Cogongrass Extract: Inhibiting Anthracnose in Bird’s Eye Chili | InformativeBD

The effect of cogongrass extract in inhibiting the Colletotrichum sp. that causes anthracnose disease in bird’s eye chili

N. Khamidah,  and A. Rizali, EF. Imani , from the different institute of the Indonesia. wrote a research article about, Cogongrass Extract: Inhibiting Anthracnose in Bird’s Eye Chili. entitled, The effect of cogongrass extract in inhibiting the Colletotrichum sp. that causes anthracnose disease in bird’s eye chili. This research paper published by the International Journal of Mycrobiology and Micology | IJMM. an open access scholarly research journal on Mycrobiology, under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Anthracnose can be caused by fungi consisting of two types, Gloeosporium piperatum and several species of Colletotrichum sp. Avoiding the negative effects of chemical fungicides to control anthracnose, biofungicides are more ecologically safe. Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) extract contains secondary metabolites in the form of saponins, alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, and tannins which can play a role as biofungicides. Aimed to determine the effect of cogongrass extract in inhibiting the growth of Colletotrichum sp. on Bird’s eye chili and to know the best concentration of Cogongrass extract to inhibit the growth of the Colletotrichum sp. on bird’s eye chili. This research was conducted from April to August 2022 at the Agroecotechnology Production Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lambung Mangkurat. This study used a research design in the form of a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 5 replications, so that 25 experimental units were obtained. The levels of treatment given were as follows: A0(-) = negative control (distilled water), A0(+) = positive control (Tandem 325 SC), A1 = 10% cogongrass extract, A2 = 20% cogongrass extract, and A3 = 30% cogongrass extract. The results showed that cogongrass extract had a positive effect on inhibiting the growth of Colletotrichum sp. which isolated from bird’s eye chili on PDA media. The results of the analysis of variance and the DMRT test showed that A1, A2, and A3 were significantly different from A0(-). Treatment with the best concentration to inhibit the growth of Colletotrichum sp. is A3 (30% cogongrass extract).

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Bird’s eye chilies are horticultural commodity that are preferred and widely consumed by the public. Bird’s eye chilies are often used as a flavor enhancer in every dish that is served every day. Therefore, the demand for and consumption of bird’s eye chilies is always high every year. Based on data from BPS (2021), bird’s eye chilies production in Indonesia in 2020 reached 1.51 million tons, while the production in South Kalimantan only reached 15,616 tons in the same year (South Kalimantan Food Crops and Horticulture Service, 2022).

This low productivity is caused by several problems in bird’s eye chili cultivation. Problems that commonly occur in the planting and maintenance of bird’s eye chili are pests and diseases. Farmers often experience difficulties in cultivating bird’s eye chili due to diseases that attack it. One of the important diseases in bird’s eye chili is anthracnose, which is an air-borne and seed-borne disease that spreads quickly, especially during the rainy season and can reduce production and even cause crop failure. If the part of the fruit that is affected by this disease, the market price drops or even does not sell at all (Wardana, 2014).

Yield losses in the field caused by anthracnose disease reach 80% in the rainy season and 20– 35% in the dry season (Widodo, 2007). Anthracnose disease can cause losses reaching 5–65% (Ratulangi et al., 2012). Anthracnose is recorded as a disease in chili with the highest attack in Indonesia, which is 26% (Directorate of Horticultural Protection, 2019). Anthracnose disease can be caused by fungi consisting of two types, Gloeosporium piperatum and several species of Colletotrichum sp. such as C. acutatum, C. gloeosporioides, and C. capsici (AVRDC,2003).

The effect of cogongrass extract in inhibiting the Colletotrichum sp. that causes anthracnose disease in bird’s eye chili

Farmers often use chemical fungicides to control anthracnose disease in bird’s eye chili. The use of chemical fungicides provides effective and fast results, but if used without paying attention to recommended dosages for a long time, it can cause pathogens to become resistant and have a negative impact on the environment and the health of the human body. According to Sumartini (2010), disease control is recommended to be executed by combining several environmentally friendly control components. This is intended to support sustainable agriculture. Therefore, an alternative control to avoid the negative impacts that have been mentioned is the use of fungicides derived from natural ingredients.

Biofungicides is an ecologically safe method and has been developed to control disease. Biofungicides uses plants that can produce secondary metabolites, such as steroids, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, triterpenoids and others (Nurmansyah, 1997). One of the plants that can be used as a biofungicides is cogongrass.

Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) is a grass weed that grows wild and widespread in forests, rice fields, gardens, or yards, and other open environments (Fujiyanto et al., 2015). Cogongrass produce secondary metabolites which can be used as biofungicides. According to Aryani et al. (2020), cogongrass extract contains saponins, alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, and tannins which act as biofungicides.

Several studies have stated that cogongrass extract can control anthracnose disease. One of them is research from Gusmarini et al. (2014), cogongrass had an effect on reducing the severity of anthracnose disease in chili peppers. In the research by Arie et al. (2015), it was also stated that cogongrass extract had a significant effect on suppressing the growth and sporulation of the Colletotrichum sp. on Cavendish bananas. In the same study, it was also stated that the concentration of 10% was still not optimal in inhibiting the growth of the Colletotrichum sp.

Based on some of the problems and research results above, it is necessary to conduct research to determine the optimal concentration of cogongrass extract in inhibiting the growth of the Colletotrichum sp. which is the cause of anthracnose disease in bird’s eye chilies.


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SourceThe effect of cogongrass extract in inhibiting the Colletotrichum sp. that causes anthracnose disease in bird’s eye chili