Soil Examination and Measurement in Tehsil Takht-e-Nasrati, Pakistan I InformativeBD

Soil examination and Measurement of Tehsil Takht-e-Nasrati, Pakistan

Musharaf Khan, Farrukh Hussain , Shahana Musharaf , Abid Salim Haider, and  Imdadullah, from the different institute of the Pakistan. wrote a research article about, Soil Examination and Measurement in Tehsil Takht-e-Nasrati, Pakistan. entitled, Soil examination and Measurement of Tehsil Takht-e-Nasrati, Pakistan. This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB). an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences . under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher. 


A study was conducted to assess the physical and chemical condition of soil in Tehsil Takht-e-Nasrati District Karak, Pakistan. The result shows that the high extent of sand 72 %, clay 52 % and silt 33 % was found high in southern area of Bogara Shahidan Banda and Jarassi respectively. The sandy clay loamy soil was found in phase 1 and 2 where phases 3 and 4 were composed of sandy clay soil. Communally the area was found sandy clay soil. The low (23.63 g. Kg-1) and high quantity (28 g. Kg-1) of soil organic matter was there in phase 4 and 3 respectively. Lime content value was high 248 g.Kg-1 in Siraj Khel while low value 58 g. Kg-1 in Chokara. The lowest value of electrical conductivity 0.14 dS m-1 was found in site Jahangeri Banda and high value 0.34 dS m-1 in Warana. The result shows that the high PH 8.13 was also found in the WM and low pH (6.06) in Jarassi. The amount of Phosphorus 3.86 mg. Kg-1 and Potassium 147.76 mg. Kg-1 was high rate in Ambiri Kala and Siraj Khel while it’s low 3.13 mg. Kg-1 in SJ and 98.89 mg. Kg-1 in Zarki Nasrati respectively. It is necessary for the people of the area to analyze the soil for their use in each year and seasons as the soil of area changes by wind and water erosion. The area is semi arid so during rainy season the chemical component of the area may be change due the dissolving of chemical material in universal solvent and the activity of microbial community structure.

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Read moreTemporal and Structural Relations in Hevea brasiliensis: Indicators of Bark and Latex Vessel Maturity |InformativeBD


The soil is a compound structure consisting of different raw material, gases, organic and inorganic molecules in different structure with different properties and characteristics. Water is present in the pore of soil particles which dissolve the organic and inorganic molecules for use of plants. Soil present key role in environmental, economic and community functions as a basic natural origin. It is nonrenewable in human time scales. High quality soils not only help establish natural ecosystems and enhance air and water quality but also produce better food and fiber. (Griffiths et al., 2010). It is reported that the main factors influencing soil fertility at field scale are differences in fertilization, cropping system and farming practices (Liu et al., 2010). Informative spatial changeability of soil fertility and its influencing factors are important to improve sustainable land use strategies (Qi et al., 2009). Quality of soil fertility is influenced by both land use and soil management practices and varies spatially from field to larger region scale (Sun et al., 2003). Soil quality has been defined as the capability of the soil to function within ecosystem and land use boundaries to, maintain biological productivity, environmental quality and promote plant, animal and human health (Doran et al., 1996). Important indicators of soil quality are nutrient balances and soil fertility changes (Jansen et al., 1995). Maximum plant growth requires the natural capacity of a soil to provide plant nutrients in sufficient amount, forms, and in suitable proportions is soil fertility (Von Uexkuell, 1988). Some studies were also taken concerning soil quality at regional scale in world through Fida et al., (2011), Jin et al., (2011), Darilek et al., (2009), Wang et al., (2009), Zhang et al., (2007), Liu et al., (2006), Amare et al., (2005) and Samaké et al., (2005).


Amare H, Joerg P, Edzo V, Demil T, Jan PL. 2005. Assessment of soil nutrient depletion and its spatial variability on smallholders’ mixed farming systems in Ethiopia using partial versus full nutrient balances. Agr. Ecosyst. Environ 108 (1), 1-16.

Bach EM, Baer SG, Meyer C K, Six J. 2010. Soil texture affects soil microbial and structural recovery during grassland restoration, Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42 (12), 2182-2191.

Bouyoucos GJ. 1962. Hydrometer method improved for making particle-size analysis of soils. Agron. J., 53, 464-465.

Darilek JL, Huang B, Wang ZG, Qi YB, Zhao YC, Sun WX, Gu ZQ, Shi XZ. 2009. Changes in soil fertility parameters and the environmental effects in a rapidly developing region of China. Agr. Ecosyst. Environ 129 (1-3), 286-292.

Doran JW, Sarrantonio M, Liebig MA. 1996. Soil health and sustainability. Adv. Agron. 56, 1-54.

Fida M, Khan S, Razzaq A, Nawaz I, Haq I. 2011. Fertility status of guava orchards in Kohat District of Pakistan. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management 3(9), 260-268.

Gee GW, Bauder JW. 1986. “Particle-size Analysis.” Method of Soil Analysis, p. 20-22.

Griffiths BS, Ball BC, Daniell TJ, Hallett PD, Neilson R,Wheatley RE, Osler G, Bohanec M. 2010. Integrating soil quality changes to arable agricultural systems following organic matter addition, or adoption of a ley-arable rotation. Appl. Soil Ecol. 46(1), 43-53.

Hu KL, Li H, Li BG, Huang YF. 2007. Spatial and temporal patterns of soil organic matter in the urban-rural transition zone of Beijing. Geoderma 141, 302-310.

Huang B, Sun WX, Zhao YC, Zhu J, Yang RQ, Zou Z, Ding F, Su JP. 2007. Temporal and spatial variability of soil organic matter and total nitrogen in an agricultural ecosystem as affected by farming practices. Geoderma 139(3-4), 336-345.

Hussain F. 1989. Field and Laboratory Manual of Plant Ecology. University Grants Commission, Islamabad.

Jackson MA. 1992. Soil Chemical Analysis. Constable and Co, Ltd., London.

Jin J, Xu Y, Ye H, Shen C, Huang Y. 2011. Effect of land use and soil management practices on soil fertility quality in North China cities’ urban fringe. African Journal of Agricultural Research 6(9), 2059-2065.

Liu E, Yan CY, Mei XR, He WQ, Bing SH, Ding LP, Liu Q, Liu S, Fan TL. 2010. Long-term effect of chemical fertilizer, straw, and manure on soil chemical and biological properties in northwest China. Geoderma 158, 173-180.

Liu N, Li XJ, Zhao GX, Yu KQ, Ma XY. 2006. Evaluation of soil quality in the Yellow River Delta based on GIS (in Chinese with English Abstract).Chinese J. Soil Sci. 37(6), 1053-1057.

Qi YB, Darilek JL, Huang B, Zhao YC, Sun WX, Gu ZQ. 2009. Evaluating soil quality indices in an agricultural region of Jiangsu Province, China. Geodema, 149(3-4), 325-334.

Samake O, Smaling EMA, Kropff MJ, Stomph TJ, Kodio A. 2005. Effect of cultivation practices on spatial variation of soil fertility and millet yields in the Sahel of Mali. Agr. Ecosyst. Environ 109 (3-4), 335-345.

Soltanpour PN. 1985. Use of ammonium bicarbonate-DTPA soil test to evaluate elemental availability and toxicity. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal 16, 322-328.

Sun B, Zhou SL, Zhao QG. 2003. Evaluation of spatial and temporal changes of soil quality based on geostatistical analysis in the hill region of subtropical China. Geoderma 115, 85-99.

Von Uexkuell HR. 1988. Nutrient cycling in soil management and smallholder development in the Pacific Islands.In: IBSRAM (InternationalBoard for Soil Research and Management) Proceedings. Bangkok, p. 21.

Wang YQ, Zhang XC, Huang CQ. 2009. Spatial variability of soil total nitrogen and soil total phosphorus under different land uses in a small watershed on the Loess Plateau, China.Geoderma 150(1-2), 141- 149.

Zhang XY, Sui YY, Zhang YD, Meng K, Herbert SJ. 2007. Spatial variability of nutrient properties in Black soil of Northeast China. Pedosphere 17(1), 19-29.

SourceSoil examination and Measurement of Tehsil Takht-e-Nasrati, Pakistan   

Temporal and Structural Relations in Hevea brasiliensis: Indicators of Bark and Latex Vessel Maturity | InformativeBD

Temporal and structural relations within bark and trunk in Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae): Physiological maturity index of bark and latex vessels

Samuel Obouayeba, Eric Francis Soumahin, Koffi Mathurin Okoma, Angelo Evariste Badou N’guessan, Lancina Fanlégué Coulibaly , Kouablan Edmond Koffi, and Régis Lacote, from the different institute of the Côte d’Ivoire. wrote a research article about,Temporal and Structural Relations in Hevea brasiliensis: Indicators of Bark and Latex Vessel Maturity. entitled,Temporal and structural relations within bark and trunk in Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae): Physiological maturity index of bark and latex vessels.This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB)an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences . under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher. 


In Africa and particularly in Côte d’Ivoire, the exploitation of Hevea brasiliensis clones having strong vegetative growth based on the criterion of vigour adopted so far has raised physiological and physical problems characterized by a high rate of tapping panel dryness and wind damage. A study was conducted on three clones of Hevea brasiliensis (PB 235, GT 1 and PR 107) belonging respectively to classes of fast, moderate and slow vegetative growth, in order to determine the right moment for an exploitation which would minimize those drawbacks. Trunk measurements, bark collecting and histological sections followed by laticifers counting made on rubber trees aged from one to fifteen years, have enabled to describe the process of establishment of bark and laticifers. The intensity of development and thickening of the bark and the rate of laticifer emission are described respectively by distinct hyperbolic and logistic sigmoid functions. However, their temporal evolution is strongly marked by an irreversible decrease of the whole process of formation, whatever the clone, from six years after planting. Furthermore, the density of laticifers per mm2 switches, whatever the clone studied, from a number greater than 5, the first six years (5-8 < Δlv <2) to 0.35 the next 25 years (2 < Δlv < 0.4). This evolution which is very significant the first six years varies relatively little the rest of time. These results show sixyears after planting a major phenologic phenomenon, like a physiological maturity, which occurs within the tree. This study has allowed identifying good indicators for determining the age and/or the time when plantations should be tapped in Hevea brasiliensis. These relationships have certain and practical interests insofar as they will allow to determine the maturity ofexploitation for plantations which age is unknown by using only a bark gauge to measure bark thickness and a measuring tape to measure the girth.

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Read more Fragrance Gene Identification in Elite Rice Lines from Himalayan Foothills | InformativeBD


The animal and/or plant living kingdom is governed by a certain number of relations whom knowledge allows to better exploit the potentialities of that kingdom. Rubber tree is not an exception to that rule, all the more since its yielding mode is particular from the other vegetables from which yielding are fruits, tubers, roots (Templeton, 1969). Moreover, in that species, maturity is not exteriorized; at least, it’s not obvious. Rational and optimal exploitation of Hevea brasiliensis require so, more than in the major part of its homologous of the plant kingdom, knowledge and control of the setting and functioning of the main organs involved in the processing of cis-polyisoprene, the source of natural rubber production (Jacob et al., 1988; Sekha, 1989), the main resource expected from rubber tree cultivation.

Therefore, every part of rubber tree (roots, trunk, branches and leaves) is concerned by these investigations, as laticifers are found in these organs at any age (Meunier, 1912; Bobilioff, 1923; Riches and Gooding, 1952; Dickenson, 1969; Gomez, 1982, 1975; Hébant and Fay, 1980). However, the works of Bobilioff (1923), Gomez (1982), Gomez (1975) and Compagnon (1986) have shown that the trunk of rubber tree (2.50 m above the ground) is the part which has the highest latex extraction yield and which is easier to manage. The presence of latex at any age in the bark of the trunk rises up the problem of the ideal moment to start tapping. This tapping moment put on appearance an important character as Gomez (1975) has shown that laticifers switch from juvenility to old age, via maturity. But as rubber yielding is highly energy and photosynthetate demanding (Le Bras, 1953; Templeton, 1969; Wycherley, 1976), the exploitation of the rubber-producing tissue should be made, without damage on the physiological state of the trees, only at maturity of this tissue and laticifers that it bears. Indeed, the current criterion for first tapping that is, arbitrary and based on vigour (Compagnon, 1986) and which allow, to exploit rubber trees having 50 cm girth at one meter above the ground level has some deficiencies. Fast-growing clones (PB 235, IRCA 18, etc.) show physico-physiological constraints, such as dry tapping panel dryness and wind damage (Premakumari, 1991; CIRAD-CP, 1993, Obouayeba and Boa, 1993; Jacob et al., 1994; Dian 1993; Dian et al., 1995) more important than those of moderate-growing or slow-growing clones (GT 1, PB 217, PR 107, etc.). The recent works of Obouayeba et al., (2000a) shown that fast-growing clones are precociously exploited (tapped). But Templeton (1969), Gohet (1996) have already indicated that precocious exploitation is prejudicial to further productions. Indeed, precocity in tapping provokes a strong reduction in radial vegetative growth during tapping (Obouayeba and Boa, 1993; Obouayeba et al., 2002), and a high rate of tapping panel dryness (Dian, 1993), Dian et al. (1995) leading to less and less sustained yielding from the 5th exploitation campaign (Templeton, 1969; Ouattara, 1998).

The research of criteria more relevant than the current one becomes then necessary; and is justified. Indeed, Obouayeba et al. (2000a,b) have already determined the age, notably the tapping at 6 years after planting as the criterion susceptible to solve this problem (Obouayeba et al., 2002). Furthermore, it is not excluded that some relations, between time and structural organs of the trunk can also contribute to elucidate the problem, allowing thus to determine, for an unknown age, the maturity of the bark and/or those organs.

To solve this problem and make the exploitation of rubber tree more efficient, a study on some structural and temporal relations at the level of the bark and trunk of rubber tree has been carried out. The present paper sums up the results of this study which concerned three clones of Hevea brasiliensis; PB 235; GT 1 and PR 107, grown on the whole rubber cultivation area of Côte d’Ivoire.


Bobilioff W. 1923. Anatomy and Physiology of Hevea brasiliensis. Part I Anatomy of Hevea brasiliensis. Art. Orell Fussli Zurich, p. 141.

Carron MP, Enjalric L, Lardet L, Deschamps A. 1989. Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.). In Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, vol. 5, Trees II (ed. by Y. P. S. Bajaj).

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Gomez JB. 1983. Physiology of Latex (Rubber) Production, Malaysian Rubber Research and Board (MRRDB), Monograph n°8, Kuala Lumpur, p. 117.

Gomez JB. 1982. Anatomy of Hevea and its influence on latex production, Malaysian Rubber Research and Board (MRRDB), Monograph n°7, Kuala Lumpur, p. 76.

Gomez JB. 1975. Comparative ultracytology of young and mature latex vessels in Hevea brasiliensis. Proceedings of International Rubber Conference, Kuala Lumpur October 1975, vol. 2, 143-163.

Hallé F, Martin R. 1968. Etude de la croissance rythmique chez l’Hévéa (Hevea brasiliensis Müll.-Arg. Euphorbiacées-Crotonoïdées). Edition Adansonia, ser. 2, 8 (4), 475-503.

Hébant C, Devic C, De Fay E. 1981. Organisation fonctionnelle du tissu producteur de l’Hevea brasiliensis. Revue Générale des Caoutchoucs et Plastiques 614, 97-100.

Hébant C, De Fay E. 1980. Functional organisation of the bark of Hevea brasiliensis (rubber tree): a structural and histoenzymological study. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie 97, 391-398.

Heller R. 1990. Abrégé de physiologie végétale, Tome 2. Développement, Ed. 4, Masson, p. 266.

Hénon JM. 1984. Recherche de critères anatomiques de sélection précoce chez Hevea brasiliensis Thèse de doctorat 3e cycle en Agronomie Option Phytotechnie, p. 178.

Hénon JM. 1980. Fondements théoriques et pratiques d’une étude histophysiologique de l’appareil producteur (laticifères et éléments associés du système secondaire) de l’Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. Mémoire de D.E.A.

Ho CT. 1975. Clonal characters determining the yield of Hevea brasiliensis. Proceedings of International Rubber Conference, Kuala Lumpur October 1975, vol. 2, 27-37.

Le Bras J. 1953. Eléments de Science et de technologie du caoutchouc. Institut Français du Caoutchouc. Société d’éditions techniques coloniales, Paris.

Meunier A. 1912. L’appareil laticifère des caoutchoutiers. Imprimerie Ind. et Fin., Bruxelles, p. 51.

Obouayeba S, Boa D,  Aké S, Lacrotte R. 2002. Influence of age and girth at opening on growth and productivity of Hevea. Indian Journal of Natural Rubber Research, 15 (1), 66-71.

Obouayeba S, Boa D, Aké S. 2000b. Critical age, Bark growth and latex vessel formation as attributes for determination of tapping norms. Indian Journal of Natural Rubber Research, 13(1 & 2), 38-45.

Obouayeba S, Boa D, Gohet E, Dian K, Ouattara N, Keli J. 2000a. Dynamics of vegetative growth of Hevea brasiliensis in the determination of tapping norms. Journal of Rubber Research, 3 (1), 53-62.

Ouattara N. 1998. Contribution à la détermination d’une norme de mise en saignée d’Hevea brasiliensis en Côte d’Ivoire : cas du clone GT 1. Mémoire de fin d’études pour l’obtention du Diplôme d’Agronomie Approfondie (D.A.A). Option production végétale (Agronomie), p. 33.

Premakumari D, Panikkar AON. 1992. Natural rubber: Anatomy and Ultracytology of latex vessels. In: Crop Science, n° 23, Elsevier (Amsterdam), 67-87.

Schultes RE. 1987. Studies in the Genus Hevea. VIII. Notes on Infraspecific variants of Hevea brasiliensis (Euphorbiaceae). Economic Botany, 41(2), 125-147.

Schultes RE. 1977. Wild Hevea: an untapped source of germplasm, Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, 54, 227-257.

Schultes RE.1970. The history of taxonomic studies in Hevea, Botanical Review 36, 197-211.

Templeton JK. 1969. Partition of assimilates. Journal of Rubber Research Institute of Malaya 21, 259-273.

Sekhar AC. 1989. Growth, availability and present status. In: Rubber wood production and utilization. The Rubber Research Institute of India, Kottayam 686 009, Rubber Board, Ministry of Commerce and Supply, Government of India, p. 3-5.

Thomas V, Premakumari D, Reghu CP, Panikkar AON, Saraswathy ACK. 1995. Anatomical and histochemical aspects of bark regeneration in Hevea brasiliensis. Annals of Botany Compagny, 75, 421-426.

Webster CC, Paardekooper EC. 1989. The botany of the rubber tree. In Webster, C. C. And Baulkwill, W. J. (eds) Rubber, 57-84.

Wycherley PR. 1976. Tapping and partition J. Rubb. Res. Inst. Malaysia, 24(4), 169-194.


Fragrance Gene Identification in Elite Rice Lines from Himalayan Foothills | InformativeBD

Identification of fragrance gene in some elite advance lines of rice cultivated in foothills of the Himalayas

Hamid Ali, Fida Muhammad Abbasi, Habib Ahmad, Aziz-Ud-Din, Abzar, Abdullah Khan,, Muhammad Abid Khan, Irfan Ullah, Aqib Zeb, and Adnan Sarwar, from the different institute of the Pakistan. wrote a research article about, Fragrance Gene Identification in Elite Rice Lines from Himalayan Foothills. entitled, Identification of fragrance gene in some elite advance lines of rice cultivated in foothills of the Himalayas.This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB).an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences . under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher. 


A molecular survey was conducted for the screening of fragrance (fgr) gene in some elite advance lines of rice developed by Dr. Fida Muhammad Abbasi, Professor at Department of Genetics Hazara University Mansehra. Sequence Tag Site (STS) marker RG 28L was used in this study that amplified 140 and 120 bp fragment in fragrant and non-fragrant genotypes, respectively. Among the cultivated varieties Basmati-385 and Swat-1 showed the presence of fgr gene (140 bp amplicon) while IRBB59, JP-5, Fakhre Malakand, and IR24 were lacking this gene. Among the advance lines 12 genotypes showed the presence of fgr gene (140), two genotypes (NPT-86 and Line 36) were segregating while the remaining 16 genotypes were lacking this gene. Grain length of genotypes was also measured that ranges from 4.67 t0 8.10 mm. On the basis of grain length the genotypes were categorized into short, medium, long and extra-long. In this study 4 genotypes possessed extra-long, 17 long, 13 medium and only 2 have short grains.

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Read more :  Length-Weight Relationships of Anodontia edentula in Surigao City Mangroves | InformativeBD


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a staple food for more than half of the world's population (Marathi et al., 2012). In rice physical grain quality plays an important role in consumer preference. Juliano and Duff (1991) concluded that improvement of physical grain quality is the second major objective of rice breeding programs after yield in many rice producing countries of the world. The physical grain quality of rice is a complex trait that is composed of many components such as appearance quality, cooking quality, eating quality and nutritional quality. Each one of these components also consists of many attributes whose values are determined not only by their physiochemical properties but also by the history and cultural traditions of the people in the human communities who consume the rice (Tan et al., 1999). One of the most valuable traits in high-quality rice is aroma or fragrance, which is important for consumer preference and global trade (Singh et al., 2000). Fragrant rice emits specific scent in the fields at the time of flowering, at harvesting, in storage, during milling, cooking and eating. Economically, it possesses an extraordinary position in the global business sector because of its pronounced, pleasant and unique scent and mouth feeling taste after cooking. Fragrant rice is preferred over non-fragrant rice due to special occasions and for export, and thus they command a higher market price. A better understanding of the factors that contribute to the overall grain quality of rice will lay the foundation for developing new breeding and selection strategies for combining high quality, with high yield. This is necessary to meet the growing global demand for high quality rice while offering producing countries additional opportunities for generating higher export revenues.

Pakistan is famous for exporting high quality basmati rice but rice yield is stagnant from the previous few decades. Dr. Fida Muhammad Abbasi Professor at Department of Genetics, Hazara University Mansehra Pakistan has developed advance lines of rice in order to break yield stagnation. These lines are high yielding but their physical grain quality has not been properly assessed, therefore the present study was being proposed with the aims to identify fragrance (fgr) gene in these advance lines.


Ahn SN, Bollich CN, Tanksley SD. 1992. RFLP tagging of a gene for aroma in rice. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 84(7-8), 27-32.

Bradbury LM, Henry RJ, Jin Q, Reinke RF, Waters DL. 2005. A perfect marker for fragrance genotyping in rice. Molecular Breeding 16(4), 279-283.

Cordeiro   GM,   Christopher   MJ,   Henry   RJ, Reinke RF. 2002.  Identification  of  microsatellite markers for fragrance in rice by analysis of the rice genome sequence. Molecular Breeding 9(4), 245-250.

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Dong Y, Tsuzuki E, Terao H. 2001.  Trisomic genetic analysis of aroma in three Japanese native rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.). Euphytica 117(3), 191-196.

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Khush GS, Paule CM, De la Cruz NM. 1978. Rice grain quality evaluation and improvement at IRRI. In Proceedings of the workshop on chemical aspects of rice grain quality.

Marathi B, Guleria S, Mohapatra T, Parsad R, Mariappan N, Kurungara VK, Singh AK. 2012. QTL analysis of novel genomic regions associated with yield and yield related traits in new plant type based recombinant inbred lines of rice (Oryza sativa L.). BMC plant biology 12(1), 137.

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Shomura A, Izawa T, Ebana K, Ebitani T, Kanegae H, Konishi S, Yano M. 2008. Deletion in a gene associated with grain size increased yields during rice domestication. Nature genetics 40(8), 1023-1028.

Singh RK, Singh US, Khush GS, Rohilla R, Singh JP, Singh G, Shekhar KS. 2000. Small and medium grained aromatic rices of India. Aromatic rices. Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, 155-177.

Song XJ, Huang W, Shi M, Zhu MZ, Lin HX. 2007. A QTL for rice grain width and weight encodes a previously unknown RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligase. Nature genetics 39(5), 623-630.

Tan YF, Li JX, Yu SB, Xing YZ, Xu CG, Zhang Q. 1999. The three important traits for cooking and eating quality of rice grains are controlled by a single locus in an elite rice hybrid, Shanyou 63. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 99(3-4), 642-648.

Tanchotikul U, Hsieh TCY. 1991. An improved method for quantification of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline a popcorn-like aroma, in aromatic rice by high resolution gas chromatography/ selected ion monitoring. J. Agric. Food Chem. 39, 944-947.

Wang E, Wang J, Zhu X, Hao W, Wang L, Li Q, He Z. 2008. Control of rice grain-filling and yield by a gene with a potential signature of domestication. Nature genetics 40(11), 1370-1374.

Weng J, Gu S, Wan X, Gao H, Guo T, Su N, Wan J. 2008. Isolation and initial characterization of GW5, a major QTL associated with rice grain width and weight.

Source :Identification of fragrance gene in some elite advance lines of rice cultivated in foothills of the Himalayas

Length-Weight Relationships of Anodontia edentula in Surigao City Mangroves | InformativeBD

Length – Weight Relationships of Anodontia edentula from Mangrove Habitats of Surigao City, Philippines

Louella Sajol-Degamon, and Eve V. Fernandez-Gamalinda, from the different institute of the Philippines. wrote a research article about, Length-Weight Relationships of Anodontia edentula in Surigao City Mangroves . entitled, Length – Weight Relationships of Anodontia edentula from Mangrove Habitats of Surigao City, Philippines.This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB).an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences . under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


The study was conducted to assess the length-weight relationships of Anodontia edentula from mangrove habitats of Surigao City, Philippines. A total of 180 individual clam species used to determine the relationships of shell length (SL), shell height (SH), and shell width (SW) with the total weight (TW) and soft-tissue weight (STW). The paired variables on SL-TW, SH-TW, SL-STW, and SH-STW showed positive allometric growth with b-values ranging from 3.1484 to 3.3798. The relationship of the shell width to the total weight (b=2.6402) and shell width to soft-tissue weight (b=2.7684) showed a negative allometric pattern indicating the growth in shell width is faster than its weight. It implies that the larger the species, the smaller its soft tissue. The highest correlation values recorded were in SH – TW (r2=0.9372), and SH – STW (r2=0.8701) relationships denote that shell height is a good weight growth estimator for A. edentula from the mangrove habitats of Surigao City, Philippines. Further studies along this line may be conducted for the conservation, management, and production of A. edentula species.

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Read more Red Dragon Fruit Peels: A Sustainable Corrosion Inhibitor in Acidic Conditions | InformativeBD


Mangroves play ecological importance to the ecosystem and an economic significance to coastal communities. They are essential in stabilizing and protecting shorelines from erosion as their root systems help induce current velocities and hold sediments (Selvam and Karunagaran, 2004; Yahya et al.,2018). They provide suitable refuge for various fishes and shellfishes (Ellison, 2012; Mendoza et al., 2019). Fisheries products from mangroves are essential for food security and income. Popular among these species are crustaceans and bivalve mollusks like Anodontia edentula (Primevera et al., 2002).

Anodontia edentula Linne 1758, a mangrove clam species, is locally known as “imbao” (Ryan, 2000) or “libo-o” (in Surigaonon dialect) belonging to Class Bivalvia, Order Veneroida, and Family Lucinidae (WoRMS, 2019). It inhabits 30 – 90 cm deep in the muddy bottom of mangrove areas or adjacent mudflats (Adan, 2000).

It is widespread in the Philippines (Poutiers, 1998; Primevera et al., 2002), and is ample in Visayas and Mindanao (Adan, 2000). It is one of the highly – prized shellfishes, which motivates fishermen to exploit the resources by widespread harvesting that has reportedly damaged mangrove stands (Walters, 1995). With the destruction and over-exploitation of mangroves that serve as home, the mangrove clam A. edentula declined in numbers (Dela and Junelyn, 2004; Enriquez et al., 2017). According to Garcia (1986), A. edentula and other Philippine bivalves of higher market value have become less available.

In the Northeastern part of Mindanao lies Surigao City, where some of its coastal areas covered with mangrove ecosystems providing habitats for mangrove clam species, Anodontia edentula. Locals collected these species as an essential source of food and livelihood. However, despite its attractive market value, some local middlemen and market vendors complained about the decreasing clam sizes and numbers. Collectors also whined on the physically grueling and risky ways of collecting (i.e., locating clams with bare feet, then digging them with bare hands) with a small catch.

With the economic importance of Anodontia edentula, the use of length–weight relationship (LWR) is essential in generating useful information for the assessment of the growth and production of species (Aban et al., 2017). Allometric relationship established through shell measurement is a nondestructive and straightforward method in estimating biomass and total flesh production (Ross and Lima, 1984). To evaluate soft-tissue growth in bivalve, the robustness between shell morphology and soft – tissue weight should be established (Gimin et al., 2004). Evaluation of relative (allometric) growth provides useful information to understand the development of organisms, as well as to aid in the management of fishery – exploited species (Turra et al., 2018). At present, a sufficiently fine scale of the biological data of A. edentula inhabiting the mangrove areas of Barangay Nabago is not yet available.

Thus, this study aimed to assess the length–weight relationship of Anodontia edentula from the mangrove habitats of Surigao City using the paired variables, such as (1) shell length and total weight; (2) shell height and total weight; (3) shell width and total weight; (4) shell length and soft tissue weight; (5) shell height and soft tissue weight; and, (6) shell width and soft tissue weight to provide baseline information of A. edentula growth pattern for management and conservation of the said bivalve species.


Aban SM, Argente FAT, Raguindin RS, Garcia AC, Ibarra CE, De Vera RB. 2017. Length–weight relationships of the Asian green mussel, Perna viridis (Linnaeus 1758) (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) population in Bolinao Bay, Pangasinan, Northern Philippines. PSU Journal of Natural and Allied Sciences 1(1), 1-6.

Adan RIY. 2000. Imbao, the mangrove clam. SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture 22(4), 22, 30.

Babaei MM, Sahafi HH, Ardalan AA, Ghaffari H, Abdollahi R. 2010. Morphometric relationship of weight and size of clam Amiantis umbonella L., 1818 (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in the eastern coasts of Bandar Abbas, Persian Gulf. Advances in Environmental Biology 4(3), 376-382.

Currey JD. 1988. Shell form and strength. In E.R. Trueman and M.R. Clarke (eds.). The Mollusca: Form and Function. Academic Press, London, 183-210.

Dela R, Junelyn S. 2004. Helping the mangrove clam spawn.

Ellison JC. 2012. Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning for Mangrove Systems. World Wildlife Fund (WWF): Washington, DC, USA, 142.

Elvira MV, Jumawan JC. 2017. Species abundance distribution of mud clam (Polymesoda erosa) in selected mangrove wetlands of Butuan Bay, Philippines. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 11(3), 1-6.

Enriquez AM, Macachor CP, Ramos CA. 2017. Mangrove clams Anodontia edentula in the coastal areas of Danao City and Carmen, Cebu, Philippines: Gender roles. Academia Journal of Biotechnology 5(6), 000-000.

Froese R. 2006. Cube law, condition factor and weight – length relationships: History, meta-analysis and recommendations. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22, 241 – 253.

Garcia R. 1986. Gastropods and Pelecypods. In: Garcia R., Natividad F. and Palpal-latoc V.S. (eds), Guide to Philippine Flora and FaunaVol.VI. Natural Resources Management Center, Ministry of Natural Resources and the University of the Philippines. Quezon City, Philippines, p 194–263.

Gaspar MB, Santos MN, Vasconcelos P, Monteiro CC. 2002. Shell morphometric relationships of the most common bivalve species (Mollusca: Bivalvia) of the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). Hydrobiologia 477, 73–80.

Gayanilo FC, Pauly D. 1997. FAO-ICLRM Fish Stock Assessment (FiSAT) Reference Manual. FAO Computerized Information Series (Fisheries) 8. Vol 2. FAO of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, p 265.

Gimin R, Mohan R, Thinh LV, Griffiths AD. 2004. The Relationship of Shell Dimensions and Shell Volume to Live Weight and Soft Tissue Weight in the Mangrove Clam, Polymesoda erosa (Solander, 1786) from Northern Australia. NAGA, WorldFish Center Quarterly 27(3&4), 32-35.

Huxley JS, Teissier G. 1936. Terminology of relative growth. Nature 137, 780–781.

Le Cren ED. 1951. The length-weight relationship and seasonal cycle in gonad weight and condition in the perch (Perca fluviatilis). The Journal of Animal Ecology 20, 201–219.

Mendoza DM, Mula MG, Baysa RP, Fabian RAM, Mula RP. 2019. Spatial density, size, growth and condition index of mangrove clam (Polymesoda erosa) in the estuarine portion of Pasak River, Sasmuan, Pampanga, Philippines. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 7(4), 258 – 262.

Miley NC, Bru N, Mahe K, Borie C, Amico FD.2012.Shell shape analysis and spatial allometry patterns of manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) in a mesotidal coastal lagoon. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Marine Biology. 2012.

Morey G, Moranta J, Massutı E, Grau A, Linde M, Riera F, Morales-Nin B. 2003. Weight– Length relationships of littoral to lower slope fishes from the western Mediterranean. Fisheries Research 62, 89–96.

Park KY, Oh CW. 2002. Length – weight relationship of bivalves from coastal waters of Korea. Naga, The ICLARM Quarterly 25(1), 21-22.

Perez DE, Santelli MB. 2018. Allometric shell growth in infaunal burrowing bivlaves: examples of the archiheterodonts Claibornicardia paleopatagonica (Ihering, 1903) and Crassatella kokeni inhering, 1899. Peer J 6, e5051.

Petetta A, Bargione G, Vasapollo C, Virgili M, Lucchetti A. 2019. Length–weight relationships of bivalve species in Italian razor clam Ensisminor (Chenu, 1843) (Mollusca: Bivalvia) fishery, The European Zoological Journal 86(1), 363-369,

Poutiers JM. 1998. Bivalves: Acephala, Lamellibranchia, Polycypoda. In The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Volume 1, Seaweed, Corals, Bivalves and Gastropods, edited by K. E., Carpenter, & V. H., Niem. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 123-362.

Primavera JH, Lebata MJHL, Gustilo LF, Altamirano JP. 2002. Collection of the clam Anodontia edentula in mangrove habitats in Panay and Guimaras, Central Philippines. Wetlands Ecology and Management 10, 363–370.

Ramesha MM, Sophia S. 2015. Morphometry, length – weight relationships and condition index of Parreysia favidens (Benson, 1862) (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from river Seeta in the Western Ghats, India. Indian Journal of Fisheries 62(1), 18-24.

Ross TK, Lima, GM. 1994. Measures of allometric growth: the relationships of shell length, shell height, and volume to ash-free dry weight in the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha Pallas and the quagga mussel, Dreissena bugensis Andrusov. Proc. The Fourth Inter. Zebra Mussel Conf. Madison,Wisconsin.

Selvam V, Karunagaran VM. 2004. Ecology and Biology of Mangroves: Orientation Guide. M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, India. p 7-60.

Sokal RR, Rohlf FJ. 1987. Introduction to Biostatistics. 2nd ed. New York: Freeman.

Surigao City Ecological Profile, Turra A, Corte GN, Amaral ACZ, Yokoyama LQ, Denadai MR. 2018. Non-linear curve adjustments widen biological interpretation of relative growth analyses of the clam Tivela mactroides (Bivalvia, Veneridae). Peer J 6, e5070.

Walters BB. 1995. People policies and resources: mangrove restoration and conservation in the Bais Bay Basin Negros Oriental and wider Philippine context. In: Juinio-Men˜ez M.A. and New kirk G.F. (eds), Fourth Annual Common Property Conference, Manila, Philippines, 16-19 June 1993. Coastal Resources Research Network, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, p 151–165.

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Yahya N, Idris I, Rosli NS, Bachok Z. 2018. Population dynamics of mangrove clam, Geloina expansa (Mousson, 1849) (Mollusca, Bivalvia) in a Malaysian mangrove system of South China Sea. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. 13(5).

SourceLength – Weight Relationships of Anodontia edentula from Mangrove Habitats of Surigao City, Philippines


Red Dragon Fruit Peels: A Sustainable Corrosion Inhibitor in Acidic Conditions | InformativeBD

Red Dragon Fruit (Selenicereus costaricensis) Waste Peels as Corrosion Inhibitor: Adsorption and Thermodynamic Studies in Acidic Environment

Romulo R. Macadangdang JR,from the different institute of the Philippines. wrote a research article about, Red Dragon Fruit Peels: A Sustainable Corrosion Inhibitor in Acidic Conditions. entitled, Red Dragon Fruit (Selenicereus costaricensis) Waste Peels as Corrosion Inhibitor: Adsorption and Thermodynamic Studies in Acidic Environment.This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB).an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences . under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Metal corrosion is brought about by the oxidation of atoms on the surface, resulting in irreversible damage to structures at staggering costs. Hence, the search for efficient and cost-effective corrosion inhibitors is relevant. Waste agricultural by-products which have no food or economic value serve as good potential sources for these environmentally benign corrosion inhibitors. Ethanolic extracts of Red Dragon Fruit (RDF) have been previously reported to contain high amounts of flavonoids and polyphenols, which can manifest inhibitory activity against corrosion brought about by aggressive electrolytes. In this study, the ethanolic extract of Selenicereus costaricensis waste peels was tested for its anti-corrosion property using weight loss method. We have also probed its performance as a potential corrosion inhibitor at a range of different temperatures from 303 to 343 K. The calculated inhibition efficiency of 2% RDF was 97%. Thermodynamic studies reveal that increasing inhibitor concentration raises the activation parameters of mild steel in an acidic medium such as activation energy (Ea) and changes in enthalpy (DHo) and entropy (DSo). It was found that the corrosion inhibition process using RDF waste peel extract mainly occurs under diffusion control. Moreover, increased immersion time, inhibitor concentration, and temperature led to increased inhibition efficiency. The spontaneous process (DGoads = -23.47 kJ/mol) of adsorption of RDF on mild steel surfaces obeys the Langmuir isotherm model.

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Read moreStanding Biomass and Litter-Fall in Reforested Mangroves of Douala-Edea National Park, Cameroon | InformativeBD


Corrosion is characterized by the degeneration of surfaces in a particular environment or condition (Sedik et al., 2020). In fact, corrosion imposes a global problem where everyone is concerned because it directly affects the big and small companies and economies of countries. This chemical reaction is a combination of oxidation and reduction processes and has various detrimental effects on infrastructure, resources and art and comes with serious financial implications. Metals, such as mild steel, are of huge value in the industry, whether small-scale or largescale and in the household. However, when mild steel is exposed to atmospheric oxygen and numerous gases and chemicals, it tends to corrode, which leads to contamination, safety issues and reduction in efficiency (Prashad et al., 2020). The latter is just an example wherein metal, a non-renewable resource, is wasted, which can even lead to the scarcity of metal someday. The need for a low-cost, environmentfriendly, and efficient corrosion inhibitor should be addressed.

Since corrosion is a natural phenomenon, metals will just corrode over time, especially if they are left without any maintenance, preventive coatings, or corrosion inhibitors. Several corrosion inhibitors such as novel triazole derivatives (Nahle et al.,2021), Schiff base compounds (Al-Amiery et al., 2021), alkylimidazolium ionic liquids (Hajjaji et al., 2021), and macrocylic polyether compounds (Paul et al., 2021), plant extracts (Akinbumulo et al., 2020; Deghani et al., 2020; Ogunleye et al., 2020; Hague et al., 2021) have been reported. Among these known corrosion inhibitors, particular interest is pointed to plant extracts as these require facile and green extraction processes.

Selenicereus contaricensis, locally known as red dragon fruit (RDF) has peels characterized by bright red color and no food value (Fig.1). The bright red pigment in RDF was reported to contain rich phytochemicals such as anthocyanins (Rosiana et al., 2021), flavonoids and polyphenols (Padmavathy et al., 2021), which are known antioxidants. In theory, antioxidants impede the oxidation reaction making this group an excellent choice for corrosion inhibition.

Hence, the goal of this study is to explore the potential of Red Dragon Fruit (RDF) peel ethanolic extract as a corrosion inhibitor for mild steel that was submerged in an acidic medium (1M HCl). 

The corrosion inhibition efficiency and corrosion rate were probed by mass loss measurements. A morphological assessment of mild steel products was done using optical microscopy to compare the surface of bare mild steel coupons and their coated counterparts. In addition, this study also aims to elucidate the thermodynamics and adsorption behavior of the adsorption and corrosion inhibition processes.


Africa S. 2008. Adsorption and inhibitive properties of ethanol extracts of Musa sapientum peels as a green corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in H2SO4. African Journal of Pure Applied Chemistry 2(6), 046-54.

Akinbulumo OA, Odejobi OJ, Odekanle EL. 2020. Thermodynamics and adsorption study of the corrosion inhibition of mild steel by Euphorbia heterophylla L. extract in 1.5​ M HCl. Results in Materials 5, 100074.

Al-Amiery A, Salman TA, Alazawi KF, Shaker LM, Kadhum AA, Takriff MS. 2020. Quantum chemical elucidation on corrosion inhibition efficiency of Schiff base: DFT investigations supported by weight loss and SEM techniques. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technology 15(2), 202-9.

Al Maofaria A, Doucha S, Benmessaouda M, Hajjaji SE, Mosaddak M, Ouaki B. 2021. Inhibition Study of Various Extracts of Tribulus Terrestris Plant on the Corrosion of Mild Steel in a 1.0 M HCl Solution. Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta. 39(1), 21-35.

Bayol E, Gürten AA, Dursun M, Kayakirilmaz K. 2008. Adsorption behavior and inhibition corrosion effect of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose on mild steel in acidic medium. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 24(12), 2236-43.

Dehghani A, Bahlakeh G, Ramezanzadeh B, Ramezanzadeh M. 2020. Potential role of a novel green eco-friendly inhibitor in corrosion inhibition of mild steel in HCl solution: Detailed macro/micro-scale experimental and computational explorations. Construction and Building Materials 245, 118464.

El Hamdani N, Fdil R, Tourabi M, Jama C, Bentiss F. 2015. Alkaloids extract of Retama monosperma (L.) Boiss. seeds used as novel eco-friendly inhibitor for carbon steel corrosion in 1 M HCl solution: Electrochemical and surface studies. Applied Surface Science 357, 1294-305.

Graham D. 1953. The characterization of physical adsorption systems. I. The equilibrium function and standard free energy of adsorption. Journal of Physical Chemistry 57(7), 665–669.

Hajjaji FE, Salim R, Taleb M, Benhiba F, Rezki N, Chauhan DS, Quraishi MA. 2021. Pyridinium-based ionic liquids as novel eco-friendly corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in molar hydrochloric acid: Experimental & computational approach. Surfaces & Interfaces 22, 100881.

Haque J, Verma C, Srivastava V, Nik WW. 2021. Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 1M HCl using environmentally benign Thevetia peruviana flower extracts. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 19, 100354.

Jyothi S, Rao YS, Ratnakumar PS. 2019. Natural product as corrosion inhibitors in various corrosive media: a review. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 12(2), 537-44.

Kavitha N, Kathiravan S, Jyothi S, Murugesh A, Ravichandran J. 2019. Adsorption and inhibitive properties of methanol extract of Leucas aspera leaves for the corrosion of mild steel in HCl medium. Journal of Bio-and Tribo-Corrosion 5(2), 1-1.

Krishnaveni K, Ravichandran J. 2014. Effect of aqueous extract of leaves of Morinda tinctoria on corrosion inhibition of aluminium surface in HCl medium. Transaction of Nonferrous Metal Society of China 24(8), 2704-12.

Li X, Deng S, Fu H. 2011. Inhibition by tetradecylpyridinium bromide of the corrosion of aluminium in hydrochloric acid solution. Corrosion Science 53(4), 1529-36.

Nahlé A, Salim R, El Hajjaji F, Aouad MR, Messali M, Ech-Chihbi E, Hammouti B, Taleb M. 2021.Novel triazole derivatives as ecological corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in 1.0 M HCl: experimental & theoretical approach. RSC Advances 11(7), 4147-62.

Ogunleye OO, Arinkoola AO, Eletta OA, Agbede OO, Osho YA, Morakinyo AF, Hamed JO. 2020. Green corrosion inhibition and adsorption characteristics of Luffa cylindrica leaf extract on mild steel in hydrochloric acid environment. Heliyon. 6(1), e03205.

Paul PK, Yadav M, Obot IB. 2021. Potential of dibenzo-18-crown-6-ether derivatives as a corrosion inhibitor on mild steel in HCl medium: electrochemical and computational approaches. New Journal of Chemistry 45(15), 6826-42.

Padmavathy K, Sivakumari K, Karthika S, Rajesh S, Ashok K. 2021. Phytochemical profiling and anticancer activity of dragon fruit Hylocereus undatus extracts against human hepatocellular carcinoma cancer (hepg-2) cells. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Research 12(5), 2770-78. https://doi:10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.12(5).2770-78

Prabakaran M, Kim SH, Kalaiselvi K, Hemapriya V, Chung IM. 2016. Highly efficient Ligularia fischeri green extract for the protection against corrosion of mild steel in acidic medium: electrochemical and spectroscopic investigations. Journal of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineering 59, 553-62.

Prasad AR, Kunyankandy A, Joseph A. 2020. Corrosion Inhibition in Oil and Gas Industry. In Corrosion Inhibitors in the Oil and Gas Industry; V.S. Saji and S.A. Umoren. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany 135-50.

Rosiana NM, Suryana AL, Olivia Z. 2021. Polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of beverage from dragron fruit peel powder and soy powder. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 672(1), 012055. https://doi:10.1088/1755-1315/672/1/012055

Rosli NR, Yusuf SM, Sauki A, Razali WM. 2019. Musa sapientum (Banana) peels as green corrosion inhibitor for mild steel. In Key Engineering Materials. Trans Tech Publications Ltd. Freienbach, Switzerland 797, p 230-239.

Sedik A, Lerari D, Salci A, Athmani S, Bachari K, Gecibesler IH, Solmaz R. 2020. Dardagan Fruit extract as eco-friendly corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 1 M HCl: Electrochemical and surface morphological studies. Journal of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineering 107, 189-200.

Telegdi J. 2020. Formation of Self-Assembled Anticorrosion Films on Different Metals. Materials 13(22), 5089.

SourceRed Dragon Fruit (Selenicereus costaricensis) Waste Peels as Corrosion Inhibitor: Adsorption and Thermodynamic Studies in Acidic Environment 

Standing Biomass and Litter-Fall in Reforested Mangroves of Douala-Edea National Park, Cameroon | InformativeBD

Assessment of standing biomass and litter-fall production in reforested mangrove stands within Douala-Edea National Park (Cameroon)

Laurant Nyamsi-Moussian, Gordon N. Ajonina, Guillaume L. Essomè-Koum, Ernest F. Kottè-Mapoko, Boubakary, Alphonse Konango-Samè,Vanessa M. Ngo-Massou  Jean M. Emanè, and Ndongo Din, from the different institute of the Cameroon . wrote a research article about, Standing Biomass and Litter-Fall in Reforested Mangroves of Douala-Edea National Park, Cameroon. entitled,  Assessment of standing biomass and litter-fall production in reforested mangrove stands within Douala-Edea National Park (Cameroon).This research paper published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES).an open access scholarly research journal on Biodiversity. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Ecological restoration is considered like the practical and sustainable management option for degraded mangroves. The ecological status of reforested mangrove areas (RMAs) in Douala-Edea National Park (DENP) is not well understood, despite extensive restoration projects. This study aims to estimate standing biomass and litterfall production in three RMAs located in Bolondo and Yoyo II. In each RMA and it natural vegetation, five 10m × 10m permanent sampling plots (PSPs) were established. Thirty PSPs were established equally in RMAs and natural vegetation. Height and diameter measurements were recorded, and allometric equations were used to estimate above-ground biomass (AGB) and below-ground biomass (BGB). In addition, 150 litter traps (1m × 1m) were evenly distributed across the PSPs to collect monthly litterfall, which was dried, sorted, and weighed. Mean abundances, diameters, and heights were: 4000±200 ind./ha, 1.2±0.5 cm, and 1.8±0.3 m; 3280±238.74 ind./ha, 2.58±0.85 cm, and 5.64±1.87 m; 2160±240.83 ind./ha, 2.93±1.4 cm, and 3.34±1.26 m for 3-year, 6-year and 11-year RMAs respectively. AGB, BGB, and annual litterfall biomass were: 11.98±0.76 kg/ha, 13.88±1.3 kg/ha, and 40.78±7.42 g/m²/year for 3-year RMAs; 61.18±2.16 kg/ha, 55.19±1.92 kg/ha, and 397.75±75.79 g/m²/year for 6-year RMAs; and 55.25±2.93 kg/ha, 47.8±1.31 kg/ha, and 576.23±106.75 g/m²/year for 11-year RMAs, respectively. These values correspond to approximately 12.31±2.19, 52.08±1.6, and 46.26±1.1 kgC/ha of total carbon sink and 18.27±3.48, 179.09±4.44, and 259.3±8.89 kgC/ha/year of total annual litterfall carbon sink. Although 6-year RMAs showed higher AGB and BGB than natural vegetation, the values remained lower overall. In contrast, 11-year RMAs exhibited higher annual litterfall production, indicating progress towards ecological balance.

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Read moreImpact of Siltation on Water Quality and Mangrove Diversity in Mining-Affected Hinatuan Island, Philippine | InformativeBD


Globally, mangroves cover an area of 137,000 km² (Spalding and Leal, 2021). These tropical coastal forest ecosystems are renowned for their high biomass productivity and carbon sequestration capacity (Alongi, 2011; Chowdhury et al., 2023). On average, a minimally disturbed mangrove sequesters 1087±584 MgC/ha (Sasmito et al., 2020). The conservation of mangroves is crucial for the wellbeing of local human communities and the fight against global warming (Din et al., 2016; Kathiresan et al., 2021).

However, mangroves are under threat from both natural and human-induced pressures, leading to a reduction in vegetation cover (Golberg et al., 2020; Emanè et al., 2021). Between 1996 and 2016, the rate of deforestation of mangroves was estimated at 4.3 % (Spalding and Leal, 2021). During the period of 2000- 2012, almost 1646 km² of the world's mangrove area disappeared. Along its western Atlantic coast, Cameroon has 1113 km² of mangroves (Hamilton and Casey, 2016). Over the last two decades, these mangroves have been subject to increased anthropisation, which has led to a considerable decrease in vegetation cover (Din et al., 2017). The mangroves in Douala-Edea National Park (DENP) are also affected by this issue. According to Ajonina and Usongo (2001), the annual regression rate of these mangroves was estimated to be 53 ha before 2000. Similarly, Findi and Wantim (2022) observed a regression rate of 58.38 % between 2011 and 2015 using satellite image analysis. For at least three decades, these mangroves have been the primary source of firewood used for smoking fish in various fishing camps and surrounding households (Ajonina, 2008).

Assessment of standing biomass and litter-fall production in reforested mangrove stands within Douala-Edea National Park (Cameroon)

In response to this ecological disaster, various options for mangrove conservation have been implemented worldwide, including restoration. Mangrove restoration refers to a set of human actions aimed at re-establishing ecological processes that accelerate the recovery of forest structure, ecological functioning, and biodiversity to levels typical of climax forest (Elliott et al., 2013). According to Worthington and Spalding (2018), over 190,147 km² of mangroves were restored globally by 2018. In Central Africa, Ajonina et al. (2016) reported that over 500 ha of degraded mangroves were reforested before 2017. Reforestation of degraded mangroves in Cameroon officially began in 2009 and continues to this day. In 2023, Planète-Urgence’s NGO implemented the planting of 40,000 seedlings in the mangroves of Bolondo fishing camp village located in DENP, with the involvement of governmental organizations and other partners (Planète-Urgence, 2023).

Mangrove restoration projects face numerous obstacles worldwide, often resulting in partial or complete failure (López-Portillo et al., 2017; Worthington and Spalding, 2018; Ellison et al., 2020; Lhosupasirirat et al., 2023). These failures not only cause ecological damage but also result in significant financial losses, with the average cost of restoring one hectare in Central Africa estimated at US$ 3200 (Ajonina et al., 2016). Lee et al. (2019) identified the absence of a comprehensive database for monitoring and assessment restoration projects as a major obstacle to mangrove restoration efforts.

There is a lack of information on the structure and functioning of restored mangrove areas along the African Atlantic coast (Zabbey and Tanee, 2016). To our knowledge, in Cameroon, there is only one specific study on mangrove restoration which is limited to determining the main abiotic factors that influence the growth of seedlings in nurseries (Boubakary et al., 2019). No published scientific study has yet been conducted on the monitoring and assessment of standing biomass and litterfall production of reforested mangrove areas in the DENP. However, quantifying the biomass of reforested areas would be crucial for safeguarding mangroves in the DENP and for improving climate change mitigation strategies (Malik et al., 2020). Furthermore, it is essential to incorporate the monitoring of objectively verifiable indicators of ecosystem functioning, such as litterfall production into any restoration project (Dahdouh-Guebas and Cannicci, 2021). To contribute improvement of mangrove restoration projects in DENP, this study aims to assess the impact of mangrove reforestation through the estimation of both standing biomass carbon stock and litterfall production of three reforested mangrove areas with reference to their respective adjacent good natural stands.


Ajonina GN, Usongo L. 2001. Preliminary Quantitative Impact Assessment of Wood Extraction on the Mangroves of Douala-Edea Forest Reserve, Cameroon. Tropical Biodiversity 7, 137–149.

Ajonina GN. 2008. Inventory and Modelling Mangrove Forest Stand Dynamics Following Different Levels of Wood Exploitation Pressures in the Douala-Edea Atlantic Coast of Cameroon, Central Africa. PhD thesis, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Germany, 215.

Ajonina G, Chuyong G. 2011. Vulnerability assessment of mangrove forest stands from anthropogenic wood exploitation pressures and sea level rise impacts following a re-census survey and analysis of eight years old permanent sample plots in the Douala-Edea Estuary, Cameroon. Technical Report, 1-27.

Ajonina GN, Aya FA, Diame A, Armah AK, Camara S, Amegankpoe C, Zabbey N, Kaya P. 2016. Overview of Experience of Mangrove Reforestation in West and Central Africa. In Ogunsanwo OY, Akinwole AO, eds., 38th Annual Conference of FAN. Forestry Association of Nigeria 17, 12-21.

Alongi DM. 2011. Carbon Payments for Mangrove Conservation: Ecosystem Constraints and Uncertainties of Sequestration Potential. Environmental Sciences Policy 14, 462–470.

Bosire JO, Dahdouh-Guebas F, Walton M, Crona BI, Lewis RR, Field CD, Kairo JG, Koedam N. 2008. Functionality of Restored Mangroves: A review. Aquatic Botany 89, 251–259.

Bosire JO, Kairo JG, Wartel S, Kazungu J, Koedam N. 2006. Success Rates of Recruited Tree Species and their Contribution to the Structural Development of Reforested Mangrove Stands. Marine Ecology Progress Series 325, 85–91.

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SourceAssessment of standing biomass and litter-fall production in reforested mangrove stands within Douala-Edea National Park (Cameroon)