Pascal Tabi Tabot ,
Mfombep Priscilla Mebong , Ibeku Neni Ekole , Nchufor Christopher Kedju, Njong
Nya Claudia, Ma-Nso Delphine Tataw, Tarh Betrand Mbah , Asong Daniel, Mfornten
Divine Eyong, Petang Lea Yoe , and Epie
Bembesi Teddy, from the different institute of Cameroon. wrote a
research article about, Impact of Salinity Stress on Growth and Biomass
Allocation of Vernonia hymenolepis in NPK-Amended Screenhouse Soil. Entitled, Effects
of salinity stress on growth, Water use efficiency and biomass partitioning of
Vernonia hymenolepis in screenhouse potted soil amended with NPK 20:10:10. This
research paper published by the International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR). an open access scholarly research journal on
Agronomy. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural
Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal
Future crop production is predicted to face significant challenges from salinity stress due to secondary salinization. Therefore future-proofing crop production in these conditions is an essential path towards addressing food security. We evaluated the effect of irrigation with water of 0, 4 and 8 ppt salinity on growth, biomass partitioning, WUE and chlorophyll fluorescence of Vernonia hymenolepis A.Rich as ameliorated by fertilization with three levels of NPK20:10:10. Data were analysed for variance using the General Linear Model ANOVA procedure, after positive tests for normality and homogeneity of variance. Means were separated through the Dunnett test. Pearson Correlation was done to determine relationship between variables and these were spatially projected using the Factor Analysis procedure, without rotation. Under fertilization at 8 g NPK20:10:10 per plant, growth was stimulated by salinity increase to 4 ppt (35.43cm) compared to 30.43cm for control plants. Fertilizer application significantly improved all the biomass fractions of plants irrigated with water of 4 ppt relative to the control, while root:shoot ratios were highest for unfertilized plants indicating resource re-allocation to roots for better foraging. Chlorophyll fluorescence ranged between 0.716 and 0.727 and did not differ significantly across treatments. These values indicate that all treatments were under stress, including control plants. Values of WUE and RGR indicate that fertilization of plants irrigated with water of 4ppt salinity enhances growth and Harvest Index of V. hymenolepis, in spite of the registered stress. This is significant to future food security.
Read more : Bioefficacy of Neem and Jatropha Seed Extracts on Diamondback Moth (Plutella xylostella) |InformativeBD
Efficient crop
production in the future is a priority fraught with challenges. This is because
the future environment is predicted to change significantly. For good crop
growth and yield, the plant interacts with the environment. Environmental
parameters like soil conditions, temperature, light, relative humidity and
water availability interact with plant varietal characteristics to determine
the eventual growth and yield of the crop ( Asseng et al., 2015; Aggarwal,
2009). Of these environmental conditions, water availability could be the
single most important consideration in crop production systems, especially
water in the root zone of plants (Rossato et al., 2017). This is especially
true when producing in fringe lands, in the off-season or in periods of sparse
rainfall, when irrigation becomes indispensable to crop production (Siebert and
Döll, 2010; Postel, 1998). Such unstable water scenarios for crop production
can be expected under several climate change scenarios (Mo et al., 2017; Xia et
al., 2017).
As farmers turn to
irrigation, a second constraint is the availability of suitable water resources
for irrigation. With reducing freshwater resources, crop lands are increasingly
irrigated with water from doubtful sources (Majeed and Siyyar, 2020). A
consequence of using poor quality water for irrigation is secondary
salinization of the soil (Postel, 1998). Soil salinity refers to the dissolved
inorganic salt content of the soil, and salinity stress in plants refers to
altered morphology, physiology, reproduction etc. as a result of accumulation
of Na+ and Cl- ions in tissues of plants exposed to high NaCl concentrations.
Secondary salinization has been shown to result from several anthropogenic activities
including irrigated agriculture (Cuevas et al., 2019; Shrivastava and Kumar,
2015). In the soil, salinity fixes nutrients and makes them unavailable to
plants. It also affects the solute potential of soil water, making uptake more
ATP-costly. Plants growing in saline conditions must therefore be adapted to
these conditions. They develop both physiological and morphological strategies
to cope with salt stress. Physiologically, compatible osmolytes such as
glycinebetaine and proline are formed to stabilize membranes, DNA and proteins
aid in water balance; ion accumulation, salt secretion and compartmentalization
are other strategies to adjust the water balance within the plants (Tabot et
al., 2018; El-RheemKh and Zaki, 2017; Wu et al., 2015; Tabot and Adams, 2014;
Athar and Ashraf, 2009). Morphologically, some tolerant plants develop
hydathodes and/or salt glands through which excess salts are secreted to the
outside, thereby maintaining normal levels of cytosolic concentrations (Volkov
and Beilby, 2017; Maathuis et al., 2014; Tabot and Adams, 2014) . There is a
shift in biomass accumulation such that the root architecture is increased
relative to the shoot, for better foraging for water and fixed nutrients
(Acosta-Motos et al., 2017). Overall growth reduction typically results because
the physiological and morphological adjustments needed for stress survival also
require significant ATP and diversion of photosynthate from growth and
reproduction, as well as direct limitation of the photosynthetic process
through stomatal conductance control (Aslam et al., 2017).
On the other hand,
susceptible plants would simply not grow, and will most often die under the
effects of the stress. If this results in a cropland the loses would be
significant with ramifications well beyond the farm level (Porter et al.,
2014). Therefore in a future where climate variability is predicted, it is
important to future-proof crop production that is, study crop growth and yield
under these predicted conditions. With arable lands predicted to get
increasingly saline due to both primary and secondary salinization, salinity is
an important stressor of research interest. The effects of salinity stress on
crop plants vary, for example in species like Arthrocnemum macrostachyum
(Moric) C. Koch also known as extreme halophytes, salinity stress has been
shown to improve plant growth and photosynthetic parameters (Redondo-Gomez et
al., 2010). In Solanum tuberosum L., salinity stress significantly reduced
growth and yield of the species (Tabot et al., 2018). Therefore species and
varieties are differently adapted to salinity stress. Another line of research
in salinity tolerance of crop plants is amendment of soils with nitrogen
fertilizers to improve nutrient levels in the soil, the idea being to make the
plants healthier and increase plant levels of nitrates which are essential in
the synthesis of many biomolecules which are necessary for growth, yield and
stress survival (Ahanger et al., 2019; Khan et al., 2017).
Among the important
vegetable crop plants of Cameroon is Vernonia hymenolepis A. Rich., known
commonly as ‘Bayangi Bitterleaf’. It is used in several dishes, and even as a
medicinal plant (Mih and Ndam, 2007). It is produced year-round in Cameroon’s
Agroecological Zone IV, but its production is more profitable in the off-season
under irrigated conditions. In a future of predicted increases in salinity of
arable lands, knowledge of how such irrigated production would fare is
essential for consolidation of this crop in the future. This research aims at
bridging this knowledge gap. We hypothesised that as levels of salinity in the
soil increase above the ambient, the plant growth, yield and photosynthetic
efficiency would deteriorate significantly, but this deterioration would be
ameliorated if nitrate concentrations in the soil are improved.
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