New Species Record: Bidens bipinnata L. (Asteraceae) in Rajasthan, India | InformativeBD

Bidens bipinnata L. (Asteraceae): A new species record to Rajasthan state, India

Yogita Solanki, from the institute of India. Naveen Kumar, from the institute of India . Archana Meena, from the institute of India. Jai Singh, from the institute of India. and Amit Kotiya, from the institute of India. wrote a Research Article about, New Species Record: Bidens bipinnata L. (Asteraceae) in Rajasthan, India. Entitled, Bidens bipinnata L. (Asteraceae): A new species record to Rajasthan state, India. This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB). an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences| INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Bidens bipinnata L. (Asteraceae), first-time distribution records from the State of Rajasthan. Previously, this species was distributed only in Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. In Rajasthan, it is reported as an addition to the flora of the State. This article provides habitat, distribution, detailed description, plant association, flowering and fruiting time, artificial key and photographs of the species.

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Rajasthan, the largest State of India, is widely recognized for having arid and semi-arid biogeographical habitats. The State of Rajasthan is located between a latitude of 23º3’ and 30º12’ N and a longitude of 69º30’ and 78º17’ E. The State’s total area is 3,42,239 km². The State’s distinctive flora has been studied and published by a number of taxonomists (Biswas and Rolla, 1953; 1964; Bhandari, 1978; Sharma and Tiagi, 1979; Shetty and Pandey, 1983; Shetty and Singh, 1987, 1991 & 1993; Sharma et al., 2005; Tiagi and Aery, 2007; Singh and Srivastava, 2007; Kotia et al., 2008; Meena and Yadav, 2011; Kumar et al., 2020; Solanki et al., 2020). Kotiya et al. (2020) published updated information about the flora of Rajasthan. Recent studies by Purohit (2020), Kotiya et al. (2021), Sharma et al. (2022), Ravikumar et al. (2022), Sharma and Sarsavan (2023) and Kumar et al. (2023) have expanded our knowledge of the State’s floral composition. Asteraceae is one of the largest and most widely distributed families of dicot plants. The family is represented by around 43 tribes, 1600-1700 genera and 25000 species under 16 subfamilies (Funk et al., 2005; Funk et al., 2009; Stevens, 2017). In India, the family comprises 1314 species under 204 genera and 24 tribes (Mitra and Mukherjee, 2017). The genus Bidens L. comes under the Helianthinae tribe of the family. Approximately 280 species of genus Bidens are distributed in tropical and temperate regions of the world (Mitich, 1994). Currently, the genus has 249 accepted species (The Plant List). 10 species and 2 varieties of Bidens have been reported in Flora of India (Chowdhery, 1995). The recent addition of a new species, Bidens bachulkarii, from the Western Ghats by Jagtap et al. (2016) brings the total number of species to 11 for the flora of India. To represent the genus Bidens L., the Flora of Rajasthan only listed the species Bidens biternata (Shetty and Singh, 1983). With the completion of this study, Rajasthan's flora now contains two species of Bidens.


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Source Bidens bipinnata L.(Asteraceae): A new species record to Rajasthan state, India