Rapid Geomorphic Assessment of Musimusi River in Balingasag, Misamis Oriental, Philippines | InformativeBD

Rapid geomorphic assessment of the Musimusi River in Balingasag Misamis oriental Philippines

Jr. Sansen A. Handag, Frandel Louis S. Dagoc , Wella T. Tatil , Peter D. Suson, and Jr. Ruben F. Amparado, from the different institute of the Philippines. wrote a research article about, Rapid Geomorphic Assessment of Musimusi River in Balingasag, Misamis Oriental, Philippines. Entitled, Rapid geomorphic assessment of the Musimusi River in Balingasag Misamis oriental Philippines. This research paper published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES). an open access scholarly research journal on Biodiversity. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


The study was conducted to identify locations of streambank instability to prioritize restoration needs and slow sedimentation rates on the Musimusi River. Relying on rapid geomorphic assessments (RGAs) has been a common practice for determining the priority of stream reaches. In this study, an established RGA called the channel stability index (CSI) was utilized to evaluate multiple sections of the Musimusi and Camuayan rivers. Four (4) stream reaches got a CSI score higher than 20, considered “highly unstable.” These are the streams that reach 6, 10, 11, and 12. The CSI scores for at least one reach at all the sites fell within the higher range of the “moderately stable” classification, as indicated by the fact that the rest had CSI scores ranging from 10 to 20, which is considered “moderately unstable.” This indicates that the four highly unstable reaches are in a state of degradation, evident by the lowering of the channel bed and consequent increase of bank heights, incision without widening, and bank toe material removed, causing an increase in bank angle while those moderately unstable reaches in the Musimusi River. Its main tributary- the Camuayan River, is in a state of aggradation and widening, evidenced by the lowering of the river bed due to deposition and shifting of the channel banks

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Soil erosion is defined as the natural phenomenon in which the removal and transportation of soil material occur mainly through the action of erosive agents such as water, wind, gravity, and human disturbances (Bhandari et al., 2021.) in a riverbank environment erosion of river banks results in alterations to the shape and size of the river and is a necessary process that moves floodplain sediment to contribute to the overall sediment supply of the basin (Allmanová et al., 2021). Sediment is one of the leading causes of water impairment. Identifying areas susceptible to streambank erosion within stream and river networks is essential in understanding the source of instream sediment (Jiang et al., 2020).

Current stability conditions within a river basin can be examined using diagnostic criteria of contemporary geomorphic processes. These are called rapid geomorphic assessments (RGAs), and they use diagnostic criteria of channel form to infer dominant channel processes and the magnitude of channel instabilities through a series of questions. The channel stability index (CSI) is one of the RGAs that is most frequently utilized. Through geomorphic assessment, the rivers and streams comprising a watershed drainage network can be broken into distinctive reaches and similar reach types grouped (Papangelakis et al., 2023). Rapid geomorphic assessments (RGAs) provide a quick method for characterizing stream reaches, defined as lengths or segments of a stream with similar streambank characteristics in terms of bank height and stratigraphy and their degree of stability (Miller et al., 2021). The leading cause of the streambank failures observed in small agricultural catchments is the undercutting of bank toe and resulting steepening of the slope, while the triggers are either hydrological factors (snow melt, intensive/prolonged rainfall) or human activity (using heavy machinery close to the edge of streambanks) (Sidle et al., 2023). Numerous research studies have demonstrated the significant contribution of streambank erosion to total sediment loading (Hughes et al., 2022). Therefore, this study aims to assess and identify locations of streambank instability to prioritize restoration needs and slow sedimentation rates on the Musimusi River


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SourceRapid geomorphic assessment of the Musimusi River in Balingasag Misamis oriental Philippines