Yield Potential of Meristem-Derived Potato Varieties | InformativeBD

Yield potential study of meristem derived plantlets of ten potato varieties (Solanum tuberosum L.)

M Rezaul Karim, Hafizur Rahman, Tanziman Ara, MST Rehena Khatun, M Monzur Hossain, and AKM Rafiul Islam, from the different institute of the  Bangladesh. wrote a research article about, Yield Potential of Meristem-Derived Potato Varieties. entitled, Yield potential study of meristem derived plantlets of ten potato varieties (Solanum tuberosum L.).This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB). an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | NNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Ten exotic potato varieties (var. All Blue, All Red, Cardinal, Diamant, Daisy, Granulla, Green Mountain, Japanese Red, Pontiac and Summerset) were used the present experiment during November 2010 to January 2011. In vitro grown plantlets were spend 21 days old and achieve 4-5 cm long with good root system, were transferred and established in the trial field for showing yield performance of tuber number per plant and tuber weight per plant from 10 randomly selected potato plants of each variety. The highest tuber number (57.52) per plant was recorded in var. Daisy and the lowest tuber number (8.82) per plant was recorded in red varieties. On the other hand total tuber weight per plant was the highest (344.60g) recorded in var. Diamant and total tuber weight per plant was the lowest (65.05 g) recorded in var. All blue varieties showed the most potential yield in this experiment.

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Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important food and cash crop in Bangladesh. It is a member of the family Solanaceae and belongs to the genus Solanum. Potato varieties are highly heterogeneous and usually vegetative propagated. Potato can be grown in all types of soil, except saline and alkaline soils. Loamy soil, sandy loamy soil and organic matter enriched soil are the most suitable for cultivation of potato crop. The potato is a crop of temperate climate and it is moderately tolerant to frost. The young plants grow best at a temperature of 24 0C. Late growth is favored at a temperature of 18 0C. Tuber production is the maximum at 20 0C and decrease with rise in temperature. At about 30 0C the tuber production is totally stop. Relative humidity is need above 50 %. Photo period are need 14-16 hours. The varieties can be grouped into two parts in Bangladesh such as indigenous potato varieties and modern varieties. Indigenous potato varieties are popular for good test but low yielding and high price. On the other hand modern varieties are high yielding. Potato is very much susceptible to the viral diseases. The yield reduction may be up to 75 % caused by the infection of some viruses. Meristem culture is one of important methods to produce virus-free stock plants. The virus-free clone produced more vigorous haulm and about 10% higher yields, attributed to more tubers rather than large ones (Bawden and Kassams, 1965). The technique has been widely applied in many countries. In our country, average production of potato was 14-16 MTs/, hectares (2008).But in our research field and many developed countries of the world it's yield 30-40 MTs /hectares. The main causes of yield reduction in Bangladesh are lack of quality seed potato, pathogen infected seed potato used, low yielding variety used and faulty management. It is proved that use of quality seed potato may produced 20-30% high yield. However, at present there is no alternative way of high yielding variety developed in the world. Because agricultural land has decrease and the people increase. Plant Breeders feel of this subject and conducted research for developed and selection of high yielding variety. As that part, study of yield potential of plantlets of ten exotic varieties of potato developed through meristem culture.


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SourceYield potential studyof meristem derived plantlets of ten potato varieties (Solanumtuberosum L.)