Population Size and Conservation Strategies for Rose-Ringed Parakeet in Maroua, Northern Cameroon | InformativeBD

Population size and conservation management of the rose-ringed parakeet (Alexandrinus krameri) in the town of Maroua, far north Cameroon

Ghislain Noé Kougoum Piebeng, from the institute of  Cameroon,  Madi Namissa , from the institute of  Cameroon. Simon Awafor Tamungang , from the institute of  Cameroon. Daksala Wansang , from the institute of  Cameroon.  Leonce Syntcha Djakam, from the institute of  Cameroon . Sandra Ateufack Nguekeng, from the institute of  Cameroon and Alexis Teguia, from the institute of  Cameroon. wrote a research article about, Population Size and Conservation Strategies for Rose-Ringed Parakeet in Maroua, Northern Cameroon. entitled, Population size and conservation management of the rose-ringed parakeet (Alexandrinus krameri) in the town of Maroua, far north Cameroon. This research paper published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES).  an open access scholarly research journal on Biodiversity. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher. 


The present study was carried out in the town of Maroua, Far North Region of Cameroon with the main objective of contributing to the knowledge of the population status of the Rose-ringed Parakeet (RRP) with a view to its sustainable management. The Rose-ringed Parakeet (RRP) inventory was carried out using the linear strip transect method. The counts were made from 27 July to 20 September 2023 for the rainy season and from 15 November 2023 to 2 February 2024, all between 6 a.m.-9:30 a.m. for the morning and 4 p.m.-6 p.m. for the evening on all sites. The information collected in the field was processed and analysed using Distance 6.0, PAST 4.03 and QGIS.3.22 software. It appears from this analysis that the population of RRP is estimated at 47,391 individuals in the study site with an average density of 20.6 individuals per hectare. In the rainy season, the surface density was estimated at 12,488 individuals/ha for a total of 28,723 individuals while in the dry season, the density was 7.1815 individuals/ha for a total of 16,517 individuals. Depending on the type of habitat, the abundance of parakeets was higher in mixed zones composed of housing and plantations compared to other habitats. RRP are found everywhere in the territory of the city of Maroua. Modelling the spatial distribution using the IDW interpolation method using QGIS software shows that RRP in general and in the rainy season are more abundant in the Maroua 1 subdivision, and this distribution was dependent on the availability of food resources. Les principales activités humaines rencontrés sont le pâturage et l’exploitation forestière. The main human activities encountered were pasture and logging. Although RRPs are still encountered in large numbers in Maroua, conservation should be done as a priority in the districts of Maroua 1 and Maroua 3.

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Birds represent the animal group most used for environmental monitoring, ahead of large mammals (Ricard et al., 2017). They play a role in crop protection by controlling populations of harmful insects. They enable the development of tourist activities through their various forms (Kouzi, 2012). Birds are a source not only of aesthetic pleasure, sound and color to our existence, but also a source of economic growth, providing income and motivation for conservation through ecotourism (Jaquemet, 2010). They also provide a wide variety of ecosystem services. Rose-ringed parakeets (RRP), for their part, are involved in the pollination of plants and can disperse seeds over long distances through their excrement (Blanco et al., 2018). The potentially ubiquitous ecological role of the parakeet may contribute to the resilience of ecosystems against overgrazing and forest degradation, particularly through their dependence on declining basal tree species (Ellison et al., 2005). 

The RRP, despite its ecological and socioeconomic importance, is one of the most successful invasive birds in the world (Menchetti and Mori, 2014; Le Gros et al., 2016), with exotic populations established in more than 35 countries (Menchetti et al., 2016). The rose-ringed parakeet often occurs around human habitation (Grandi et al. 2018; Mentil et al. 2018). It is a social species and is native to parts of eastern and southern Asia and from eastern to central Africa (Parr and Juniper, 2010). Humans have been responsible for translocating this species across the globe as part of the pet trade, and many are purchased for companionship (Menchetti et al., 2016; Vall-llosera et al., 2017). The RRP with its shrill cry is a granivore-frugivore which exploits both local and exotic species (buds, fruits, seeds). It is also considered a major pest in India, its native area, where it attacks fruit and cereal trees (Clergeau et al., 2015). It nests very early in tree cavities and seems to compete in certain regions with other cavity-dwelling species such as the Nuthatch, Sitta europaea (Strubbe and Matthysen, 2009). Studies also show potential impacts on Stock Doves, Columba oenas or bats (Hernandez-Brito et al., 2014) or on the feeding of small passerines (Peck et al., 2014) and during the breeding period, it displays aggressive behaviour towards other birds that fly around its nests (Clergeau et al., 2015).

Several works have already been carried out on the RRP all over the world and in Africa. In this context, we will cite for example the study on the introduction and nesting of the RRP in Algeria (Amina et al., 2005), and the study on the establishment of the RRP Psittacula krameri (syn: Alexandrinus parakeet) in Algeria and first data on its trophic ecology in this region (Bendjoudi et al., 2005). On the other hand, in Cameroon, no previous study has been carried out on RRP. This work was initiated with the overall objective of contributing to knowledge of the state of the RRP population with a view to its sustainable management in the city of Maroua. Specifically, it is: estimate the abundance and density of the Roseringed parakeet in the town of Maroua, map the spatial distribution of RRP; identify and assess the impact of different threats on this bird species.


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Source : Population size and conservation management of the rose-ringed parakeet (Alexandrinus krameri) inthe town of Maroua, far north Cameroon