Pharaon Mbianda
Auguste, Chantal Douka, Dounia, Christian Etoundi Eloundou, and Fernand-NestorTchuenguem
Fohouo, from the different institute of the Cameroon. wrote a
research article about, Bee Pollination Efficiency on Vigna Unguiculata Flowers
in Cameroon. entitled, Pollination Efficiency of Apis Mellifera L.
(Hymenoptera: Apidae) on Flowers of Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp. (Fabaceae) at
Bilone (Obala, Cameroon).This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences | IJB. an open access scholarly research journal on
Biology, under the affiliation of the International Network
For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research
journal publisher.
To evaluate Apis
mellifera impact on pod and seed yields of Vigna unguiculata, its
foraging and pollinating activities were studied in Bilone during the rainy
season of 2016 and 2017. Treatments included unlimited flowers access by all
visitors, bagged flowers to avoid all insects’ pollinators and limited of
single visit of A. mellifera worker. For each year of study,
observations were made on 40±7 flowers per treatments. Apis
mellifera foraging behavior and its pollination efficiency were evaluated.
Results show that this bee foraged nectar and pollen on V.
unguiculata flowers during the whole blooming period. The number of seeds
per pod of unprotected flowers were significantly higher than those of flowers
protected from insects (P<0.001). Through its pollination efficiency, A.
mellifera provoked a significant increment the number of seeds per pod by
2.34% in 2016 and 18.89% in 2017 and the percentage of normal seeds by 0.28% in
2016 and 0.17% in 2017. The installation of A. mellifera colonies
close to V. unguiculata fields is recommended to increase pod and
seed yield in the region.
Read more : Olive Genotypes in Pakistan: Phenology and Pollen Assessment | InformativeBD
Several plant species
depend on insect pollinators for their reproduction (McGregor, 1976; Philippe,
1991). In agro ecosystems, these pollinators have a great ecological and
economic importance because they influence positively plant productions
(Philippe, 1991; Tchuenguem, 2005). Vigna unguiculata is annual plant
originated from Africa (Dabire, 2001). Vigna unguiculata grow vertically
(upright to 5 m); climbing stems can reach two to three meters high. The leaves
are generally trifoliate, the flower is pink, but can vary from white to red
(Philippe, 1991) and produces nectar and pollen which attract insects (Dabire,
2001; Rodolphe-Edouard et al., 2002; Mone, 2008; Pando et al., 2014; Djonwangwé
et al., 2017). Cross-pollination by insects is generally observed (Dabire,
2001; Mone, 2008; Rodolphe-Edouard et al., 2002; Bricas et al., 2009; Pando et
al., 2014; Djonwangwé et al., 2017). Niger and Nigeria are the largest
producers of V. unguiculata and Cameroon is the best producer in Central Africa
(Bricas et al., 2009).
The fruit is a pod containing average fifteen seeds (Tchuenguem et al., 2009). Per 100 g of dry matter, ripe seeds contain proteins (23.65 to 29.98%), glucose (44.1 to 49.6%), and lipids (1.35 to 1.66%) (Iqbal et al., 2006; Piergivanni et al., 1989) those are important for human’s diets.
These researches
conducted in Benin by Pauly et al. (2009), in Cameroon by Tchuenguem et al.
(2009), Pando et al. (2014) and Djonwangwé et al. (2017) have revealed that
Apis mellifera visits V. unguiculata flowers and collect nectar and pollen. No
previous research has been reported on the relations between V. unguiculata
flowers and A. mellifera in Bilone (Center Region, Cameroon), although, the
activities of insects on the flowers can vary with region (Tchuenguem, 2005;
Roubik, 2000). The main objective of this research was to gather more data on
the relations between V. unguiculata and A. mellifera. Specific objectives were
to study the activities of this bee on V. unguiculata flowers and to evaluate
its pollination efficiency on pod and seed yields.
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Pando BJ, Tchuenguem
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