Burkholderia cepacia: A Case Report from the University Hospital of Befelatanana Laboratory | InformativeBD

Burkholderia cepacia: A case report in the laboratory of University Hospital of Befelatanana

Zafindrasoa Domoina Rakotovao-Ravahatra, Rémy Narindra Milasoanjara , Benja Ramilitiana, Hoahy Rasoanandrasana , Mikkelsen Eliane Ranivoharisoa , Willy Franck Harilalaina Randriamarotia, and Andriamiadana Luc Rakotovao, from the institute of Madagascar. wrote a research article about, Burkholderia cepacia: A Case Report from the University Hospital of Befelatanana Laboratory. Entitled, Burkholderia cepacia: A case report in the laboratory of University Hospital of Befelatanana. This research paper published by the International journal of Microbiology and Mycology (IJMM). an open access scholarly research journal on Microbiology. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher. 


Burkholderia cepacia has rarely been reported in Antananarivo. We present a case of a 49-year-old male with chronic kidney disease, hemodialysis-dependent, who was admitted to the hospital because of dyspnoea, deterioration of the general state and fever. His past medical history includes chronic kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes and chronic global heart failure. Burkholderia cepacia was identified in blood culture. The Immuno-compromised state of the patient, the antimicrobial resistance of Burkholderia cepacia and the delay of positivity of blood cultures are discussed. 

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Chronic renal failure is a public health problem worldwide. In 2015, more than 353 million people or 5% of the world's population suffer from chronic renal failure (Ramilitiana et al., 2016). The survival and quality of life of these patients depend on the continued good functioning of dialysis access sites. Bloodstream infection is the leading cause of hospitalization and the second most common cause of death among patients receiving regular hemodialysis. Controlling infection in these patients is a challenge for healthcare staff because hemodialysis is an invasive procedure with an inherent infection risk. Furthermore, catheters are often manipulated during hemodialysis sessions, and patients receiving hemodialysis are immunodeficient. Bloodstream infection is caused by the nosocomial infections in the majority of cases (Gauna et al, 2013). Among the germs involved, B. cepacia (B. cepacia) is an aerobic, glucose– non-fermenting, gram-negative bacillus that mainly affects immunocompromised and hospitalized patients as well as those with chronic affection diseases (Lee et al, 2015). Patients with cystic fibrosis and dialysis-dependent patients are particularly vulnerable. Clinical manifestations are varied and run the gamut from asymptomatic colonization to necrotizing pneumonia and sepsis (Zuckerman and Seder, 2007). It is often resistant to multiple antibiotics and has been shown to grow in penicillin medium. It is known to contaminate intravenous fluids, bronchoscopes and urinary catheters (Long et al, 2012). The isolation of the etiologic agent and determination of antimicrobial susceptibility profile are important for achieving better prognoses. The emergence of multiresistant bacteria is a wellrecognized problem. Therefore, surveillance studies are important for the monitoring of the emergence of these microorganisms, especially in immunocompromised patients, such as those undergoing hemodialysis (Gauna et al, 2013).

This study aims to demonstrate a case of B. cepacia sepsis in a dialysis-dependent patient who had endocarditis with past medical history of hypertension and diabetes.


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Source : Burkholderia cepacia: A case report in the laboratory of University Hospital of Befelatanana