Genaro D. Omo, and
Renato F. Limon, from the different institute of the Philippines. wrote
a research article about, Optimizing Ginger Growth: Plantlet Heights and
Rhizome Yield. entitled, Growth and rhizome yield of Ginger (Zingiber
officinale) using plantlets with various heights as planting materials. This
research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences |IJB. an open access scholarly research journal on Biology, under the
affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences |
INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.
In ginger farming, the
budget for matured rhizomes as planting material is usually the highest among
the cost of production. To reduce the budget cost, the study used plantlets
with different initial heights as planting material. The plantlets were
propagated through sowing matured rhizomes and were gathered two months after
sowing. The treatments of the study are: T0 – 25g (rhizome sett), T1 –
20cm (initial height of plantlets), T2 – 30cm, T3 – 40cm and T4 –
50cm. This study evaluated the height and number of tillers of the ginger
during their 3rd and 5th months after transplanting (MAT) and the rhizome
yield during harvesting period. Result revealed that at three months after
transplanting (MAT), the plantlets with initial height of 50cm (T4) were the
tallest and produced the highest number of tillers during the 1st, 2nd and
3rd trials on June 2018 to February 2019, June 2019 to February 2020 and
June 2020 to February 2021 respectively. On the other hand, at five MAT, the
plants of T0 were the tallest and have the highest number of tillers per
hill during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trials during the three years of
implementation. Further, during harvesting, T4 has the highest mean of
computed rhizome yield per hectare during the three years of implementation.
The results could be attributed to the bigger diameter and taller stem of the
plantlets which stored more nutrients that sustained the growth and development
of the ginger.
Read more : Sustainable Solutions: Addressing E-Waste Pollution and Ensuring Food Security |InformativeBD
Ginger (Zingiber
officinale) plants are native to South and Southeast Asia (Rafiq et al., 2009).
The pungent smell of the rhizomes makes it an important in flavoring of foods
not only in Asia but also in other parts of the world. Moreover, ginger was
used too as treatment of illness that increases its commercial significance
(Schwertner and Rio, 2007. Likewise, Mody et al. (2012) stressed that the
economic importance of ginger did not weakens. Further, ginger is regarded by
the marginal or the smallholder farmers as a high-value and profitable crop.
The yearly per capita consumption of the Philippines with ginger was more from
0.26kg to 0.36kg on 2012 to 2016. Moreover, during the same period, ginger
importation has increased from 1,495 to 8,961 MT (FAO, 2019).
In crop production,
ginger is one among the major cash crops cultivated by farmers in the upland
areas because of its high price, stable market and high demand. The main
constraint in ginger production is the cost of matured rhizomes to be used as
planting materials because the price is high most especially during planting
period. The farmers usually planted 20 to 30 g seed rhizomes that requires
1,300 to 2,000kg of matured rhizomes to plant one hectare farm. According to
Bera and Moktan (2006), the cost of planting material is the highest in ginger
farming which consist 70% from the total production cost. Hence, an alternative
low cost planting material is needed wherein plantlets can be considered which
can be propagated through tissue culture and by sowing the matured rhizomes on
Plantlets propagated
from the matured rhizomes are cheap and the process is simple that can be
adopted by any farmers. It is done by sowing the matured rhizomes on a seedbed
for two months with several plantlets emerged per sett with a plant height
ranging from 25-50cm. Then the plantlets can be directly transferred to the
field with assurance of very high survival rate due to bigger size of the stem
and has several sturdy roots that will support its initial growth.
Additionally, the mother rhizomes sown could still be recovered and use or sold
as food ingredient or flavoring.
On the other hand,
plantlets propagated through tissue culture method are expensive due to the use
of laboratory facility, chemicals, electricity and maintenance cost which are
very expensive. Moreover, the laboratory procedure is very complicated and it
requires an expert to perform the protocol. Further, according to Gupta and
Verma (2011), the major concern and constraints of its worldwide adoption and
commercialization is the unsuccessful direct field transfer, It required
prehardening by transplanting on polyethylene bag and then grown in the nursery
for several months. The hardened plantlets will be transplanted to produce
microrhizomes. Then the microrhizomes will be planted to produce bigger size
rhizomes to be used as the planting materials for commercial rhizome
production. Further, Lawal, et al. (2016) stated that the growth and yield is
usually affected by the size of planting materials wherein the size of the
tissue cultured plantlets are too small. Hence, the study was conducted to
evaluate the growth and rhizome yield performance of ginger as affected by the
initial height of plantlets used as planting materials propagated through
sowing of matured rhizome.
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