Roby Gul, from the institute of Pakistan. Gul-Lalay, from the institute of Pakistan. Safdar Hussain Shah, from the institute of Pakistan. Saad Hussain Shah, from the institute of Pakistan. And Fazal Umer, from the institute of Pakistan. wrote a Research Article about, Impact of Ionic and Heavy Metal Stress on Secondary Metabolite Accumulation in Ajuga bracteosa Calli. Entitled, Effects of ionic and heavy metal stress on secondary metabolites accumulation in calli of Ajuga Bracteosa L.. This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences(IJB). an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences| INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.
Ajuga bracteosa L,
a medicinal plant that contains numerous phytochemicals, is becoming endangered
worldwide due to the lack of knowledge and overexploitation. Research efforts
are necessary for its conservation, preservation, and secondary metabolite
production. In this study, an attempt was made to develop calli from this plant
and evaluate the effects of abiotic stresses, i.e., NaCl and Cd(NO3)2, on the
relative growth rate, total phenolic contents (TPC), proline contents, sugar
contents, total flavonoid contents (TFC), alpha-amino acids, and antioxidant
activity of A. bracteosa at the cellular (calli) level. NaCl and Cd
(NO3)2 reduced the biomass production in terms of relative growth rate
(RGR) but enhanced metabolite accumulation. The highest total phenolic contents
(40µg/g), proline contents (0.9µg/g), total sugar contents (90mM/g), and total
flavonoid contents (5mg/g) were recorded at 150mM NaCl, while the maximum total
antioxidant activity (900µM/g) was measured at 50mM NaCl. On the other hand,
the lowest amino acid contents (5µM), phenolic contents (27µg), and proline
contents (0.5µg) were found at 50mM NaCl. Similarly, the highest level of Cd(NO3)2 stress
(8mM) resulted in insignificantly increased production of phenolics (22µg/g),
proline (0.9µg/g), total sugars (92mM), alpha-amino acids (7µM), and total
antioxidant activity (850µM). This study not only provides an ex-situ
conservation strategy for a highly exploited medicinal herb but can also be
used as a commercial production methodology for valuable secondary metabolites.
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All plants either
cultivated or wild ones having active ingredients, which are used for
therapeutic purpose, are called medicinal plants. The classification of plants
into medicinal plants, poisonous plants, arable plants, ornamental, weeds etc.
is always based on a human element and reflect a certain attitude, a purpose or
a goal or economic interests (Imre, 2012). In broad sense, any plant is
considered as medicinal herb, including fruits, vegetables, and arable plants.
Humans depend on plants for various purposes like, food, medicines and shelter
(Morgan et al., 1981). Now days due to overexploitation, overgrazing and lack
of knowledge lot of plants species becomes endangered (Sher et al., 2008).
Round about 10% flora and 709 plants in Pakistan are endangered (Shinwari et
al., 2010), among these 580 are flowering plants (Khan et al., 2011). From
medicinal plants approximately 25% of modern medicines are directly or
indirectly derived. Distributions of these plants are worldwide but they are
mostly abundant in tropical regions. These plants are abundant in Himalaya and
upper Gangetic plans (Singh et al., 2006; Israili et al., 2009).
Ajuga bracteosa L, a
medicinal plant is locally called Butey, in English “Bungle”, in Sansikrit
“Nilkanthi” and in Kashmir “Jan-I adam”. In Northern areas of Pakistan due to
its sour taste, it is called kauri booti (Jan et al., 2014). A. bracteosa
contains numerous phytochemicals such as flavonol glycosides, iridiod,
glycosides, neo-clerodane diterpenoids, phytoecdysones and ergosterol-5,
8-endoperoxide (Castro, 2011; Kayani et al., 2016). From A.bracteosa wall,
phenolic compound Ajuganane which is a new compound along with three other
compound 7- hydroxy-3,6,3’,4’-tetramethoxyflavone, 3,4’-
dihydroxy-3,6,7-trimethoxyflavone and urasolic were isolated (Hussain et al., 2012).
Mostly A. bracteosa are used for treatment of hepatitis in Taiwan (Hsieh et
al., 2011). It is used for the treatment of gout, palsy, amenorrhea and
rheumatism (Kaithwas et al., 2012). For treating malaria, it is also used in
many countries (Chandal and Bagai, 2011). A. bracteosa is also used for
treatment of different diseases like, neuro inflammatory diseases, pneumonia,
gout and hepatitis in Asian countries (Nisar et al., 2014).
In India the plant
leaves, flowers and barks are used for treatment of diabetes, cancer and
malaria etc. (Pal et al., 2014). Leaves extracts are used for headache, throats
and ear infection, acne, pimples and also used as blood purifier etc. (Bisht et
al., 2013). Plant extract is also used against gastric ulcer, protozoa infection,
liver fibrosis, hypoglycemia, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-arthritic,
anti-plasmodial, immunoregulatory and insecticidal. The root juice of plant is
used for treatment of dysentery and diarrhea; leaves are used as a substituent
for quinine for treatment of fever (Pal and Pawar, 2011).
Similarly, different
medicinal activity of A. bracteosa like, antibacterial, astringent and
anthelmintic is considered in folk medicine. In KPK, an ethno botanic survey of
92 medicinal plants was done, in which A. bracteosa, due to its high medicinal
value (antijaundice, antiasthma, ant cough and cooling agent) listed at the top
(Ibrar et al., 2015). Studies investigated the anticoagulant, anti-depressant,
antioxidant an inflammatory activities of A. bracteosa. A. bracteosa
adventitious root also contains Gallic acid, Rutin, Catechin, Myricetin and
apigenin (Ali et al., 2018). Due to over exploitation of medicinal plants from
last decades’ important plants are at the risk of extinction. A.bracteosa has
rated as an endangered flowering medicinal plant species belongs to family L
miaceae. It contains 170 genera of medicinal herb, and is mostly found in
temperate regions (Hafeez et al., 2017).
Plant tissue culture an
important component of biotechnology, generally used for micro propagation,
production of virus free plants, rapid multiplication of clones, suspension
culture, embryo culture and organ culture etc. One of the most important uses
of this technology is to induce and multiply callus culture for extraction of secondary
metabolites (active ingredients) (Hussain et al., 2011). Abiotic stresses like,
salt, temperature, light, drought and heavy metals etc. affect secondary
metabolites production like phenol, proline, flavonoid and amino acids etc.
(Akula and Ravishankar, 2011). However, in some plant species heavy metals
alter the nature of secondary metabolites (Nasim and Dhir, 2010).
The current study was
designed with the following objectives:
1. To induced and
multiply callus culture of A. bracteosa.
2. To determine the antioxidant activity and
secondary metabolites i-e phenols, flavonoids, proline, amino acids, total
sugar contents in response to ionic and heavy metal stress (NaCl and Cd(NO3)2).
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