Genetic Diversity in Freshwater Fish Genus Garra: A Comparative RFLP Analysis | InformativeBD

Comparative analysis of genetic diversity among three species of the freshwater fish genus Garra (Osteichthys: Cyprinidae) using restriction fragment length polymorphism

M Raja, P Malaiammal, S Nandagopal, M Muralidharan, and M Arunachalam, from the different institute of the India. wrote a research article about, Genetic Diversity in Freshwater Fish Genus Garra: A Comparative RFLP Analysis. Entitled, Comparative analysis of genetic diversity among three species of the freshwater fish genus Garra (Osteichthys: Cyprinidae) using restriction fragment length polymorphism. This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB). an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences . under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher. 


The genetic variation in three species of the freshwater cyprinid Garra was studied using the traditional morphometric, meristic and Restriction fragment length polymorphism as molecular tool analysis. Samples were collected from their respective geographic locations of southern Western Ghats. Based on the 46 morphometric and 18 meristic characters employed during this study 23 characters showed variation among the three species and hence were utilized for the PCA ordination. The principal component analysis was performed using 15 morphometric and 8 meristic characters of which 12 components were extracted and the first three axes showed eigenvalues >1 and they explained the variance about 81.46 % of the total variance. The genome size of the species Garra mullya ranged from 3.8-6.15 µg/mg, Garra kalakadensis ranged from 3.25- 6.3 µg/mg and Garra gotyla stenorhynchus ranged from 3.9- 6.15 µg/mg. Based on the electrophorogram, different bands of fragments in each lane and band volume were analyzed, According to Hind III enzyme the electrophorogram analysis showed maximum fragment length polymorphism in Garra mullya which had four fragments and the total volume of bands was 12.582 nmoles. Based on the Eco R1 enzyme digestion the electrophorogram analysis revealed that the maximum fragment length polymorphism in Garra mullya composed of four fragments and the total volume of bands in the entire lane was 10.5965 nmoles. Based on the Hind III and Eco R1 restriction enzymes, the cluster analysis clearly showed that the Garra mullya and Garra kalakadensis grouped together while Garra gotyla stenorhynchus with distinct geneticdistance did not cluster with the other two species. Garra gotyla stenorhynchus can also be distinguished morphologically from Garra mullya and Garra kalakadensis.

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Fishes are the most diverse group of living vertebrates, with more than 24,600 extant species currently known. The Order Cypriniformes is the planet’s largest monophyletic group of freshwater fishes, with over 400 genera and 3000 species native to Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America (Nelson, 2006). Cypriniformes in peninsular India is represented by 4 families, 8 sub families, 40 genera and 166 species. The family Cyprinidae has 4 subfamilies, 27 genera and 135 species (Arunachalam et al., 2008). Historically the morphology of fishes is the main source of information for taxonomic and evolutionary studies. Systematic ichthyologists still rely on morphology for taxonomic characters as species have characteristics shape, sizes, pigmentation patterns, disposition of fins and other external features which help in identification and classification. Meristic traits are often considered to be the most reliable taxonomic characteristics, because most are easy to determine.

All the organisms are subjected to mutations as a result of normal cellular operations or interactions with the environment, leading to genetic variation. In conjunction with selection and genetic drift, there arises genetic variation within and among individuals, species and higher order taxonomic groups. This variation are useful to geneticists, but it must be heritable and discernable to the researcher, whether as a recognizable phenotypic variation or as a genetic mutation distinguishable through molecular techniques. Several marker types are highly popular in genetics.

The development of molecular techniques has helped to investigate fish systematics. The realm of methods developed for molecular studies offers new suites of characters for analyzing relationships among fish systematics (Hillis, et al., 1996; Ferraris and Palumbi, 1996) and hence have been effectively applied from the level of populations to orders. A restriction fragment length polymorphism or RFLP, is a variation in the DNA sequence of a genome that can be detected by breaking the DNA into pieces with restriction enzymes and analyzing the size of the resulting fragments by gel electrophoresis.

DNA-based techniques for species identification have recently started to be applied towards a wide variety of fish species, including closely related species belonging to the same family or genus (Davidson 1998; Bossier 1999; Lockley and Bardsley 2000). The information on genetic resource of Indian fish fauna is very limited, especially native cyprinids. The genetic variation in different populations of the freshwater cyprinid species Puntius filamentosus was studied using Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. The genomic size of the different populations of P. filamentosus was found between 3.45 and 3.80ng/mg. The study could prove one population as distinct. (Johnson et al., 2007).

The cyprinid fish genus Garra includes bottom dwelling fishes usually found in fast flowing streams where they cling to rocks using the highly modified mouth which acts as a sucker. Garra is a common cyprinid and are mostly inhabitants of rapid running waters, adapted with suctorial disc to attach themselves to the substratum in swift currents and horizontally placed paired fins, especially the pectorals. The flattening of the head and anterior part is as a result of efforts to utilize more and more of the anterior part of the body for adhesion. The proboscis and the tubercles help to lessen the velocity and impact of the rushing torrents. Adaptive features in all the species being similar most of the morphological features show overlap and hence the taxonomic characters commonly used are not helpful in clear cut diagnosis of the species and hence taxonomic ambiguities exist.

The genus is widely distributed from southern China, across South East Asia, India and the Middle East to northern and central Africa. Because of the extreme morphological divergence of the genus Garra, the sister group relationships of this genus is of extreme interest to systematic ichthyologists, fish biologists, and evolutionary biologists alike.

In the present study, the aim is to analyze the overall features of morphometric, meristic characters, and Restriction pattern of nuclear DNA using the restriction enzymes Hind III, and Eco RI regions in order to evaluate patterns of genetic variation between species of Garra and to determine the phylogenetic relationship of three species of the endemic genus Garra in selected streams and rivers of the peninsular India.


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SourceComparative analysis of genetic diversity among three species of the freshwater fish genus Garra(Osteichthys: Cyprinidae) using restriction fragment length polymorphism