Nahid Sultana, Abul Kashem, and Rajia Sultana, from the different institute of the Bangladesh . wrote a research article about, Proximate Composition of Native Catfish (Mystus cavasius) Fed Protein-Rich Poultry Offal Feed in Captivity. entitled, Determination of proximate composition of native catfish (Mystus cavasius) fed with poultry offal’s protein rich formulated feed in captive condition.This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB).an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences . under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | NNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of poultry offal feed on the body composition of Gulsha fish (Mystus cavasius) using four treatments and three replications for 60 days. Using AOAC method, dry matter (DM), moisture, crude protein (CP), crude fat (CF), and total ash were measured during experimental trial in a laboratory setting to assess the changes of proximate composition of Gulsha fish fed on four different poultry offal formulated feeds viz., Diet-1 (30% FM+0% POM); Diet-2 (20% FM+10 POM); Diet-3 (10% FM+20 POM), and Diet-4 (0% FM+30% POM). In dry matter basis, mean value of dry matter, moisture, crude protein, total ash and crude fat of fingerlings Gulsha were found to be 24.7%,75.3%, 63.27%, 10.6%, and 10.56%, respectively. After culturing with different formulated diets, the mean value of dry matter, moisture, crude protein, total ash and crude fat were found to be diet1 (23.53%, 76.47%, 67.22%, 10.58%, 12.09%), diet2 (22.63%, 77.37%, 71.17%, 10.16%, 12.38), diet3 (22.97%, 77.03%, 68.17%, 10.1%, 11.30%), and diet4 (23.02%, 76.97%, 65.32%, 10.24%,11.18&), respectively. The study found significant variation in proximate composition between fingerling Gulsha and cultured with formulated diets. Diet-2 had the highest protein content (71.17%), moisture content (77.37%), and fat content (higher in diet-2 compared to fingerling). The result suggests that feeding Gulsha with protein-rich poultry offal formulated fish feed as an alternative to fishmeal.
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Bangladesh has South Asia's largest flooded wetland and diverse aquatic biodiversity. Fisheries region benefits from open water resources, diverse aquatic life, but faces wetland depletion (Shamsuzzaman,2017). Bangladesh's fisheries sector is diverse, with265 species in freshwater and 475 species in marine water. Annual production is 30,616 MT and fish contributes 60% to the nation's animal protein intake(DoF, 2010). Fisheries play a crucial role in nutrition, economic development, and foreign exchange earnings, accounting for 7% employment, 3.74% GDP,and 22.23% agricultural value addition (DoF, 2022).The sector has also occupied 1.28 million fisherman and 4.23 million fish farmers (DoF, 2022).
Gulsha, (Mystus cavasius), a popular fresh water catfish in Bangladesh, is a slurid species with a rich nutrient value (Hossain et al., 2015) despite habitat destruction and human activities. Feed plays a vital for aquaculture growth and production. Fish feed ensures food safety and efficient growth for various fish species (Thorarinsdottir et al., 2011).Economically productive aquaculture systems requirel ow-cost, high nutrition feeds (Akiyama et al. 1988).Poultry offal meal (POM) is a low-cost alternative animal protein source with 57-65.5% crude protein(Redoy et al., 2021). Aquaculture feeds primarily use fishmeal for protein but limited supply makes its paringly needed (Bureau et al. 1999). Alternative fish diets should include essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals for growth, health, and financial success (Thompson et al. 2012). Poultry offal is an economical substitute for fishmeal, providing essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and a high protein level. It is also relatively free of cost, making it a great alternative to fishmeal in aquadiets (Alofa & Abou, 2010; Giri et al., 2010). Around half of its 126 million citizens live in deprivation, and half of children below six show chronic malnutrition(BBS, 2004). Nutritionists and food scientists believe that better health can be ensured through increased fish production, as fish muscle contains all necessary nutrient components for human body maintenance(Borgstrom, 1962). Fish protein is highly digestible and contains all essential amino acids, making it a suitable choice for human consumption (Nowshad,2007). Proximate composition is the estimation of moisture, protein, fat, and ash components in fresh fish, accounting for 96-98% of total tissue constituents (Nowshad, 2007).
This assessment is crucial for nutritive value, processing, and preservation (Me, S.,1962). Prote in, fat, and water content are important for consumers, scientists, and manufacturers, as they determine energy content (Mridha et al., 2005; Murray et al.,1992). Fish composition and size vary depending on life history demands. The study was examined to determine the factors affecting on energy content in commercial and hand-made fish meals.
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