Impact of Rooting Hormones on Survival of Three Bamboo Species | InformativeBD

The effect of different rooting hormones on the survival of three species of bamboo species giant bamboo-Dendrocalamus giganteus, machiku-Dendrocalamus latiflorus and spiny bamboo-Bambusa blumeana)

Froilan A. Pacris Jr., Jona L. Asuncion, Marvin V. Baloloy, and Mylene R. Ermitanio, from the different institute of the Philippines. wrote a Research Article about, Impact of Rooting Hormones on Survival of Three Bamboo Species. Entitled, The effect of different rooting hormones on the survival of three species of bamboo species giant bamboo-Dendrocalamus giganteus, machiku-Dendrocalamus latiflorus and spiny bamboo-Bambusa blumeana). This research paper published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES).  an open access scholarly research journal on Biodiversity . under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences| INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


The study was conducted under protective environment of bamboo nurseries at Cagayan State University Gonzaga Campus. The study was conducted to determine the effect of Different Rooting Hormones on the Survival of Three Species of Bamboo- Giant Bamboo (Dendrocalamus giganteus), Machiku (Dendrocalamus latiflorus), and Spiny bamboo (Bambusa blumeana).It aimed to determine the average number of shoots after three (3) months, average length (cm) of shoots after three (3) months, average number of roots after three (3) months, average length (cm) of roots after 3 months, and the percentage (%) of survival. The study was conducted in a single factor experiment under Completely Randomized Design (CRD).There are four treatments in the study which are: T0– control, T1– Alpha Naphthalene Acetic Acid (ANAA); T2- Gibberellic Acid (GA3); and T3- Indole Acetic Acid (Auxin).

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Bamboo is a perennial giant grass that has an excellent role to our environment, economy and culture. It is also a crucial element in the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is a great way to reduce carbon footprint and help fight global warming. It is a viable replacement for wood and it can also use for construction, furniture, food, cooking and etc.

The effect of different rooting hormones on the survival of three species of bamboo species giant bamboo-Dendrocalamus giganteus, machiku-Dendrocalamus latiflorus and spiny bamboo-Bambusa blumeana)

Bamboo is known to be the flagship commodity of our campus, Cagayan State University Gonzaga, Philippines, 3513. The campus propagated different species of bamboo and has also areas as plantation sites for collection of cuttings as planting materials. The school provide cuttings for plantation of different agencies and private farms as environmental restoration or any purposes that may serve them. 

Furthermore, there is a need to meet the demand of the farmers and satisfy the planting materials required for extension program as a way of mitigating climate change. One of the major problems of the campus on propagating was a very low survival. While monitoring the different species propagated, three species of bamboo; spiny (30%), giant (11%) and Machiku (11%) bamboo has the lowest rate of survival among them all. The use of ANAA as rooting hormone was implemented to boost the survival rate of the commodity. This is commonly used as plant regulator that has an ability to promote root formation and elongation. On the other hand, other kind of rooting hormones should be tried to prove the best not only for root formation but also responsible for promoting growth and elongation of plants. 

The effect of different rooting hormones on the survival of three species of bamboo species giant bamboo-Dendrocalamus giganteus, machiku-Dendrocalamus latiflorus and spiny bamboo-Bambusa blumeana)

Auxin is the most important hormone involved in rooting. In the early 1900's, Fritz Went and a number of other researchers showed that these effects could be induced by plant extracts that were subsequently shown to contain the plant hormone indole acetic acid (IAA). Kelpak is a product that contains auxin produced from seaweed extract and it was considered as organic rooting hormones. The other hormone that will be used will be Gibberilic Acid. As cited by Rachel Weinstein, Gibberilic Acid (GA) is known to induce seed germination, promote shoot growth and internode elongation, determine the sex expression of a plant, and it involved in promoting the flowering of plants.

The three hormones should be test to see the differences in its effect to the growth and survival of the three species.

Generally, this study was conducted to determine the effect of different rooting hormone in percentage of survival of three species of bamboo (Giant BambooDendrocalamus giganteus, MachikuDendrocalamus latiflorus, and Spiny BambooBambusa blumeana) Specifically, it aimed to determine the following: 

1. Average number of shoots after three months, 

2. Average length (cm) of shoots after three months,

 3. Average number of roots after three months,

 4. Average length (cm) of roots after three months,

 5. Percentage of survival after three months.


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SourceThe effect of different rooting hormones on the survival of three species of bamboo species giantbamboo-Dendrocalamus giganteus, machiku-Dendrocalamus latiflorus and spinybamboo-Bambusa blumeana)