Ben Saminiano, Arnel
Fajardo, and Ruji Medina, from the
different institute of the Philippines. wrote a research article about, Nile
Tilapia Count and Location: AI and CLAHE Unleashed. entitled, Count and
location determination of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) using
convolutional neural network and CLAHE. This research paper published by the Journal...
Andrographis Paniculata: Exploring Medicinal Marvels | InformativeBD
By Open Access Research Paper February 20, 2024
Andrographis paniculata, andrographolide., pharmacological activities No comments

Manoharan Sivananthan, and Manoharan Elamaran, from the different
institute of the Malaysia. wrote a research article about, Andrographis
Paniculata: Exploring Medicinal Marvels. entitled, Medicinal and
pharmacological properties of Andrographis paniculata. This research paper
published by the International Journal of Biomolecules and Biomedicine (IJBB)....
Microbial Biopesticides: Controlling Xanthomonas citri in Cashew | InformativeBD
By Open Access Research Paper February 19, 2024
Bacterial blight, Biocontrol agents, Biological control, Cashew tree, Formulation No comments
Tehua Amoa Armist, Kouman Abenan Manou Natacha, Koffi Yao Fulgence, Alloue-Boraud Waze Aimée Mireille, and et Kone Daouda, from the different institute of the Côte d’Ivoire. wrote a research article about, Microbial Biopesticides: Controlling Xanthomonas citri in Cashew. entitled, Efficacy of Microbial Biopesticide Formulations in the control of Xanthomonas...
Probiotic Potential: Screening Lactobacillus acidophilus in Bangladesh | InformativeBD
By Open Access Research Paper February 18, 2024
Antibiotic susceptibility, Fermented foods, Lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Probiotics No comments

Ariful Haque, Saiful
Haq, Dipa Roy, and Zohorul Islam Moon, from
the different institute of the Bangladesh. wrote a research article about,
Probiotic Potential: Screening Lactobacillus acidophilus in Bangladesh.
entitled, Screening, isolation and evaluation of probiotic potential
Lactobacillus acidophilus strains from available sources in Bangladesh. This
research paper...
Napoleon Wrasse Production and Trade: Insights from Bohol, Philippines | InformativeBD
By Open Access Research Paper February 17, 2024
Consumption, Market survey, Volume of production No comments

Christian Rolan C.
Laurden, and Maria Danesa S. Rabia, from
the different institute of the Philippines. wrote a research article
about, Napoleon Wrasse Production and Trade: Insights from Bohol, Philippines. entitled,
Production and trade of Napoleon wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) in selected
Municipalities of Bohol, Philippines. This research paper published by the...