Machine Learning Predicts Thrips Occurrence in Tomatoes Under Weather Variations | InformativeBD

Predictive Analysis of Occurrence of Thrips in Tomato Subject to Weather Parameters Using Machine Learning Techniques

Satish Kumar Yadav,  from the institute of India. D. Pawar, from the institute of India. Latika Yadav , from the institute of India. and Saurabh Tripathi, from the institute of India. wrote a Research Article about, Machine Learning Predicts Thrips Occurrence in Tomatoes Under Weather Variations. Entitled, Predictive Analysis of Occurrence of Thrips in Tomato Subject to Weather Parameters Using Machine Learning Techniques. This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB).  an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Thrips (Thripidae) on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) at Rajendranagar, Andhra Pradesh, India is modelled based on field data sets generated during six kharif seasons [2011-18]. The weather variables considered are maximum & minimum temperature (MaxT & MinT) (0C), morning and evening humidity (RHM & RHE) (%), sunshine hours (SS) (hr/d), wind velocity (Wind) (km/hr), total rainfall (RF) (mm) and rainy days (RD). Thrips incidence was higher during 2012 and lowest in 2014. Correlation analyses significant positive influence of maximum temperature and negative influence of wind of one lags, RHM both current and one lags, rainfall one lag of negative influence on thrips. Machine learning techniques namelyAn empirical comparison of the above models [support vector regression (SVR), random forest (RF) and the other statistical models e.g., multiple linear regression (MLR), ridge regression (RR), least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), and elastic net (EN)] is based on root mean square error (RMSE). It is observed that, for thrips, the RMSE values of RF and LASSO are less as compared to other competing models. Diebold-Mariano (D-M) test was applied for comparison of forecasting performance among the applied models. It is observed that, predictive accuracy of RF and LASSO is higher than that of other models.

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Read morePost-Harvest Conservation Methods for Solenostemon rotundifolius Seedlings: An EffectivenessStudy | InformativeBD


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most popular produced and extensively consumed vegetable crops in the world (Grandillo et al., 1999). It is one of the most important vegetable crops in India that can be eaten raw in salads or as an ingredient in many dishes and in drinks (Alam et al., 2007). Tomatoes and tomato-based foods provide a wide variety of nutrients and many health-related benefits to the body. In regions where it is being cultivated and consumed, it constitutes a very essential part of people’s diet. Tomatoes production accounts for about 4.8 million hectares of harvested land area globally with an estimated production of 165 million tonnes (FAOSTAT, 2017). China leads world tomato production with about 50 million tonnes followed by India with 17.8 million tonnes. Tomato production can serve as a source of income for most rural and peri-urban producers in most developing countries. Despite all the numerous benefits from the crop, many challenges are making its production unprofitable in most developing countries, especially those in Africa. The challenges faced by producers are seen either in production, post-harvest, marketing or a combination of any of them. The purpose of this paper is to look at the postharvest challenges that result in losses and recommend some low-cost intermediate technologies needed to remedy the situation. Accounting for about 8.23% of the total vegetable production in the country. Tremendous progress has been made in tomato production during the past four and half decades. At present, India is the fourth largest producer of tomato, accounting for 6.8% of the world production and the second largest in terms of acreage, accounting for 11.9% of area under tomato in the world. Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is widely distributed and has caused serious losses in the yield of this and many other crops in Australia, India, Nepal, China, Thailand, and USA. Early infections cause the most severe damage and can lead to total crop loss. Epidemics of insect-transmitted plant viruses in agricultural ecosystems require the interaction of 3 basic components: the host plant of the virus, the insect vector and the plant pathogenic virus. While this triad sounds quite straight forward, the relationships and interactions occurring between and among the basic triad components and the environment are complex and dynamic, frequently defying complete understanding by scientists and agricultural practitioners worldwide. Many plant viruses are transmitted by arthropod vectors (Nault, 1997). TSWV, the type species of the genus Tospovirus, family Bunyaviridae (Murphy et al., 1995), is exclusively transmitted by several thrips species in a propagative manner (German et al., 1992; Ammar, 1994; Goldbach and Peters, 1994). Tomatoes are susceptible to more than 200 diseases. Important achievements in chemical, biological, cultural and genetic control methods have greatly reduced economic losses and sometimes have eliminated them. Viral diseases are a special case since they cannot be controlled by chemical treatments. Crop protection must then rely on genetic resistance or on disease avoidance. TSWV was first reported in India in tomato in 1964 (Todd et al., 1975). The occurrence of TSWV on a legume in India was first recorded in 1968 (Reddy et al., 1968). Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) cause serious problems in the cultivation of a wide range of greenhouse and field crops. They create major damage on plants by causing reduction in plant growth, deformation of plant organs, and cosmetic damage in the form of silver scars on leaves and flowers. Thrips cause direct damage during feeding, plants should be released by breaking the leaf, fountain and fruits cells, leaving behind silvery patches and fruit sores to reduce plant yields and tomato market shortage (Riley and Pappu, 2004; Staford et al., 2011). And these are dependent on weather conditions (Verhage et al., 2017; Harvey et al., 2018). Thus, there is a need for the development of predictive models for the incidence of pests and diseases that can improve the interpretation of the crop cycle according to the weather, incorporating weather-soil-plant factors (Malau et al., 2018; Badnakhe et al., 2018). Machine learning is a method that works with data analysis and seeks to automate the construction of analytical models (Shekoofa et al., 2014; Li et al., 2016). It is a field of computer science that works with the recognition of patterns using computational learning theory in artificial intelligence (Sahoo et al., 2017). Machine learning algorithms are very promising for faster, more dependent variables and the meteorological elements are the independent variables of the models. Elastic Net (EN), a penalized variable selection approach that combines both ridge penalty and LASSO penalty. Different forecasting techniques e.g., Multiple Linear Regression (MLR); K Neighbors Regressor (KNN); Random Forest Regressor (RFT), and Artificial Neural Networks– Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), EN, LASSO are applied. The ridge method of MLR is utilized. This method avoids poor conditioning of the matrix of the repressor variables, controlling the inflation and the general instability found in least squares estimators. Ridge avoids the multicollinearity problem without having to exclude repressor variables, so it has no information loss.


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Source Predictive Analysis of Occurrence of Thrips in Tomato Subject to Weather Parameters Using Machine Learning Techniques  

Post-Harvest Conservation Methods for Solenostemon rotundifolius Seedlings: An Effectiveness Study | InformativeBD

Evaluation of the effectiveness of post-harvest conservation methods for seedlings of Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir. J. K. Morton)

Arnaud Rodrigue Zongo,  from the institute of Burkina Faso.  Rasmata Nana, from the institute of Burkina Faso. Ousseni Berthé, from the institute of Burkina Faso. Aboubacar Sory, from the institute of Burkina Faso . Aboulazize Banhoro, from the institute of Burkina Faso. and Diaby Hadi Abdoul Kassamba, from the institute of Burkina Faso. wrote a Research Article about, Post-Harvest Conservation Methods for Solenostemon rotundifolius Seedlings: An Effectiveness Study. Entitled, Evaluation of the effectiveness of post-harvest conservation methods for seedlings of Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir. J. K. Morton). This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB). an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences . under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Solenostemon rotundifolius is a tuberous plant with great food and economic potential in Burkina Faso. One of the major problems in its production is the loss of seedlings during storage, resulting in a shortage of raw materials at planting time. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of methods for preserving S. rotundifolius seedlings. A randomized block design with three (03) replicates was used. Twelve (12) preservation methods were tested. Measurements were made on the rate of budded seedlings, budding time, bud length and seedling loss rate. The results showed that six (6) conservation methods produced seedlings with a budding rate of over 80% and low seedling loss rates, ranging from 2.38% to 6.19%. These are: conservation in “Bitatoré” with millet husks as additive (BITA+G) with a seedling budding rate of 89.05 ± 2.27%, canaries with sand as additive (CAN+S) with a budding rate of 87.62 ± 2.17%, “Bitatoré” without additive (BITA) with a budding rate of 86,19 ± 2.33%, Storage in Sand and Sprouting (Tri S) with a budding rate of 85.71 ± 2.72%, canaries with wood shavings as additive (CAN+CB) with a budding rate of 85.24 ± 2.35% and canaries without additive (CAN) with a budding rate of 85.24 ± 2.54%. In addition, the seedlings produced by these methods had respective seed loss rates of 2.86%, 2.86%, 6.19%, 2.38%, 3.81% and 5.71%. The results also showed that seedling budding time varied from 51 ± 4 to 70 ± 3 days, depending on the storage method.

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Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir.) J. K. Morton, native to tropical Africa (Tindall, 1983), is an annual herbaceous member of the Labiaceae family (Schippers, 2002). It is cultivated in several African countries, notably in West Africa (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Togo), in Central Africa (Cameroon, Chad) and in parts of South and East Africa. 

Evaluation of the effectiveness of post-harvest conservation methods for seedlings of Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir. J. K. Morton)

In Burkina Faso, S. rotundifolius is mainly grown for its edible tubers. Indeed, S. rotundifolius tubers are used as a staple food in rural areas and as a dietary supplement in urban areas (Nanema, 2010). S. rotundifolius tubers contain protein, carbohydrates, fiber, lipids and are rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc and chromium (Gouado al., 2003; Prematilake, 2005, Enyiukwu et al. 2014, Sethuraman et al., 2020; Kwazo et al.,2021). In addition to these nutritional values, S. rotundifolius is of great medicinal importance. Due to the intermediate glycemic index content of its tubers, S. rotundifolius is recommended as a meal for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (Eleazu et al., 2017). Tubers reduce blood cholesterol levels (Abraham et al., 2005) and possess strong antioxidant activity (Sandhya et al., 2000, Kwarteng et al., 2018). Also, the leaves and tubers are used in the treatment of several illnesses such as coughs, angina, dysentery, sore eyes (Ouédraogo et al., 2007) and fungal and viral infections in humans (Kwarteng et al.,2018). In addition, the marketing of tubers is a source of income for producers. Thus, a survey conducted in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, revealed that the price of one kilogram of S. rotundifolius tubers was 1.2 to 3 USD (Nanéma al., 2017). Grubben (2004) also reported trade in S. rotundifolius tubers between northern Ghana and Burkina Faso. Despite the plant's many potential uses, it remains under-exploited for a variety of reasons. In Burkina Faso, S. rotundifolius is generally grown by elderly people on small areas (Ouédraogo et al., 2007). In addition, one of the major problems is the difficulty of preserving the seedlings that are the agricultural raw material, particularly their loss during storage (Tindall, 1983). Studies have shown that the lack of appropriate methods for the post-harvest conservation of tubers is the cause of huge losses that can reach 20 to 40% of production (Sugri et al.,2013). Indeed, more rotting occurs during seed conservation. Also, pre-harvest and post-harvest operations damage the tuber integuments, making them more susceptible to attack by micro-organisms (Mohammed, 2013).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of post-harvest conservation methods for seedlings of Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir. J. K. Morton)

In rural areas, growers have developed endogenous methods for preserving S. rotundifolius seedlings. These methods involve keeping the tubers in cool, dry conditions, away from light, cooking salt and fats (Bognounou, 1970, Gouado et al., 2003, Ouédraogo et al., 2007). Seedlings are generally mixed with crop residues (millet husks) and stored in containers such as granaries and canaries (Ouédraogo et al., 2007). However, the problem of preservation remains a major constraint, hampering production. The aim of the present study is to identify the best methods for conserving S. rotundifolius seedlings. Specifically, it aims to: (i) assess the effect of conservation methods on seedlings, (ii) identify conservation methods that promote better seedling budding.


Abraham M, Radhakrishnan VV, Abraham M, Radhakrishnan VV. 2005. Assessment and induction of variability in coleus (Solenostemon rotundifolius). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 75(12), 834-836.

Aksenova NP, Sergeeva LI, Konstantiva TN, Vskaya SA, Kolachevskaya OO, Romanov GA. 2013. Regulation of potato tuber dormancy and sprouting. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 60(3), 301-312.

Bischoff A, Vonlanthen B, Steiner T, Muller- Scharer H. 2006. Seed provenance matters – Effects on germination of four plant species used for ecological restoration. Basic and Applied Ecology 7(4), 347- 359.

Dandago, MA, Gungula D. 2011. Effects of various storage methods on the quality and nutritional composition of sweet potato (Ipomea batatas L.) in Yola Nigeria. International Food Research Journal 18(1), 271-278.

Eleazu, CO, Eleazu KC, Iroaganachi MA, Kalu W. 2017. Starch digestibility and predicted glycemic indices of raw and processed forms of hausa potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius). Journal of Food Biochemistry 41(3).

Enyiukwu DN, Awurum AN, Nwaneri J. 2014. Potentials of Hausa Potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir.) J. K. Morton and Management of its Tuber Rot in Nigeria Greener. Journal of Agronomy, Forestry and Horticulture 2(2), 027-03.

Gouado I, Fotso M,  Djampou  EJ. 2003. Potentiel nutritionnel de deux tubercules (Coleus rotundifolius et Solenostemon ssp.) consommés   au   Cameroun. 2ème Atelier International, Voies alimentaires d’amélioration des situations nutritionnelle Ouagadougou, 85-90.

Grubben GJH. 2004. Légumes. Pays-Bas, Fondation PROTA, 736 p.

Hundayheu M, Mcewan M, Namanda S, Low J, Vandamme E, Brouwer R. 2022. Participatory validation and optimization of the Triple S method for sweetpotato planting material conservation in southern Ethiopia. Open Agriculture 7(1), 120-131.

Kwarteng AO, Ghunney T, Adu Amoah R, Nyadanu D, Abogoom J, Nyam KC, Ziyaaba JZ, Danso EO, Whyte T, Asiedu DD. 2018. Current knowledge and breeding avenues to improve upon Frafra potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir.) J K Morton). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 65(12), 659-669.

Kwazo HA, Sulaiman AU, Abdulmumin U, Muhammad MU, Mohammed S. 2021. Comparative assessment of chemical composition and anti-Nutrient components of Solenostemon rotundifolius tuber pulp and peel. African Journal of Food Science and Technology 12(4), 1-6. https//

Law RD, Suttle JC. 2004. Changes in histone H3 and H4 multi-acetylation during natural and forced dormancy in potato tubers. Physiologia plantarum 120(4), 642-649. https//

Mani F, Bettaieb T, Doudech N, Hannachi C. 2014. Physiological Mechanisms for Potato Dormancy Release and Sprouting: A Review. African Crop Science Journal 22(2), 155-174.

Mohammed A, Chimbekujwo IB, Bristone B. 2013. Effect of different storage methods on development of post-harvest rot of Solenostemon rotundifolius (poir) J.K.Morton in Yola, Adamawa State-Nigeria. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 3(5), 2224-3208.

Nanbol KK, Deshi KE, Satdom SM. 2020. Studies of Dormancy Break of some Accessions of Hausa Potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir) J.K.Morton) in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science 8(8), 283-287.

Nanéma KR. 2010. Ressources génétiques de solenostemon rotundifolius (poir.) J. K. Morton du Burkina Faso : système de culture, variabilité agromorphologique et rela-tions phylogénétiques entre ses différents morphotypes cultives au Burkina Faso, Thèse Doctorat unique, Université Ouagadougou, 141 p.

Nanéma RK, Sawadogo N, Traoré RE, Ba AH. 2017. Marketing Potentialities and Constraints for Frafra Potato: Case of the Main Markets of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). Journal of Plant Sciences 5(6), 191-195. DOI:10.11648/j.jps.20170506.14

Ouédraogo, A, Sedogo A, Zongo JD. 2007. Perceptions paysannes de la culture et des utilisations du « Fabirama » (Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir.) J.K. Morton) dans le Plateau Central du Burkina Faso. Annales de Botanique de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, 13-21.

Prematilake DP. 2005. Inducing genetic variation of innala (S. rotundifolius) via in vitro callus culture. Journal of Nationale Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 33(2), 123-131.

Richard D, Giraud N, Pradere F, Chevalet P, Soubaya T.2010. Biologie, licence tout le cours en fiches, Dunod, Paris, ISBN 978-2-10-055510-9, 697 p.

Robert C. 2011. Gestion et entreposage de la pomme. Colloque sur la pomme de terre, 94 p.

Sandhya C, Vijayalakshmi N. R. 2000. Antioxidant activity of flavanoids from Solenostemon rotundifolius in rats fed normal and high fat diets. Journal of Nutraceuticals, Functionnal and Medical Foods 3(2), 55-66.

Schippers R. 2002. African Indigenous Vegetables. An over view of the cultivated Species. Natural Resources Institute.214 p.

Sugri I, Kusi F, Kanton RAL, Stephen KN, Mukhtar Z. 2013. Sustaining Frafra potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius Poir.) in the food chain; current opportunities in Ghana. Journal of Plant Sciences 1(4), 68-75. https//

Sugri I, Kusi F, Yirzagla J, Abubakari M, Lamini S, Asungre P, Zakaria M, Attamah P, Azasiba J, Aziiba E, Kanton R,  Nutsugah S,  Buah S. 2021. Assessment of Postharvest Management of Frafra Potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir.) J. K. Morton). Current Topics in Agricultural Sciences 5, 79-101.

Tindall HD. 1983. Vegetables in the tropics. The Macmillan Press Ltd, UK, 533 p.

Source : Evaluation of the effectiveness of post-harvest conservation methods for seedlings of Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir. J. K. Morton) 

Assessing Vertebrate Diversity and Bio-Ecological Threats in Maslakh Forest, Quetta | InformativeBD

Vertebrate fauna diversity and bio-ecological threats finding in Maslakh State Forest Mountain Range, District Quetta, Pakistan

Shahid Ur Rehman, from the institute of Pakistan. Asmatullah Kakar, from the institute of Pakistan. Mohammad Niaz Khan Kakar, from the institute of Pakistan. Nosheen Rafique, from the institute of Pakistan. Nasrullah, from the institute of Pakistan. Zafarullah, from the institute of Pakistan. And Muhammad Qaim, from the institute of Pakistan. wrote a Research Article about, Assessing Vertebrate Diversity and Bio-Ecological Threats in Maslakh Forest, Quetta. Entitled, Vertebrate fauna diversity and bio-ecological threats finding in Maslakh State Forest Mountain Range, District Quetta, Pakistan. This research paper published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES). an open access scholarly research journal on Biodiversity. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


The present study was conducted from August 2020 to December 2021 to count the vertebrate population and to examine the negative impact cause their scarcity. The Maslakh range forest (30°03′ to 30°21′ N and 66°31′ to 66°49′ E) extends over an area of 115,040 hectors with an altitude of 1406 meter to 4228 meter. Standard methods such as track counts, point surveys, line transects, road side counts, pellet counts, trapping, fresh holes, tracks counting, baited spotlight trick and normal spotlight were used to record the number of mammal species. For aves fauna survey strip census trick was used, and for reptiles, amphibian species direct counting (night observations, one-hour plot searching, stones, rocks and rotten trees turning) were processed, while indirect counting (informations) were obtained from field staff, game inspectors, game watchers, and local villagers. In total 153 vertebrate species including 28 mammals (18.30%), 100 birds (65.36%), 22 reptiles (13.92%) and 3 amphibians (2.06%) were recorded. Threatened species recorded were Striped hyaena (Hyaena hyaena Linnaeus, 1758), Indian wolf (Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758), Balochistan urial (Ovis vignei blanfordi Blanford, 1894), Chinkara (Gazella bennettii Sykes, 1831), and the imperial eagles (Aquila heliaca Blanford,1894) found to be critically endangered. It was observed that hunting and capturing of animals of the study area and native live-stock grazing were known to be the main reasons of fauna and flora decline. Another important factor was noted to be droughts intensity due to climatic change of the area. It is concluded that prompt management plan of the Forestry Department Balochistan (Balochistan wildlife Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Management) Act 1974 may be implemented in its full spirit at the earliest to save the vertebrate fauna, vegetation and natural fresh water reservoirs of Maslakh range forest, Pakistan.

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In Balochistan province (Pakistan), the marked decline in biodiversity happened due to anthropogenic activities like deforestation, species migration, and habitat fragmentation (Groombridge, 1998; Qasim et al., 2017). Other factors that violate biodiversity include increased human and live-stock population, habitat destruction, global warming, and also putting the lives in danger of some useful and unique species (Rawat & Agarwal, 2015; Tareen, 2017; Baboo et al., 2017; Javed, 2019). 

Major threats to vertebrate fauna diversity and habitat loss are forest degradation, wood logging, hunting, and disturbance by humans of the area (Khan et al., 2018). Maslakh wildlife protected area was established in 1968. The area was declared as a wildlife sanctuary for chinkara and urial (IUCN, 1997; Groombridge, 1998; WWF-Pakistan, 1998; Government of Balochistan and IUCN Pakistan, 2000; Ghalib et al., 2007) according to Balochistan wildlife (Protection, Preservation, Conservation, and Management) Act 1974. 

The Chinkara population in Maslakh range forest was almost wiped out by large hunting (Virk, 1991). The hill ranges are drained by main rainy Pishin river (Said & Hussain, 1959). The middle belt of about 8-9 km has no surface or groundwater (Said & Hussain, 1959).

Maslakh range (state) forest lies in the Olive-Pistacia vegetation zone. Due to extreme lopping and overgrazing in the past, tree growth in Maslakh is represented only by Pistacia khinjuk and infrequent copies of Fraxinus xanthoxyloides (Rafi, 1965). The predominant tree species are Olea ferruginea, Pistacia khinjuk, Prunus eburnea, Stocksia braubica and Berberis vulgaris. Artemisia maritima and Cousinia minuta constitute the main ground cover above 5,500' while Hammada griffithii replaces Artemisia in lower parts. The major grassses are Sipa pennata, Chrysopogon aucheri, Cymbopogon schoenanthus, Aeluropus littoralis, Poa sinaica and P. bulbosa (Rafi, 1965; Marwat et al., 1989). 

As previously, no literatures are available on vertebrate fauna diversity of Maslakh range forest Quetta. Therefore, to accomplish this gape of scientific knowledge, the vertebrate population count was estimated and the bio-ecological problems of the study area were determined. The management strategy required for conservation and organization of wildlife in the range forest was proposed.


AbiSaid M, Dloniak SMD. 2015. Hyaena hyaena (Linnaeus, 1758). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

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Mycotoxin-Producing Fungi in Eritrean Sorghum: Market-Sourced Incidence Study | InformativeBD

Incidence of mycotoxin producing fungi in sorghum sourced from different markets of EritreaGeofrey Sing’ombe Ombiro, from the institute of Eritrea.  and Nadin Issak, from the institute of Eritrea. wrote a Research Article about, Mycotoxin-Producing Fungi in Eritrean Sorghum: Market-Sourced Incidence Study. Entitled, Incidence of mycotoxin producing fungi in sorghum sourced from different markets of Eritrea. This research paper published by the International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR). an open access scholarly research journal on Agronomy. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Sorghum serves as staple food for over 100 million people in Sub-Saharan African countries. It is the most important nutritional security crop. However, sorghum is susceptible to contamination by molds that produces aflatoxin that causes hepatoxin and carcinogenic effects on humans and animals. This study was conducted to survey sorghum storage conditions in relation to mycotoxin contamination and to determine the efficacy of neem against Aspergillus flavus. The survey was done through questionnaires in Asmara, Keren and Asmat. The survey determined that sorghum is stored together with other cereals in all the markets. It also determined that sorghum sold in Asmara, Keren and Asmat is obtained from different places such as; Anseba, Mendefara, Gashbaka and Halhale. The survey also determined that most of the sorghum in the markets has been in storage for between 3-12 months with very little being stored longer than 1 year. In terms of control, sorghum sellers use a combination of fungicide and local remedies to eliminate pests and diseases. The common fungicide reported to be used was Tanphos with the local remedies used being; chillies, neem, lime and ash. We identified mycotoxins such as Fusarium and Aspergillus spp. in sorghum seed obtained from different markets of Eritrea. Treatment with neem was found effective as it diminished the radial growth of Aspergillus flavus. The concentration of mycotoxins specifically Aspergillus flavus in all sorghum samples was found to be higher. Therefore, attention should be given by responsible authorities to mitigate the effects of the mycotoxins.

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Read more Optimizing Rooting of White Potato Cuttings: A Study of Three Growth Conditions | InformativeBD


Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is the world’s fifth most important cereal crop that is shaped like a little ball coated with an edible hull. Sorghum is used as a major food and nutritional security crop for more than 100 million people in the Horn of Africa (Katile et al., 2010). Ethiopia is one of the major centers of origin and diversity for Sorghum cultivation (Mekbib, 2009). The lives of Eritreans depend on Sorghum as a staple food crop. It's versatile: sorghum can be broken down into flour for baking, boiled to make a side dish, and popped like popcorn. The sorghum plant has a natural drought tolerance, which means it can grow just about anywhere it's cultivated. Sorghum is susceptible to many abiotic and biotic factors and among the biotic factors are diseases caused by fungal pathogens such as moulds. The greatest concern for mould growth in food crops is the production of mycotoxins that are harmful to human and animal health (Prom et al., 2021; Wu, 2015). The mycotoxin producing fungi include; Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp. and Fusarium sp. (Wogan, 2012). 

Aflatoxins are naturally occurring toxic secondary metabolites of storage fungi (Aspergillus flavus) produced in agricultural production stored inappropriately and at high moisture and temperature. (Chulze et al., 2010). The fungus is common in areas with stressful conditions like drought. Aspergillus sp. contains a diverse group of microorganisms producing different types of mycotoxins (Fung et al., 2004). There has been a report of fungal contamination of cereal crops such as sorghum with aflatoxins worldwide. Bio-fungicides or biological pesticides are formulations made from naturally occurring substances that control pests by non-toxic mechanisms and in an ecologically friendly manner. Bio-fungicides have been defined as a form of pesticides based on microorganisms or natural products (Meena, 2021). Anonymous (2014), reported that plant extracts were likely the earliest agricultural bio fungicides. Farmers surveys carried out in Ghana have highlighted that many farmers do not use commercial synthetics (Belmain and Stevenson, 2001) and instead, use plant-based products. Many farmers in Asia and Africa have been using plant extracts such as neem (Azadirachta indica), wild tobacco (Calotropisprocera), wood ash and dried chillies among others for controlling and repelling some insect pests (Anukwuorji, et al., 2012; 2013; Ahmed et al., 2005).

Surveys of the disease in various African countries have shown high disease incidences sometimes resulting to deaths (Astoreca et al., 2019). Mycotoxins such as aflatoxins in human and animal diets can lead to aflatoxicosis. There has been no report on incidences of mycotoxins in major cereals consumed in Eritrea such as sorghum. Therefore, it’s important to screen sorghum grains for mycotoxins contamination. One of the most important mycotoxins is Aspergillus flavus, the causal agent of aflatoxins. Efforts to control aflatoxins have utilized different methods. However, most of the efforts have utilized synthetic chemicals that are not environmentally safe and can be toxic to human and animals. There is need for development of safe alternatives to control aflatoxins. Many botanicals have been shown to inhibit different fungal pathogens. These botanicals have been shown to be environmentally safe and non-toxic to human and animals. This makes them potential bio-fungicides in the management of aflatoxins in Eritrea.


Anonymous. 2014. History of Biopesticides. Biopesticide industry Alliance. University of Arkansas.

Astoreca AL, Emateguy LG, Alconada TM. 2019.  Fungal contamination and mycotoxins associated with sorghum crop: relevance today. Eur J Plant Phatol. 155, 381-392.

Barnett HL, Hunter BB 2003. Illustrated genera of imperfect fungi. University Missouri Press, Columbia,  p. 68, 94, 106, 130 and 132.

Bhatnagar D, McCormick SP 1988. The Inhibitory Effect of Neem (Azadirachta indica) Leaf Extracts on Aflatoxin Synthesis in Aspergillus parasiticus. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 65, 1166–1168. DOI: 10.1007/BF02660575

Chulze SN. 2010. Strategies to reduce mycotoxin levels in maize during storage: a review. Food Addit Contam. 27, 651–7. DOI: 10.1016/j.phymed.2017.07.001.

Fung F, Clark RF. 2004. Health effects of mycotoxins: A toxicological overview. Clin Toxicol Plant Pathol. 42, 217–34.

Geremew T, Abate D, Landschoot S, Haesaert G, Audenaert K. 2016.Occurrence of toxigenic fungi and ochratoxin A in Ethiopian coffee for local consumption. Food Control 69, 65-73. 

Gupta SC, Prasad S, Tyagi AK, Kunnumakkara AB, Aggarwal B. 2017. Neem (Azadirachta indica): An Indian traditional panacea with modern molecular basis. Phytomedicine 34, 14–20.

Kange AM, Cheruiyot EK, Ogendo JO.  2015. Effect of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) grain conditions on occurrence of mycotoxin-producing fungi. Agric & Food Secur 4, 15.

Meena B. 2021. “Management of fungal diseases of crop plants through biopesticides,” in Biopesticides in Organic Farming, pp. 149–152, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2021.

Monica MS, Simas MB, Botura BC, Sabino M, Mallmann CA, Bitencourt TC, Batatinha MJ. 2007. Determination of fungal microbiota and mycotoxins in brewers grain used in dairy cattle feeding in the State of Bahia, Brazil. Food Control 18, 404–408.

Prom LK, Isakeit T, Cuevas H, Erattaimuthu SR, Jacobsen R. 2021.  Sorghum seed fungal community and their association with grain mold severity, seed weight, and germination rate. J Agric Crops 7(1), 14–19.

Wogan GN. 2012. Present and future directions of translational research on aflatoxin and hepatocellular carcinoma: a review. Food Addit Contam A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess. 29(2), 249–57.

Wu F. 2015. Global impacts of aflatoxin in maize: trade and human health. World Mycotoxin J. 8(2), 137–42.

Source : Incidence of mycotoxin producing fungi in sorghum sourced from different markets of Eritrea   

Optimizing Rooting of White Potato Cuttings: A Study of Three Growth Conditions | InformativeBD

Rooting response of white Potato (Solanun tuberosum L.) stem cuttings under three different conditionsDennis A. Apuan, from the institute of Philippines. Joevil C. Pepania, from the institute of Philippines. Mark Anthony M. Bactong, from the institute of Philippines  and Angela Katrina M. Dongdong, from the institute of Philippines. wrote a Research Article about, Optimizing Rooting of White Potato Cuttings: A Study of Three Growth Conditions. Entitled, Rooting response of white Potato (Solanun tuberosum L.) stem cuttings under three different conditions. This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB). an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


The need to produce a cheap alternative and farmer level technology in the production of clean planting materials of White Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) prompted the investigation on the rooting response of clones from stem cuttings of different age and number of nodes under different concentrations of synthetic plant hormone Alpha-Naphthalene Acetic Acid (ANAA). A zero generation (G0) mother plant was used as a source of clones to examine whether it could produce roots in a sterilized medium. In a replicated split-split plot experimental design with three factors such as the age of the mother plant, number of nodes and levels of growth regulator, we found that roots emerged from clones 18 days after planting in a sterilized river sand. Significant effect on rooting was influenced by the age of cuttings (p=0.0058), number of nodes (p=0.0058) and ANAA (p=<0.0001). Moreover, significant interactions were found among age of cuttings, number of nodes and ANAA concentrations on rooting (p=0.0044). Implications for the feasibility of mass producing clean planting materials from cloning G0 mother plant are discussed.

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White potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a perennial crop belonging to the Solanaceae family grown mainly for its tubers (Spooner et al., 2014). First cultivated 8000 years ago by the Peruvian farmers in Peru’s Central Andes; now it has more than 4000 different cultivars grown globally (Niekerk et al., 2016; Lutaladio et al., 2009). It was initially introduced in Europe in the sixteenth century and was subsequently distributed throughout the world. Potatoes are the world’s primary non-grain staple food in several countries in Europe and some parts of America due to its nutrient content; with China, India, Ukraine and Russia as top producers (Lutaladio et al., 2009; Shahbandeh, 2022).

The biggest obstacle of the white potato industry in Asia, particularly Philippines is the source of clean planting materials, because potatoes are attacked by bacterial wilt disease caused by pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. The conventional method of white potato propagation is through the use of tubers, but the risk is high. Other methods are the use of True Potato Seeds (TPS), and through stem cuttings (Morais et al., 2018; Shiwani et al., 2021). At present, the Department of Agriculture’s Northern Mindanao Agri Crops and Livestock Research Complex (DANMACLRC) uses the tissue culture technology to mass produce seedlings and tubers as the source of potato clean planting materials, but cannot cope up with the current demand; thus there is pressure to explore other methods.

Numerous studies were conducted to explore and enhance the propagation of potato through stem cuttings. The work of Zaki and Moustafa (2018) for example, used Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) and Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) at higher concentrations reaching up to 6000 parts per million (ppm) but rooting responses of potato varieties tested differ significantly. Ezzat (2016) dipped the stem cuttings for 1 minute to various rooting hormones such as Indole-3-butyric acid Potassium salt (K-IBA) at 1000 ppm, IAA at 250, and 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid NAA at 500 mg/L. The same hormone IAA was tested by Nikmatullah et al. (2018), but other factors such as age of mother plant and number of nodes was included.

In this study we explored the responses and interactions at different ages of Granola white potato stem cuttings, number of nodes, and levels of hormones in terms of its rooting ability and growth. Results and its potential for tuber production are discussed.


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Source : Rooting response of white Potato (Solanun tuberosum L.) stem cuttings under three different conditions