Stocking Density Impact on Tilapia Juvenile Growth and Survival | InformativeBD

Effect of stocking density on the growth and survival of Tilapia juveniles (Sarotherodon melanotheron) reared in happas at Layo station (Dabou, Côte d’Ivoire)

Yao Laurent Alla, Kouamé Marcel N’dri, Yao Nicolas Amon, Kouadio Mesac N’guessan, Kouassi Tano, and Kouakou Yao,  from the different institute of the Côte d’Ivoire. wrote a research article about, Stocking Density Impact on Tilapia Juvenile Growth and Survival. entitled, Effect of stocking density on the growth and survival of Tilapia juveniles (Sarotherodon melanotheron) reared in happas at Layo station (Dabou, Côte d’Ivoire). This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB).  an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | NNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


A study was carried out to evaluate the effect of stocking density on the growth and survival of Sarotherodon melanotheron juveniles. To do this, 300 individuals with an initial average weight 4.13 ± 1.96 g and an initial average length 5.79 ± 0.89 cm were monitored for 42 days, in triplicate, at four densities (0.2; 0.4; 0.6 and 0.8 ind. /L) in happas of 50 liters volume. Fish were fed at 10% of their biomass with koudijs feed. A weekly sampling was carried out, during which ten (10) individuals were taken at random, they were weighed and measured individually. The physico-chemical parameters of water were measured daily. At the end of the experiment, the 0.8 ind. /L density gave the best growth results, with values of 16.27 ± 2.36g; 9.17 ± 0.92 cm; 0.29 ± 0.08 g/d ; 2.11 ± 0.08 and 443.67 ± 56.44 g, respectively for final average weight, final average length, ADG, condition factor and total biomass. For the survival rate, the highest value (95.00 ± 1.33%) was recorded in individuals with a density of 0.4 ind./L while those with a density of 0.8 ind./ L gave the lowest survival (80.00 ± 1.33%). Other densities could be tested and in other breeding structures to better appreciate the influence of this factor on the growth and survival of this species.

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In Côte d’Ivoire, fish is the most accessible source of animal protein for all social classes, due to its availability in all seasons and its relatively lower price compared to meat (MIRAH, 2022a). Average annual consumption per capita is 25.6 kg (MIRAH, 2019). National fish production, estimated at around 100 000 tonne/year, remains insufficient regarding the needs of the population, estimated at over 600,000 tonne/year (MIRAH, 2022a). National aquaculture production is 4,500 tonnes per year, or 4.5% of national fish production. The annual deficit of almost 500,000 tonne/year is made up by imports in frozen form (Avit et al., 2012; Ducroquet et al., 2017). This represents a significant currency outflow of 310 billion CFA francs in the national budget (MIRAH, 2022a).

Effect of stocking density on the growth and survival of Tilapia juveniles (Sarotherodon melanotheron) reared in happas at Layo station (Dabou, Côte d’Ivoire)

In order to raise the level of local production, the country has initiated several aquaculture and fisheries development programs, the latest of which are the PSDEPA (Strategic Plan of Livestock, Fishery and Aquaculture Development) (2014-2020), PSTACI (Strategic Program of Aquaculture Transformation in Côte d’Ivoire) and PONADEPA 2022-2026 (National Policy of Livestock, Fishery and Aquaculture Development). The aim is to reduce the country's dependence on the outside world and enable Ivorians to consume fresh local fish at a competitive price (MIRAH, 2022b).

Public organization including the Oceanological Research Center (ORC) were created and tasked with identifying and studying local species with aquaculture potential, in order to make them available to fish farmers (MIRAH, 2022a). Among the species, the Tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron is a good candidate due to the quality of its flesh.

Effect of stocking density on the growth and survival of Tilapia juveniles (Sarotherodon melanotheron) reared in happas at Layo station (Dabou, Côte d’Ivoire)

However, for successful intensive farming of this species, it is important to control stocking density, which remains a factor determining the productivity of fish farming systems. High stocking densities are a potential source of stress that can limit fish growth and well-being when physiological and spatial requirements are not met (Le Ruyet et al., 2008). Fry from high-performance strains still fail to grow properly unless good stocking practices are followed (Osofero et al., 2009). Stocking density is a major concern in fish farming. This is why, to contribute to the control of the breeding of tilapia S. melanotheron, we are undertaking the present study which has the theme "Effect of stocking density on the growth and survival of juveniles in happas".

The general objective of this work is to determine the optimal density which allows for better growth and survival results during the rearing of S. melanotheron juveniles.


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SourceEffect of stocking density on the growth and survival of Tilapia juveniles (Sarotherodonmelanotheron) reared in happas at Layo station (Dabou, Côte d’Ivoire)