Eco-Friendly Strategies for Managing Sucking and Borer Insect Pests in Chilli. entitled, Development of eco-friendly management approach against sucking and borer insect pest complex in Chilli.This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB). an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences . under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Experiments were conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jamalpur during the period from September 2017 to March 2018 to find out the appropriate management approach for controlling major insect pests in chilli. Spraying of Spinosad (Success 2.5SC) and Abamectin (Toximite 1.8EC) along with blue & yellIow sticky traps was found effective for controlling sucking insect pest in chilli. Mass trapping of Spodoptera litura and Helicoverpa armigera along with the spraying SNPV and HNPV @ 0.2g/l of water and Spinosad (Success 2.5SC) @ 1.2ml/l of water was found effective for controlling borer complex of chilli. A long-term pest population decrease is not achieved through only spraying chemical insecticides. In contrast, mass trapping with pheromone lures along with different bio-pesticides are eco-friendly, inexpensive, reliable and it facilitates the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) concept.

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Chilli (Capsicum frutescens L.) is an important income generating spices crop in Bangladesh. Among the different important spices crops, chilli is one of them and green chillies are important source of antioxidants which can protect our body from free radical damage and it gives us natural immunity to cancer. Green chilli slows down the ageing process providing huge amount of vitamin A and C. About two lakh thirty one thousand seventy seven acres of land is cultivated in Bangladesh every year both summer and winter and about one lakh two thousand two hundred fifty one tons dry chillies are produced (BBS, 2014). Among the major chilli growing areas in Bangladesh, Jamalpur is one of them. Only the farmers of Madargonj Upazilla cultivate local “Baliguri” variety in 3000-3500 ha area of land among seven Upazillas of Jamalpur district. Recently a lot of problems are faced by the farmers to cultivate chilli. Different insect pests contribute to lower productivity of chilli. Upward and downward leaf curling due to infestation of different sucking insect pests caused 60-80% economic yield loss qualitatively (Ghosh et al., 2009). Major constraints for chilli production are various sucking insect pests like mite, thrips, jassid, aphids and some borer complex (Spodoptera litura and Helicoverpa armigera) (Kambrekar, 2013). Now Spodoptera litura is a burning issue and extremely serious pest in chilli. Females lay 1000-2000 eggs in egg masses of 100- 300 underneath leaves between 2 and 5 days after emergence. Farmers spray different insecticides frequently for controlling this pest without any preharvest interval and it causes pest resistance, resurgence and environmental health hazard.

Resistance to some selected newer insecticides along with organophosphorus, carbamate and pyrethroids groups in Spodoptera litura caused sporadic out breaks and drastically failure of the crop (Ahmad, 2004., Saleem, 2008., Ahmad et al., 2008., Hong et al., 2013 and Shad et al., 2012). It is becoming a threat to the chilli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, aroids, jute etc. Insect pests of chilli can be managed effectively, economically and eco-friendly through the integration of different IPM components. Very few research works have been done to solve these problem although chilli production is hampered due to insect infestation.

Under these circumstances, in order to promote the supply of safe chilli for both domestic and export market, IPM technology needs to be developed. Major emphasis is urgently needed to find out the appropriate management approaches through biocontrol agents, bio-pesticides, other mechanical and cultural practices to ensure safe food security and socio economic development of char land people through IPM approach for chilli production


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