Population Density of Blue-Tailed Bee-Eaters in Hanumanahalli Village, Karnataka | InformativeBD

Population density of Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Merops philippinus) birds in different zones of Hanumanahalli Village, Gangavathi Taluk, Karnataka, India

Krishna Kumar, from the institute of India.  And Dr. A. Shwetha, from the institute of India.  wrote a Research Article about, Population Density of Blue-Tailed Bee-Eaters in Hanumanahalli Village, Karnataka. Entitled, Population density of Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Merops philippinus) birds in different zones of Hanumanahalli Village, Gangavathi Taluk, Karnataka, India. This research paper published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES). an open access scholarly research journal on Biodiversity. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


This study investigates the population density of Blue-tailed bee-eater birds in different zones of Hanumanahalli village, Gangavathi Taluk. We chose this location due to its diverse ecosystems, making it suitable for both resident and migratory bird activities like breeding and nesting. The Blue-tailed bee-eater, a summer migratory bird, regularly visits the area to construct sand nests along riverbanks, benefiting from the presence of suitable loamy soil. Data collection occurred from January 2020 to December 2022, with weekly surveys conducted. The primary objective was to determine the Percentage of population density of Blue-tailed bee-eater birds in the different zones. The survey revealed distinct population pattern across the zones, with riverine areas, croplands, and urban areas having highest, optimum, and lowest percentages, respectively. The variations in population distribution are attributed to factors such as food availability (insects, especially bee-eaters), suitable loamy soil for nesting, and the need for protection from human-related disturbances in their habitats.

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Our planet teems with a diverse array of organisms, ranging from tiny microorganisms like viruses and bacteria to magnificent macroorganisms such as plants and animals, forming the tapestry of biodiversity (Dhindsa and Saini, 1994; Hosetti, 2008).

Population density of Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Merops philippinus) birds in different zones of Hanumanahalli Village, Gangavathi Taluk, Karnataka, India

Among these, avifaunal diversity, which encompasses the variety of bird populations, plays a vital role in maintaining ecological equilibrium by enriching flora and fauna. Bird populations and ecosystem pollution share an intriguing relationship, as estimating bird densities offers insights into the abundance of other species within the ecosystem (Wilson and Comet, 1996; Blake, 2007; Hosetti, 2001).

Among the fascinating avian species, Merops philippinus, widely known as the Blue-tailed beeeater, stands out. These captivating birds belong to the Meropidae family and are renowned for their vivid plumage and unique feeding habits. Found across various regions in Asia, the Blue-tailed beeeater is a migratory wonder, embarking on seasonal journeys in response to changing environmental conditions (Inskipp et al., 1995).

Population density of Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Merops philippinus) birds in different zones of Hanumanahalli Village, Gangavathi Taluk, Karnataka, India

Their diet primarily consists of insects, particularly bees, wasps, and other flying insects. Breeding seasons for these bee-eaters vary across their range, and they exhibit a remarkable nesting behavior. Creating their nests through burrowing into sandy or loamy soil banks, typically in proximity to water sources, these birds exhibit a preference for colonial nesting behavior, assembling into vibrant and interactive breeding colonies. 

As they embark on their migratory journeys, these enchanting avian migrants often grace the study area, completing their breeding cycle within this locale.

This inquiry unveils noteworthy insights into the population density trends of Blue-tailed Bee-eater birds across various zones within Hanumanahalli Village, located in Gangavathi Taluk, within the state of Karnataka


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SourcePopulation density of Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Merops philippinus) birds in different zones of Hanumanahalli Village, Gangavathi Taluk, Karnataka, India