Md Ali Amatul-Samahah,
Mohd-Yusof Hanan, Muhamad-Zudaidy Jaapar, and Ahmad-Baihaqi Othman, from the different
institute of the Malaysia. wrote a Research Article about, Sustainable Mass
Production of Moina sp.: Optimizing Outdoor Cultivation Systems. entitled, Sustainable
mass production of Moina sp. biomass using semi-open and open outdoor
cultivation systems. This research paper published by the International Journal
of Biosciences (IJB). an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences.
under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences|
INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.
Due to their small size
and high nutritional content, Moina sp. is an excellent food source
for young fish such as Nile tilapia, African catfish, guppy, and carp. Moina sp.
is increasingly being utilized as live feed in aquaculture, particularly in
hatcheries. However, Moina sp. frequently obtained from contaminated
environmental sources such as sewage with unsteady production. Thus, in order
to use Moina sp. as a hygienic and sustainable source of livefeed, in
this study, two culture system i.e. semi-open and open culture system, were
developed and its production performance were analyzed. The highest production
amount per cycle per tank for semi-open system was 733.3 ±251.7g and for the
open system the highest production amount was 1463.7 ±348.2g. The mean for
total biomass production in the semi-open system monthly was 6.26 ±0.92kg.
Meanwhile, for the open culture system, almost five fold more production was
recorded during the culture period which was 33.5 ±8.92kg. Based on the production
performance of both culture system per metric tonne (MT) within the ten-month
period of study, the total Moina sp. biomass produced per month per
MT was almost comparable. In this study, the productions of both systems per
tank per cycle in each system were consistent. The open culture system recorded
significantly higher production of Moina sp. per culture cycle per
tank compared to the semi-open system. The overall total productivity of each
culture system every month, on the other hand, fluctuated slightly. Both
culture system could be used to mass produced Moina sp. The study’s
findings were crucial for the prospective mass production and sustainable of Moina sp
as live feed in aquaculture.
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Moina sp. is a genus of freshwater crustacean increasingly used in aquaculture as live feed in various hatcheries. Moina sp. is commonly used as a live feed for freshwater fish, especially in the early stages of their development (Adeyemo et al., 1994; Suminto & Nugroho 2019). Among the species used as live feed are M. dubia (Adeyemo et al., 1994), M. micrura (Edeh et al., 2021), and M. macropa (Suksomnit et al., 2011; Islam et al., 2017). Moina sp. are small and easy to culture, making them an ideal food source for fry, juveniles and young fish.
The small size and high nutritional value of Moina sp. make them an ideal food source for juvenile fish and other aquatic animals (Kadar et al., 2014; Saputra et al., 2018). Moina sp. can be fed with a variety of diets, including algae, yeast, and commercial dry feeds. Moina sp. are also easy to culture and can be produced in large quantities, making them a cost-effective alternative to other live feeds like brine shrimp or daphnia. The use of live feeds like Moina sp. can help to improve the survival and growth rate of fish in aquaculture operations. Furthermore, Moina sp. is a popular live food species for ornamental fish, especially for smaller fish like tetras, killifish, and bettas. They are small, easy to culture, and can provide a natural source of food for ornamental fish (De Silva et al., 2011; Kwon et al., 2013; Rathnayake et al., 2016. Moina sp. provides essential nutrients like protein, fats, and vitamins. Ornamental fish tend to be more active and interested in live food, as opposed to dried or frozen food (Srikrishnan et al., 2017; Rasdi et al., 2020; Eiras et al., 2022).
Moina sp. can be cheaply found in filthy and contaminated environmental sources such as sewage ponds or local drainage systems that are especially prone to pathogenic bacteria. Obtaining Moina sp. from such a polluted environment poses a significant danger of the existence of disease-carrying organisms, which might introduce diseases and further disrupt fish fry production activities. Furthermore, Moina sp. output is frequently low, restricted, and unpredictable, making it insufficient to fulfill the expanding demand of the fish fry hatchery and ornamental fish sector.
Thus, in
order to use Moina sp. as a hygienic and sustainable source of livefeed, our
study has developed two culture system namely, semi-open and open culture
system. In this study we aimed to compare the production of each culture system
in producing Moina sp. biomass.
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