Trichoderma asperellum TR3 Viability Formulation: Packaging Variations | InformativeBD

Viability formulation with active Trichoderma asperellum TR3 in three packaging variation

Ratnawati Ratnawati, Arfan Arfan, Kasman Jaya, Sri Sudewi, and Mr. Mufida, from the different institute of the Indonesia. wrote a research article about, Trichoderma asperellum TR3 Viability Formulation: Packaging Variations. entitled, Viability formulation with active Trichoderma asperellum TR3 in three packaging variation. This research paper published by the International journal of Microbiology and Mycology (IJMM). an open access scholarly research journal on Microbiology. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | NNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Trichoderma asperellum TR3 has been applied as a biopesticide and Plant Growth Promotion Fungi (PGPF) but in the form of a suspension and substrate without the addition of carriers and adhesives so for long-term use and short shelf life. This study aims to obtain the right packaging formulation and have good viability, as well as a long storage time using talc and tapioca flour as the basic ingredients. The isolate collection was rejuvenated by growing in PDA medium, after completion of incubation for 48 hours, the growing fungal colonies were counted, isolated and purified, then made in the form of a powder starter. Test of various formulations of T. asperellum TR3 fungal powder packaging was carried out by viability test using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with packaging treatment on the formulation: P1 = Aluminum foil plastic, P2 = Bottle and P3 = Cetic plastic. Each treatment was repeated 3 times to obtain a combination of 9 treatment units. Furthermore, all packaging combinations were stored at room temperature. In the first month, 1 pack was taken for regrowth which aims to determine the viability of the conidia and then every two weeks for 12 weeks. The results showed that the average number of conidia colonies growing on various packages gave different viability results, but had no significant effect between formulations of various packages and viability. The average number of colonies that grew on aluminum foil plastic packaging was more in each observation of storage time compared to bottle and plastic packaging.

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Read moreBacillus thuringiensis for Controlling Plutella xylostella on Mustard Plants | InformativeBD


The use of microorganisms as biological control agents has been widely carried out and provides benefits for increasing agricultural production in Indonesia (Hanudin and Marwoto 2012; Nur Amin et al., 2015; Ratna et al., 2020; Ratnawati et al., 2020). However, reports on the use of local or local microorganisms that have potential have not been widely carried out. Local microorganisms work more effectively, because they are supported by various appropriate environmental factors and do not result in ecosystem changes and implementation in the field is easier. According to Cook & Baker (1983), efforts to overcome plant diseases with biological practices provide good opportunities because the microorganisms are already available in the field and their activities can be controlled by the environment and the host.

The group of microorganisms, especially fungal microbes that are able to suppress pathogens, is in the Moniliales family, such as Verticillum sp., Trichoderma sp and Gliocladium sp. The genus Trichoderma sp. it is known that several species can parasitize other fungi and have the potential to be used as biological control (Santoso et al., 2007; Ratnawati et al., 2019; Ratnawati et al., 2020).

Microbes that are useful as components of natural habitats have important roles and functions in supporting the implementation of environmentally friendly agriculture through various processes such as decomposition of organic matter, mineralization of organic matter, besides that microbes are positioned as producers of nutrients for plants. Budiarti & Nurhayati (2014), reported that plants and microbes will interact and stimulate each other caused by the presence of root exudates. Fungi are heterotrophs, dominant on acid soils although they are also found in neutral or alkaline soils and some of them are sensitive to pH 9.0 but this sensitivity is important in overcoming plant diseases. The presence of fungi and bacteria as antagonist agents is able to influence the activity of microorganisms so that it is important to take into account the suppression of disease. In addition, many antagonist agents can stimulate plant growth because they are able to produce growth hormones, fix nitrogen, dissolve phosphate, and produce siderophores (Siti Hardiyanti et al., 2017).

Antagonistic microbes found in the rhizosphere and rhizoplan areas that can act as controlling agents include the genus Trichoderma sp, Penicillium sp and Asperigillus sp (Agrios., 2005), while Nirwanto & Mujoka (2009) reported that the microbes found in the phyllosphere were the genus Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp. , Trichoderma sp. , Stemphylium sp., Rhizopus sp., Curvularia sp. and Gliocladium sp. Furthermore, Sayang (2009) reported that microbial antagonists that are effective as biological controllers include Bacillus sp, Trichoderma sp, Penicillium sp and Clostridium sp.

Nur Amin et al. (2015) suggested that the application of non-pathogenic fungi to various types of plants would increase the resistance of the host plant to pathogen attack and be able to induce resistance in the upper part of the plant. The use of beneficial microbes in improving soil texture and structure by increasing its aggregation and stability (Rashid et al., 2016). The interaction between microbes and plants is an indicator of soil fertility (Hayat et al., 2010).

Many studies using the fungus Trichoderma sp. as an effective biological agent to control various pathogens, however, it is still experiencing obstacles related to storage time (Suhera et al., 2018). Trichoderma sp. is a group of fungi that are always associated with plants and soil. If this fungus is in plant tissue, it is called an endophytic fungus (Nur Amin et al., 2017). Trichoderma sp. is one of the endophytic fungi that can live in all parts of plant tissue both below ground and above ground, namely roots, stems and leaves (Kusari et al., 2012; Rosmana et al., 2018).

Ratnawati's previous research (2020) was in vitro starting from the microbial isolation stage, identification of microbes both macroscopically and microscopically, microbial screening, molecular identification, compatibility tests, antagonist tests, until superior and potential microbes were found as biopesticides and as plant growth microbes. Promotion Fungi (PGPF) obtained as many as 9 microbes that could potentially be used as biological agents. One of them is Trichoderma asperellum TR3.

Trichoderma asperellum TR3 is one of the rhizosphere fungi which is known as an antagonist fungus in both in vitro and in vivo tests which has the ability to suppress various types of pathogens in various plants. T.asperellum TR3 is a fungus with biopesticide and PGPF properties (Suhera 2018; Ratnawati et al., 2020; Ismail et al., 2020). T. asperellum (TR3) has been applied as a biopesticide and PGPF but in the form of a suspension and substrate without the addition of carriers and adhesives so that it is for long term use and has a short shelf life. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a formulation in powder form with various forms of packaging which will then be monitored for viability during storage.

Based on the description above, it is necessary to conduct research on the development of powder formulations of the fungus T.asperellum strain TR3 isolate in various forms of packaging formulations to determine the viability of the fungal formulation. This study aims to obtain the right packaging formulation and have good viability, with a duration of storage.


Agrios NA. 2005. Plant Pathology. Fifth Edition. Academic Press. San Diego, California.

Budiarti L, dan Nurhayati. 2014. Kelimpahan Cendawan Antagonis pada Rhizosfer Tanaman Kacang Panjang (Vigna sinensis L) Savi ex Hassk di Lahan Kering Indralayah Sumatera Selatan. Prosiding seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal Palembang. ISBN:979-587-529-9

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Ismail M, Ade Rosmana, Sylvia jam dan Ratnawati. 2020. shallot Basal Bulb Rot Management through Integration of Trichoderma asperellum, Composted Plant Residues and Natural Mulch. Journal Pure Appl Microbiol | 14(3), 1779-1788.

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Nur Amin, Muslim Salam, Asman, Ryan, Danial Rahim. 2015. Investigation of Endophytic Fungi towards Vascular Streick Dieback Oncobasidium theobromae on Seedling of Cocoa Plant. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 9(2), 86-89.

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Ratnawati, Sylvia Sjam, Ade Rosmana dan Untung Surapati Tresnaputra. 2019. Impact of Pesticides on the Diversity of Fungi at Local Shallot in Palu, Indonesia. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 8(8), 730-738

Ratnawati R, Sylvia Sjam, Ade Rosmana dan Untung Surapati Tresnaputra. 2020. Endophytic Trichoderma Species of Palu Valley Shallot Origin with Potential for Controlling Purple Blotch Pathogen Alternaria pori. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 23(05), 977-982.

Ratnawati dan K Jaya. 2021. Seleksi Dan Identifikasi Cendawan Endofit Di Pertanaman Organik Bawang Merah Lokal Palu. Jurnal Agrotech 11(1), 13-19, Juni 2021

Rosmana A, Sylvia Sjam, Asman Asman, Nurul Jihad Jayanti, Satriana Satriana, Andi Tenri Padang, Andi Akbar Hakkar. 2018. Systemic Deployment of Trichoderma asperellum in Theobrama cacao Regulator Co-occuring Dominant Fungal Endophytes Colonization. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 12(3), 1071-1084.

Sayang Y. 2009. Kajian Keragaman Mikoba Antagonis Rizosfer Dan Pemanfaatannya dalam Mengedalikan Penyebab Penyakit Busuk Umbi (Fusarium oxysporum Schecht) Pada Tanaman Bawang Merah. Jurnal Sains & Teknologi 9(3), 165-170.

Santoso SE, Soesanto L, dan Dwi Haryanto TA. 2007. Penekanan Hayati Penyakit Moler Pada Bawang Merah Dengan Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma koningii, dan Pseudomonas fluorescens P60. J. HPT Tropika 7(1), 53-61.

Siti Hadiyanti, Bonny Purnumo, Wahyu Soekarno dan Titek Siti Yuliani. 2017. Kemampuan Mikroba Endofit dan Risosfer Tanaman Karet dalam Mengendalikan Rigidoporus lignosus. Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia 13(5), 153-160.

Suherah, Tutik Kuswinanti, Ade Rosmana dan Burhanuddin Rasyid. 2018. The Effect Of Organic Medium Use In Formulation Of Trichoderma Harzianum and Pleurotus Ostreatus In Viability And Decomposition Of Cacao Pod Husks Waste. J. Biotechnol 15(1), 107-112.

Source Viability formulation with active Trichoderma asperellum TR3 in three packaging variation 

Bacillus thuringiensis for Controlling Plutella xylostella on Mustard Plants | InformativeBD

Using Bacillus thuringiensis product in controlling caterpillars (Plutella xylostella) on green mustard plant

Akhmad Rizali, from the different institute of the Indonesia. wrote a research article about, Bacillus thuringiensis for Controlling Plutella xylostella on Mustard Plants. entitled, Using Bacillus thuringiensis product in controlling caterpillars (Plutella xylostella) on green mustard plant. This research paper published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES). an open access scholarly research journal on Biodiversity . under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | NNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Numerous chemical insecticides have been used in order to control pests, which damage for agriculture. While chemical insecticides have knock down effect to the insect pests, they are too expensive in the developing countries and harmful to both human and the environment. One of the most important global problems is protecting crops from insect. For the control insects, synthetic chemical are continuously used. The implementation of integrated pest management aims to suppress adverse effects of the use of synthetic pesticides, plant pest immunity, prevent resurgence, and utilize as much as possible the ability of nature with using environmentally friendly microbio insecticide. Green mustard is a plant widely cultivated farmers in Indonesia, but green mustard plants also contain vitamins and nutrient that are important for health, because of the many cases of low productivity, one pests of caterpillars of causing farmers to suffer losses and the impact on the use of chemical insecticides by semi subsistence for control of caterpillar pests. To cope with the excessive use of chemical insecticides, the uses of microbio insecticide are more environmentally friendly can be applied. This study aimed to determine the mortality of insects, the rapid of time to control caterpillar pests at green mustard plants and to determine the concentration of B. thuringiensis the most effective way to control caterpillar pests on green mustard. In this result of study that it was found that the application of the most influence very real to the intensity of death caterpillar green mustard plants is K1 (Turex WP) with a concentration of 1g per liter. The best concentration and able to kill the caterpillars (Plutella xylostella) amounted to 71.00% within one day of observation after being treated.

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Read more: Eisenia fetida Extracts on Fusarium oxysporum Growth | InformativeBD


The mustard plant is included in the leaf vegetable of the Cruciferae family which has economic value. The mustard plant is a plant species in the genera Brassica and Sinapsis in the family Brassicaceae. Mustard, any of several herbs belonging to the mustard family of plants, Brassicaceae (Cruciferae), or the condiment made from these plants’ pungent seeds. The leaves and swollen leaf stems of mustard plants are also used, as greens, or potherbs. The principal types are white, or yellow mustard (Sinapis alba), a plant of Mediterranean origin; and brown, or Indian, mustard (Brassica juncea), which is Himalayan origin. The latter species has almost entirely replaced the formerly used black mustard (Brassica nigra) which was unsuitable for mechanized cropping and which new occurs mainly as an introduced weed.

Using Bacillus thuringiensis product in controlling caterpillars (Plutella xylostella) on green mustard plant

Numerous chemical insecticides have been used in order to control pests, which damage for agriculture. While chemical insecticides have knock down effect to the insect pests, they are too expensive in the developing countries and harmful to both human and the environment. In addition, target insect pests rapidly develop biological resistance especially at higher rates of application. The chemical insecticides are still contributing to human life enormously, but they have been distributed in ecological system of organisms including human beings because of their low specific toxicity to any organism and their low specific toxicity to any organism and their slight decomposition in nature (Ameriana et al., 2000). Therefore, many biological controls of insects have been investigated. Currently, researches on the use pathogenic microorganisms to control insect pests are increasing. Microbial pest control is practiced in different parts of the world though utilization of pathogen likes fungi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes. Bacterial research causing disease in insects began in the late nineteenth century. It was a study of flacherie of the silkworm, bombx mori (Burges and Hussey, 1971; Burges, 1981). Ishiwata (1901) in this report on the discovery of sotto bacillus, reffered briefly to occurrence of sotto bacillus-like organism, which causes the disease to silkworm larvae.

Bacillus thuringiensis is a gram positive, soil-dwelling bacterium, commonly used as a biological pesticide. B. thuringiensis also occurs naturally in the gut of caterpillars of various types of moths and butterflies, as well on leaf surfaces, aquatic environments, animal feces, insect-rich environments, and flour mills and grain-storage facilities. It has also been observed to parasitize other moths such as Cadra calidella in laboratory experiments working with C. calidella, many of the moth were diseased due to this parasite.


Adam T, Juliana Nurhayati R, Thalib R. 2014. Biosei bioinsecticide with active ingredient bacillus thuringiensis from lebak soil against Spodoptera litura larvae. Agriculture faculty, University of Sriwijaya. Palembang.

Alves SB, Rossi LS, Lopes RB, Tamai MA, Pereira RM. 2002. Beauveria bassiana yeast phase on agar medium and its pathogenicity againts Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Cerambidae) and Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae). J. Invert. Pathol 81, 70-77.

Ameriana M. 2008. The behavior of vegetable farmers in using chemical pesticides. Jurnal Hortikultura 18(1), 95-106.

Bhalla OP, Dubey JK. 1986. Bionomics of the diamondback moth in the northwestern Himalaya. pp. 55-62. In. N.S Taleker & T.D. Griggs (Eds). Diamondback moth management. Proceedings of the first international workshop, Tainan, Taiwan, 11-15 march 1985. The asia vegetable research & development center. Shansua, Taiwan.

Bravo A. 1997. Phylogenetic relationship of Bacillus thuringiensis d-endotoksin family protein and their functional domains. Journal Bacterial 179(9), 2793-2801.

Gazali A, Jaelani & Ilhamiyah A. 2017. Agroecosystem Stability and Breakdown Leaves on Mustard Cropping after Application by the Bacillus thuringiensis. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 6(4), 433-437.

Geden CJ, Steinhaus DC. 2003. Evaluation of three formulations of Beauveria bassiana for control of lesser mealworm and hide beetle in Georgia poultry houses. Journal Entomol 96,1602-1607.

Gill SS, Knowles EA, Pietrantonio PV. 1992. The mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxins. Journal Entomol 37, 615-636.

Ho TH. 1995. The life history and control of the diamondback moht in Malaysia. Div. of agriculture. Bull. No 118. Malaysia.

Hofte H, Whiteley HR. 1989. Distribution of Bacillus thuringiensis. Journal Microbiol 53(2), 242-255.

Ignoffo CM, Anderson RF. 1979. Bioinsecticides. Microbial Technology. Acad. Press. New York.

Koswanudin, Harnoto D. 2004. The effect of bioinsecticide Bacillus thuringiensis Var. aizaway Serotype H-7 on the development of Plutella xylostella and Crocidolomia binotalis in mustard greens plant. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Entomologi dalam Perubahan Lingkungan dan Sosial. Bogor. PEI. Hlm 619-626.

Kumar PA, Sharma RP, Malik VS. 1996. The insecticidal proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis. Advance in Applied Microbiology 42, 1-3.

Roh JY, Choi JY, Li MS, Jin BR, Je YH. 2017. Bacillus thuringiensis as a specific, safe, and effective tool for insect pest control. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 17(4), 547-549.

Rueda, Shelton. 1995. Diamondback mont (DBM) ; information, control, laboratory rearing. Cornell international institute for food agriculture and development. New york.

Sarfat MS. 2010. Bioinsecticide production from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp.aizawai subsp. Using tohu industrial waste as a substrate. Skripsi. Technologi Faculty of Agriculture. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.

Sastrosiswojo S. 1987. A combination of biological and chemical control against cabbage leaf caterpillar (Plutella xylostella L;Lepidoptera : Yponomeutidae) in cabbage plants. Disertasi. Graduate school of UNPAD. Bandung.

Shieh TR. 1994. Identification and Classification of Bacillus thuringiensis. Pesticide commission of Agriculture Deparment. Jakarta.

Sriniastuti. 2005. The efektivitas of the use of Bacillus thuringiensis against the attack of caterpillar (Plutella xylostella) on the mustard plant (Brassica juncea) in Selamat river. Skripsi. Agriculture faculty of Tanjung Pura University. Pontianak.

Steinhause E. 2012. Insect Pathology: An Advanced Treatise. Elsevier p. 32.

Tarigan B, Syahriani, U, Mena T. 2014. beauveria basianna dan bacillus thuringiensis effectiveness test against caterpillars (setothosea asigna eeck, Lepidoptera, limacodidae) in laboratorium. Journal Online Agroekoteknologi 2(2), 471-472.

Trizelia. 2001. Utilization of Bacillus thuringiensis for pest control Crocidolomia binotalis [disertasi]. Bogor: Graduate School, Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Xu J. Liu Q. Yin X. Zhu S. 2006. A review of recent development of Bacillus thuringiensis ICP genetically engineered microbes. Entomological Journal of East China 15(1), 53-58.

 Source : Using Bacillus thuringiensis product in controlling caterpillars (Plutella xylostella) ongreen mustard plant

Eisenia fetida Extracts on Fusarium oxysporum Growth | InformativeBD

Potential effect of earthworm Eisenia fetida extracts on the growth of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race- 4

Toualy Serge Ouina,  Voko Bi Rosin Don Rodrigue,  Jean-Michel Panoff, Stéphanie Gente, David Garon, Jean-Philippe Rioult, Tia Jean Gonnety, and Marina Koussémon Camara, from the different institute of the Côte d’Ivoire and France. wrote a research article about, Eisenia fetida Extracts on Fusarium oxysporum Growth. entitled, Potential effect of earthworm Eisenia fetida extracts on the growth of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race- 4. This research paper published by the International journal of Microbiology and Mycology (IJMM). an open access scholarly research journal on Biomedicine . under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | NNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Banana wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4 (Foc TR4), is a worrying destructive banana disease of which there is not yet effective control measures. The present study aimed to evaluate the ability of earthworms Eisenia fetida to be biological control agents against FocTR4. Methodological approach consisted of assessing interactions between Foc TR4 and (i) enzyme β-N-Acetyl-glucosaminidase (NAGase) and (ii) E. fetida extracts that are the coelomic fluid (CF) and the crude crushed (CC). Then NAGase were dosed in E. fetida CF. Foc TR4 growth was inhibited by NAGase but no effect was observed with the extracts CF and CC of E. fetida. Enzymatic dosage showed that CF contained 0.015 ± 0.006IU/mg protein as NAGase activity. These results suggest the possible use of E. fetida in biocontrol of Foc TR4 however through a process other than the extracts CC and CF. The outcomes of this study may constitute background data allowing to explore potential of earthworms in biocontrol of banana pathogenic fungi, which is of great significance to the development of banana industry system and to the reduction in the use of fungicides.

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Read moreCyclone Idai Impact on Women's Livelihood in Chimanimani, Zimbabwe | InformativeBD


Banana (Musa spp.) is one of the world's most important crops owing to its economic and food interest. Its fruits, namely cooking bananas (AAB, ABB, ...) and dessert bananas (AAA) are used in the diet of many populations in both importing and exporting countries (Lassoudière, 2007). In several tropical countries, plantain (AAB) is a staple food for various social strata. Plantain is an energetic food providing 120 kcal or 497 kJ per 100 g (Yao et al., 2014). Its commercialization constitutes a source of income for rural or lowincome populations (Ouina, 2017). Apart from bananas, other organs of banana plant such as pseudostem, leaves and peelings give rise to a wide variety of uses (animal feed, manufacture of industrial products) (Kumar et al., 2012; Jyothirmayi and Rao, 2015).

Like any plant crop, banana plant is prone to attacks by bacteria, viruses, fungi, nematodes and weevils. Among these attacks, fungi have been for a long time a growing threat and lead to severe affections of the leaves, stems, fruits and roots, resulting in significant yield reductions (Stover, 1959; Viljoen, 2002; De Bellaire et al., 2010; Dita et al., 2018). Fusarium wilt is one of the most serious fungal disease that affect banana plant. It is caused by the soil-borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) and is responsible of constraints on banana production causing serious economic losses worldwide (Ploetz, 2015; Dita et al., 2018. Based on the pathogenicity to host cultivars, Foc is divided into physiological races 1, 2 and 4. Unlike races 1 and 2 which affected respectively Gros Michel (AAA) and Manzano/Apple/Latundan (Silk, AAB), and cooking bananas of the Bluggoe (ABB) subgroup, race 4 has a broad host range. It infects almost all cultivars including "Dwarf Cavendish" (Musa sp. AAA group) as well as the hosts of race 1 and race 2 (Lassoudière, 2007; Sutherland et al., 2013; Lin et al., 2013). Race 4 has been split into subtropical race 4, which affects “Cavendish” and races 1 and 2 suscepts in the subtropics, and tropical race 4, which affects many of the same cultivars as subtropical race 4 in the tropics when disease-predisposing conditions are absent (Ploetz, 2015). Furthermore, vegetative compatibility which has been implemented owing to confusions of the race structure often happening in delineating strains of Foc, allow to identified a total of 24 vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs). Tropical race 4 is designated as VCG 01213/16 and subtropical race 4 belong to VCGs 0120, 0121, 0122, 0129 and 01211 (Dita et al., 2010; Mostert et al., 2017). Fusarium wilt, also known as Panama disease, affected several banana plantations in Australia, Taiwan, Philippines, India, Mozambique (Pegg et al., 1996; Ploetz, 2015; Viljoen et al., 2020) and South Africa (Viljoen, 2002). Control methods against Fusarium wilt that have been developed have focused on chemical (fungicide application) and cultural treatments, selection and varietal improvement by hybridization techniques (Bakry et al., 2005; Lassoudière, 2007). However, these control methods have shown limitations in adapting or mutating pathogens, in inaccessibility of improved banana varieties to farmers with low incomes (Ploetz, 2005; Kra et al., 2009).

Indeed, the banana cultivar "Gros Michel", which was the basis of banana export trade in Central America and resistant to Fusarium wilt, became sensitive in the years 1940 to 1950 and was replaced by the cultivar "Cavendish" (Ploetz, 2005). "Cavendish", the current export cultivar, has become sensitive since 1970 to Foc race 4 (Visser et al., 2009). Fungicide use is increasingly criticized by consumer associations and scientists due to their harmful effects on environment and on human health are (Lassoudière, 2007; Cirad, 2011, Brühl and Zaller, 2019). Regarding worrying destructible effects of Fusarium wilt and galloping world demography (for example 48,796,000 inhabitants in 2050 in Côte d’Ivoire so the double of the current population) (UN, 2015), efforts to protect and develop the production of this staple food should be intensified. Faced with the constraints related to the means of controlling Fusarium wilt previously mentioned, biological control is much explored as an alternative by the research (Gbongué et al., 2012; Mohammed et al., 2019; Torres-Trenas et al., 2019).

Earthworms are soil invertebrates that participate in soil aeration and water infiltration, increasing the nutrients content of the soil, mixing soil minerals with organic material. All making these organisms soil fertility agents (Römbke et al., 2005; Bhadauria and Saxena, 2010). In addition to this capacity of affecting positively soil functioning, earthworms were found to have potent antimicrobial activities. Indeed, they have developed innate immune mechanisms that detect pathogens by recognizing conserved molecular patterns (Prakash and Gunasekaran, 2011). Earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae paste showed inhibitory activity against pathogens such as bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Kebsiella pneumoniae and Salmonella abony, and fungi Candida albicans, Aspergillus flavus and Trichophytum rubrum (Vasanthi et al., 2013).

According Pan et al. (2003), the coelomic fluid of the earthworm, Eisenia fetida andrei (Savigny) was demonstrated to possess an antimicrobial activity directed against earthworm pathogenic bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila and Bacillus megaterium. Thus, living in an environment with abundant pathogens, earthworms developed defense strategies against the living pathogens.

For instance, they have suspected to synthesize β-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase (NAGase), an enzyme that hydrolyses chitin, one of the main constituents ensuring the rigidity of fungal wall (Guthrie and Castle, 2006). These defense strategies or metabolite compounds allowing to implement defense strategies can be exploited for finding innovative biological solutions to issues related to above mentioned means of controlling Fusarium wilt.

This study proposes to evaluate the ability of earthworms to be biological control agents against the fungus Foc TR4. Eisenia fetida is a favorite worm species for composting and is frequently used as a biological monitor for experimental tests (OECD, 1984; Garg et al., 2006; Ouina et al., 2017). Specifically, interactions between Foc TR4 and (i) enzyme NAGase and (ii) E. fetida extracts (crude crushed and coelomic fluid) were assessed.


Al-Askar AA, Baka ZA, Rashad YM, Ghoneem KM, Abdulkhair WM, Hafez EE, Shabana YM. 2015. Evaluation of Streptomyces griseorubens E44G for the biocontrol of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici: ultrastructural and cytochemical investigations. Annals of Microbiology 65, 1815-1824.

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SourcePotential effect of earthworm Eisenia fetida extracts on the growth of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.cubense tropical race- 4 

Cyclone Idai Impact on Women's Livelihood in Chimanimani, Zimbabwe | InformativeBD

Climate shocks and women’s livelihood in Zimbabwe: A case study on the impact of Cyclone Idai in Chimanimani District

Douglas Marowa, and Angeline Musiya, from the different institute of the Zimbabwe. wrote a research article about, Cyclone Idai Impact on Women's Livelihood in Chimanimani, Zimbabwe. entitled, Climate shocks and women’s livelihood in Zimbabwe: A case study on the impact of Cyclone Idai in Chimanimani District. This research paper published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES). an open access scholarly research journal on  Biodiversity. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | NNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Climate shocks in Zimbabwe have been of worry to the sustenance of women livelihoods. The study sought to assess climate shocks and women’s livelihood in Chimanimani. To recommend for future gender sensitive adaptation and mitigation measure. Positivist and interpretivist paradigm, mixed research design were used. Used sample of 1,464 women, questionnaires, interviews, direct observation and focus groups for data collection. Findings, women were actively engaged in agricultural and heavily affected by the cyclone. No special considerations for women livelihoods. Adaptation strategies were early recovery, conservation agriculture, water harvesting, climatic resilience crops and environmental education. The provision of food aid as emergency phase, cash for work, and food for work or assets. Noted mitigation were use of organic fertilisers to reduce greenhouse gases, improved cropping, grazing and agro-forestry practices. To increase biomass productivity and carbon sequestration, it was also noted that there is now more reinforcement on forestry legislation to reduced deforestation and promotion of afforestation/reforestation. Noted was policy gaps in a gender based approach to climate shocks resilience and preparedness, as there was a clear exhibition of ignorance on the fundamentals of gender based approaches to climate chock resilience, mitigation and preparedness in District. Recommend need to consolidate and mainstream policies in harmonizing the sustainability of women livelihoods in climate shock resilience undertakings and preparedness. Establishment of climate smart technology and investing in breeding drought resilient crop varieties. Gender mainstream of women livelihoods in climate shock resilience. Increased developmental initiatives on capacity building and to strengthen environmental education programmes.

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Read moreTerra Preta Media and Corn Growth: Pyrolysis System Impact | InformativeBD


According to the WMO Conference (2006), the consequences of climate variability and climate change have developed from being a fable to a truth as the disastrous results of its harmful impacts are becoming more perceptible. The threat to human and food security essentials are being felt in a big and overwhelming way for all to observe. The disasters which have followed across the world are far reaching and the resultant repercussions of global warming permeating indiscriminately. The ever rising temperature and deterioration of the North and South Pole glaciers, rising sea water levels and opposite effects in other parts of the world, rainfall and droughts on mainland are the order of the day (Ncube et al., 2016). The trail of disasters that are threatening the existence of mankind on planet earth as the impacts are ravaging and as a result high mortality, disaster induced displacements, outbreak of diseases and the decimation of housing structures and the destruction of infrastructure is a repeated challenge. Women vulnerability is therefore increasing in this global matrix as they form the nucleus of the family heartbeat anchoring and supporting family in all facets. It is women who are likely to be exposed to the onslaught of climate change injuries creating food insecurities leading to uncertainty to humanity.

Climate shocks and women’s livelihood in Zimbabwe: A case study on the impact of Cyclone Idai in Chimanimani District

The rural and urban women sustain their livelihoods from a variety of entrepreneurial ventures and natural disasters pose a serious threat to their sources of livelihood notwithstanding their vulnerability (Ncube et al., 2016). Niang et al. (2014) reviewed that the growing inequality in developed countries as compared to developing countries on prioritising contingency and shocks on climate change effects on women is atrocious as the offensive of its results persist in wreaking havoc on communities and infrastructure unrestricted. Though there are conventions and platforms on climate change and it’s tall on women at global and regional levels respectively, the response of African countries is worrying for the reason that there is lack of prioritisation and preparedness in preventing the apparent threats to women and the sources of their livelihood (Nkomwa et al., 2014). There is impeccable evidence that natural disasters have worsened the plight of women resulting in their demise and children as appendages. It is against this background that the researchers sought to investigate on the climate shocks on women livelihood in Chimanimani District.

Climate shocks and women’s livelihood in Zimbabwe: A case study on the impact of Cyclone Idai in Chimanimani District

The continuing traces of climate change provoked natural disasters that have badly affected Chimanimani District over the years due to cyclones that have been predicted and forewarned prior to happening continue to present women as punch bags to these circumstances thus germinating endemic cycles of poverty due to lose of livelihoods (AGRITEX, 2019). Cyclone Idai was a classic example of one which had been put on air two weeks before it hit the anticipated path. This has formed a cycle of likely disasters with no means in place to lessen the potential negative impacts with particular interest on the livelihoods of women in this district. As contrasting to developed countries, Zimbabwe’s government evident in the case of Chimanimani District was left wanting as no clear strategies were in place to safeguard the livelihoods of women despite proof of vulnerability and affirmation that such a disaster was looming. The lack of clearness and uncertainty of measures to undertake by the responsible authorities in order to minimize the threats to livelihoods had serious corollary. There is no clear appreciation and understanding of whether it is a challenge of capacity to implement precautionary measures or it is rather a policy gap with regards to adaptation and resilience strategies for sustainable livelihoods to women. AGRITEX (2019) reviewed that there has been a challenge of complying with the paradigm shift from disaster management to disaster risk management, which has become the global and regional yardstick for climate change imperatives with gender approaches being a prerequisite.

Climate shocks and women’s livelihood in Zimbabwe: A case study on the impact of Cyclone Idai in Chimanimani District

The disaster management complex has exposed communities to disaster risks rather than mitigation of the impacts prior to their manifestation the current floods bedevilling Chimanimani is empirical evidence that shows the sustaining challenge to the Chimanimani community.

Therefore, the impacts on women’s livelihood are adverse and unlikely to be sustained under such circumstances. An investigation then into the livelihoods of women becomes pertinent. The main objective of this study was to assess and analysis the climate shocks and women’s livelihood in Zimbabwe, a case study of Chimanimani District. This was to recommend for future gender sensitive adaptation and mitigation measure to the study area.


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SourceClimate shocks and women’s livelihood in Zimbabwe: A case study on the impact of Cyclone Idai inChimanimani District

Terra Preta Media and Corn Growth: Pyrolysis System Impact | InformativeBD

The effect of Terra preta media using pirolysis system on growth and production of corn (Zea mays L)

A. Sutopo, and Yuliyanto,  from the different institute of the Indonesia. wrote a research article about, Terra Preta Media and Corn Growth: Pyrolysis System Impact. entitled, The effect of Terra preta media using pirolysis system on growth and production of corn (Zea mays L). This research paper published by the International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR). an open access scholarly research journal on Agronomy   under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | NNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Terra preta is a black soil found in the Amazon basin in the 15th century with the main characteristics of black and loose has the nature of resistant to leaching, able to provide and maintain nutrients in a very long time, whereas in Indonesia the availability of such land has not yet existed so it is necessary to make and apply terra preta soil with mineral soil base material mixed with charcoal, bones burned with pyrolysis combustion system and other organic materials. In enriching microorganisms, mycorrhizal fungi are added which function to increase nutrient absorption, increase plant resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, able to maintain growth and production stability. The study aims to determine the effect of the application of terra preta planting media with pyrolysis combustion systems on the growth and production of corn plants using polybags. The results showed that the application of terra preta in general had a good effect on the growth and production of corn compared to plants that only used mineral soil or control media. Application of T1: 100% terra preta treatment on observations of plant height and stem diameter showed the best treatment. On observation of the number of leaves, of wet weight and dry weight of root, canopy, corn seed, corn cob and corn husk of T5 treatment: mineral soil + 15gr mycorrhizae + 80% terra preta showed the best treatment.

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Read moreBiocontrol of Black Pod Disease in Côte d'Ivoire: Cocoa Endophytic Bacteria | InformativeB


Soil conservation was carried out hundreds of years ago by residents of the American Amazon basin in the form of the addition of biochar from the burning of minimal oxygen (pyrolysis) as a soil enhancer (Adimihardja, 2008). Biochar can overcome limitations and provide additional options for land management. The result of the addition of biochar in the form of black soil called terra preta managed by the Amerindian people 500 years ago which is to maintain organic carbon content, high fertility even though abandoned thousands of years by local residents (Lehmann et al., 2003). This soil is enriched with nutrient content two to three times that of the surrounding soil even without fertilization. Organic matter content and high nutrient retention are caused by very high carbon black content (Lehmann and Rondon 2006; Sohi 2009). Black carbon comes from biological biomass through combustion at temperatures of 300-5000C under limited oxygen conditions to produce aromatic organic matter with carbon concentrations of 70-80% (Lehmann et al., 2006).

The effect of Terra preta media using pirolysis system on growth and production of corn (Zea mays L)

Terra preta in the Amazon basin is very fertile and able to multiply with a speed of 1 cm per year. However, the availability of such land in Indonesia is very small or even can be said to be non-existent. The method used to improve soil quality in Indonesia is by making terra preta with the main ingredient of mineral soil which is added by biochar with a pyrolysis system and then activated with sulfuric acid and added animal dung, urine, animal bones and mycorrhizae. The activation process aims to break the hydrocarbon bonds so that biochar undergoes changes in physical and chemical properties with a larger surface area which affects the adsorption power (Sembiring and Tuti, 2003). The composition of these materials is whether artificial black soil has physical, chemical and biological properties such as terra preta soil and what is the ideal composition of terra preta to increase plant growth and crop production. According to Gani (2009) biochar effectively retains nutrients for its availability for plants compared to other organic materials such as leaves waste, compost or manure. The addition of coconut shell charcoal can increase plant growth through its effectiveness in the availability of nutrients, especially P because it has a high cation exchange capacity (Soemeinaboedhy and Tejowulan, 2007) and serves to assist the development of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the roots so as to provide additional nutrients as well as a shelter for microorganisms (Soemeinaboedhy and Tejowulan, 2007). Warnock et al., 2007). Therefore, to optimize the use of terra preta, roots need the help of mycorrhizal fungus hyphae to be able to absorb and reach more nutrients because the roots have different exudates from roots that are not infected with mycorrhizae because hyphae on mycorrhiza are able to help plant roots reach further and absorb elements more nutrients (Talanca, 2010). Mycorrhizal dose of 20g/plant is the best dose for growth of vanilla seeds (Tirta, 2006). Therefore it is necessary to research into the production of artificial terra preta with pyrolysis combustion systems and their application to plants that aim to find artificial terra preta, to know the effectiveness of artificial terra preta as an alternative planting medium, to know the response to growth and crop production. This research adds to the availability of fertile fertile soil that can increase plant growth and production so as to create a stable price for plant products.


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Gani, Anischan. 2009. Potensi Arang Hayati Biochar sebagai Komponen Teknologi Perbaikan Produktivitas Lahan Pertanian. Peneliti Balai Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi, Sukamandi 34-35.

Lehmann J, Rondon M. 2006. Biochar soil management on highly weathered soils in the humid tropics. p: 517-530 In Biological Approaches to Sustainable Soil Systems (Norman Uphoff et al., Eds.). Taylor & Francis Group PO Box 409267Atlanta, GA30384-9267.

Lehmann J, da Silva Jr JP, Steiner C, Nehls T, Zech W, Glaser B. 2003. Nutrient availability and leaching in an archaeological Anthrosol and a Ferralsol of the Central Amazon basin: fertilizer, manure and charcoal amendments. Plant and Soil 249, 343-357.

Sembiring M, Tryana, dan S Sinaga Tuti. 2003. Arang Aktif : Pengenalan dan Proses Pembuatan. Jurusan Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sumatera Utara.

Soemeinaboedhy IN, Tejowulan RS. 2007. Pemanfaatan berbagai macam arang sebagai sumber unsur P dan K serta sebagai pembenah tanah. Jurnal Agroteksos 17(2), 115-121.

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SourceThe effect of Terrapreta media using pirolysis system on growth and production of corn (Zea maysL)