Serge Kouadio N'gonian
, Auguste-Denise Mambé Boye, Kévin Junior Borel Aka, and Elie Konan Yobouet, from
the different institute of the Pakistan. wrote a research article about, Impact
of Mineral and Organic Fertilization on Agronomic Traits of Cassava Seedlings
in Daloa, Côte d'Ivoire. entitled, Influence of mineral and organic
fertilization on some agronomic parameters of Cassava (Manihot esculenta
Crantz) seedlings in Daloa (Centre-West, Côte d’Ivoire). This research paper
published by the International Journal of Agronomy and AgriculturalResearch (IJAAR). an open access scholarly research journal on Agronomy. under
the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences |
INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal
This study evaluated
the effect of mineral and organic fertilization on some agronomic parameters of
cassava nursery plants Bocou 1 and Yavo (Manihot esculenta Crantz). For this
purpose, 1200 cassava plants were produced on 10 substrates based on soil
supplemented with chicken droppings, sawdust, carbonized rice husks and NPK 10
18 18. The trial was conducted in a completely randomized Fisher block design
on two 880 m2 subplots 6 m apart. The planting density was 1 m x 1 m with three
replications per treatment, i.e. 600 plants per cassava variety. The manures
used were chicken manure, charred rice husks and NPK 10-18. Results showed that
treatments T2S6 (T2: Carbonized rice husks; S6: Substrate 6) and T2S3 (T2:
Carbonized rice husks; S3: Substrate 3) induced better plant growth than the
other treatments for the two cassava varieties studied. The highest yields were
obtained with treatments T3S2 (T3: NPK 10 18 18; S2: Substrate 2) (456.83 t/ha)
and T2S8 (T2: Carbonized rice husks; S8: Substrate 8) (423.25 t/ha) at Bocou 1
and Yavo, respectively. The results of this study will help optimize cassava
production in Côte d’Ivoire and improve the purchasing power and livings
standard of producers.
Read more : Soil Examination and Measurement in Tehsil Takht-e-Nasrati, Pakistan I InformativeBD
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a tropical plant cultivated mainly for its starch-rich tuberized roots (IITA, 1990). Cassava is a recognized abundant and inexpensive source of food energy (Bruijn and Fresco, 1989). With the strong demographic growth and the rapid expansion of cassava cultivation, there has been a sharp increase in the area cultivated and a continuous exploitation of the soil.
The continuous cultivation of soils causes a rapid degradation of their fertility, which translates into a decrease in agricultural yields (Feller & Milleville, 1997; Traoré et al., 2007). One promising approach is to provide soils with different types of organic matter and mineral fertilizers in order to increase the availability of soil nutrients (Palm et al., 1997).
In general, the use of mineral and organic fertilizers on food crops in rural areas remains insignificant given the low purchasing power of the farmer. Mineral fertilizer is used on only 5.17 percent of the land on small family farms, compared to 5.21 percent on large farms (Troupa and Koné, 2003). In addition, organic fertilizer in the form of manure is only used in a tiny proportion of less than 2%, regardless of the type of farm (Troupa and Koné, 2003).
However, cassava is known to be a soil-depleting plant in terms of the mineral mobilization required for its cultivation. Moreover, at the end of the cycle, the fixed assets of a production of 25t.ha-1 of tuberous cassava roots are high and correspond on average to 151 units of N, 52 units of P2O5, 245 units of K2O, 120 units of CaO and 48 units ofmgO (Pouzet, 1988; Raffaillac and Nedelec, 1984). Thus, it seems appropriate to optimize the production of speculative surplus value through mineral and organic fertilization. Hence the objective of this study, which is to evaluate the impact of mineral and organic fertilization on certain agronomic descriptors of cassava nursery plants.
specifically, it is to evaluate the effect of mineral and organic fertilization
on the cover rate and vigor of cassava plants and to determine the effect of
mineral and organic fertilization on the production parameters of cassava
nursery plants.
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