Wawan Apzani, and I. Made Sunantra, from the different institute of the Indonesia. wrote a research article about, Enhancing Lettuce Growth: Vermicompost and Microorganism Effects. entitled, The effmposect of vermicot stimulator Trichoderma sp. and local liquid microorganism of hyacinth on growth and production of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). This research paper published by the International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR). an open access scholarly research journal on Agronomy, under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.
The importance of this research is to increase public awareness about local resources that can be utilized for healthier and more sustainable agriculture. This research can be a recommendation to reduce soil damage due to synthetic chemical fertilizers as well as an alternative when farmers have trouble about rare fertilizers in Indonesia. This research used an experimental method with experiments in the greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of 45 Mataram. The design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with a factorial experiment. The first factor is vermicompost with 5 levels, and second factor is Local Liquid Microorganisms (M) which consists of 5 levels. The results showed that the treatment with the addition vermicompost could significantly increase the growth and yield of lettuce. The best wet weight yield was 14.53 grams per plant, obtained with the addition 7kgs of vermicompost, while the yield of 5.67 grams per plant was obtained without the addition vermicompost so that the increase in yield was 156.26%. Liquid water hyacinth local microorganisms have not been able to give a significant effect on the growth and yield of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L). The yield of wet weight of 14.17 grams per plant was obtained with the addition of liquid water hyacinth local microorganisms 8 cc/liter of water while the yield of 11.50 grams per plant was obtained without the addition local liquid microorganisms of water hyacinth. The interaction between vermicompost and local liquid microorganism’s water hyacinth has not had a significant effect.
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Lettuce (Lactuca sativa
L.) belongs to the worldfamous group of leaf vegetables. This type of vegetable
contains nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals that are complete to meet
the nutritional needs of the community (Suryati, 2009). Therefore, the demand
for this plant continues to increase in accordance with population growth, so
there is a need for technological development efforts in the cultivation of
lettuce that are not only effective but can also support sustainable
agriculture. The technology that can be used as an alternative is local
vermicompost resources with a stimulator Trichoderma sp. and Local Liquid
microorganisms of hyacinth.
Vermicompost is an
organic fertilizer that is formed through composting involving macro and
microorganisms such as earthworms, bacteria and fungi. This composting can be
accelerated by using the microorganism Trichoderma sp. which can produce
cellulose enzymes (Apzani, 2015) so that the release of nutrients becomes
faster and available to plants. The vermicompost has the ability to hold great
water so that the vermicompost can increase water storage in the soil.
Vermicompost contains 0.63% nitrogen, 0.35% phosphorus, 0.20% potassium, 0.23%
calcium, 0.26% magnesium, 0.07% sodium, 17.58% copper, 0.007% zinc, 0.003 manganese.%,
iron 0.790%, boron 0.2221%, molybdenum 14.48%, CEC 35.80 me/100 g, water
storage capacity 41.23% and humic acid 13.88% (Mulat, 2003). In addition to
vermicompost, a source of nutrition for plants can come from local liquid
microorganisms (LLM) made from water hyacinth. In addition to containing
beneficial microorganisms for plants, LLM also contains various nutrients that
are available to plants. The results of the analysis of the nutritional content
of water hyacinth LLM are as follows. pH = 4.77 (acidic), C-organic = 0.32%,
N-Total = 0.15% C/N Ratio = 2.13 P-Available = 0.10%, K = 0.41%, Ca 2540,32
ppm, Mg = 3256,23 ppm, Na 863,55 ppm.
In a previous research
by Apzani and Wardhana (2018a), it was shown that local liquid microorganisms
of hyacinth were able to increase the growth of shallot plants. Later in the
same year, a subsequent research by Apzani and Wardhana (2018b) showed that the
local liquid water hyacinth microorganism combined with coffee leaf
bioactivator could increase the production of shallots. This is the motivation
for the authors to investigate further about the effectiveness of Local Liquid
microorganisms from water hyacinth when combined with vermicompost stimulator
Trichoderma sp. and used on lettuce so this research needs to be done. This
study aims to determine the effectiveness of local resources of water hyacinth,
vermicompost and Trichoderma sp. which can be developed as a technology in
lettuce cultivation so that it can increase public awareness to prioritize
healthy and sustainable organic agriculture. This research also aims to
increase public knowledge about the many local resources that can be used as an
alternative to synthetic chemical fertilizers in lettuce cultivation in
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Source : The effect of vermicompost stimulator Trichoderma sp. and local liquid microorganism of hyacinth on growth and production of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
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