Biophysical Factors Affecting Height and Diameter Structures of Falcata (Falcataria falcata) in Agusan del Norte, Philippines | InformativeBD

Biophysical factors influencing the Height and Diameter structures of Falcata (Falcataria falcata (L.) Greuter & R. Rankin) in Agusan del Norte, Philippines

Cornelio S. Casilac Jr., and Adrian M. Tulod, from the different institute of the Philippines. wrote a research article about, Biophysical Factors Affecting Height and Diameter Structures of Falcata (Falcataria falcata) in Agusan del Norte, Philippines. Entitled, Biophysical factors influencing the Height and Diameter structures of Falcata (Falcataria falcata (L.) Greuter & R. Rankin) in Agusan del Norte, Philippines. This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB). an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


This study aims to support private tree farmers in making knowledgeable management decisions in their falcata plantation. The effect of biophysical factors on the height and diameter structures of 6-year-old Falcata (Falcataria falcata) at various elevations (0-200 m asl, 201-400 m asl, and 401-600 m asl) in Agusan was investigated in this study. Fifteen (15) 20 m x 20 m plots were created at each sampling site a total of 45 plots were established. In this study, the height and diameter structures of 6-year-old falcata were measured and analyzed. Results indicate that elevation, temperature, relative humidity, and soil potassium are key factors influencing the height and diameter structures of 6-year-old falcata trees. The mean height and diameter were highest in the middle elevation, or within 201-400 m asl, and lowest in the higher elevation, or 401-600 m asl. The temperature has a negative and significant relationship with the height and diameter structures of 6-year-old falcata, and tree spacing had a negative relationship with height.

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Read more Effects of Two Propagation Methods on Growth and Seed Yield of Jatropha curcas (L.) inTandjilé Region, Chad | InformativeBD


Falcataria falcata (L.) Greuter & R. Rankin) is a huge tree with a first branch reaching a height of up to 20 meters. Falcata trees can reach 100 cm in diameter, have a spreading flat crown, and form a wide umbrella-shaped canopy when growing in the open, with the buttress being tiny or absent (Krisnawati et al., 2011). Tree growth patterns in forest stands vary between locations and individual trees due to both internal and external variables. Environmental variables vary concerning elevation within a species geographical range, resulting in regional diversity in site conditions that may limit growth (Barry, 1992). A higher growth rate boosts a species competitive ability and survival in favorable conditions (Vitasse, 2009).

The elevational gradient plays an important role in a tree or stands growth since trees have different ecological and physiological requirements for survival. Understanding how tree growth responds to environmental gradients is crucial for comprehending the ecology of species distribution and forest ecosystems, as well as for predicting future ecosystem services, as stated by Rapp et al. (2012). The growth and mortality rates of trees can be influenced by the elevation, as each species has an optimal altitude level for planting suitability. Some authors suggest that tree growth may decline with elevation (Coomes and Allen, 2007; Leigh, 1975; Bruijnzeel and Veneklaas, 1998; Girardin et al., 2010)

Pathogens (Mallett and Volney, 1999), insects (Rhoades and Stipes, 1999), competition with other trees (Nowak and McBride, 1991; Rhoades and Stipes, 1999), and competition with other vegetation are all biotic variables linked to lower tree growth rates in ecosystems (Close et al., 1996). Gall rust appears to be more common in falcata species at higher elevations. Anino (1991) emphasizes that minor infections occur at lower elevations of 250 meters above sea level, while major infections occur at elevations of 275 to 500 meters above sea level. Severe instances were discovered at elevations ranging from 400 to 600 meters above sea level (Lacandula et al., 2017).

There is a need to investigate the influence of biophysical factors on the height and diameter structures of the falcata at different elevation because the knowledge of how this plant responds are of paramount significance in understanding its ability to respond to climate change. In the Philippines, falcata is one of the most important species for industrial tree plantations (ITPs). Despite the importance of the species, there is no empirical data about its height and diameter structures concerning different elevations.

The study hypothesized that the height and diameter structures of 6-year-old falcata will decline with elevation. More specifically, the hypothesis suggests that the height and diameter structures of the species will reduce at higher elevations due to their vulnerability under such conditions.


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Djogo APY. 1997. Use of Albizia and Paraserianthes species in small-scale farming systems in Indonesia. In: Zabala, N. (ed.), International workshop on Albizia and Paraserianthes species, 27–36. Proceedings of a workshop held November 13–19, 1994, Bislig, Surigao del Sur, Philippines. Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Research Reports (Special Issue). Winrock International, Morrilton, Arkansas, USA

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Krisnawati H, Varis E, Kallio M, Kanninen M. 2011. Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen: Ecology, silviculture and productivity. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia, 1-11p.

Lacandula L, Rojo MJ, Casas J, Puno GR. 2017. Geospatial Analysis on the Influence of Biophysical Factors on the Gall Rust Prevalence in Falcata (Paraserianthes falcataria L. Nielsen) Plantation in Gingoog City, Philippines. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Science 11( 4), 18-24.

Leigh EG. 1975. Structure and climate in tropical rainforest. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 6, 67-86

Lelana NE, Wiyono S, Giyanto G, Siregar IZ. 2018. Cultivation Practices and Its Correlation to The Severity of Gall Rust Disease on Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Barneby & JW Grimes. JPHT 15(1), 29-41.

Mallett KI, Volney WJA. 1999. The effect of Armillaria root disease on lodgepole pine tree growth. Can. J. For. 29, 252-259.

Nowak DJ, McBride JR. 1991. Comparison of Monterey pine stress in urban and natural forests. J. Environ. Management 32, 383-395.

Palma RA, Tiongco LE, Canencia OP, Boniao RD, Florida EJ, Dagonio JY. 2020. Gall rust disease incidence of Falcata (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen) in Falcata-based agroforestry systems in Misamis Oriental, Philippines. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 449 (2020), 012035. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/449/1/012035

Rahayu S, See LS, Shukor NAA, Saleh G. 2018.  Environmental factors related to gall rust disease development of Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Barneby and Grimes at Brumas Estate, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia Appl. Eco. Envi. Res. 16, 7485-99

Rhoades RW, Stipes RJ. 1999. Growth of trees on the Virginia Tech campus in response to various factors. J. Arboric. 25, 211-215.

Roth I. 1981. Structural patterns of tropical barks. Encyclopedia of Plant Anatomy Volume 9. Gebruder Borntraeger, Berlin. 609p.

Wright SJ, Yavitt JB, Wurzburger N, Turner BL, Tanner EVJ, Sayer EJ, Santiago LS, Kaspari M, Hedin LO, Harms KE; Garcia MN, Corre MD. 2011. Potassium, phosphorus or nitrogen limit root allocation, tree growth, or litter production in a lowland tropical forest. Ecology 92(8), 1616-1625.

Source : Biophysical factors influencing the Height and Diameter structures of Falcata (Falcataria falcata (L.) Greuter & R. Rankin) in Agusan del Norte, Philippines  


Effects of Two Propagation Methods on Growth and Seed Yield of Jatropha curcas (L.) in Tandjilé Region, Chad | InformativeBD

Effets of two plants propagation methods on Jatropha curcas (L.) growth and seeds yield in Tandjilé region (Chad)

Kabé Hinlibé Karka, Megueni Clautilde, Tchobsala, and Tchuenteu Tatchum Lucien, from the different institute of the Tchad and Cameroon. wrote a research article about, Effects of Two Propagation Methods on Growth and Seed Yield of Jatropha curcas (L.) in Tandjilé Region, Chad. Entitled, Effets of two plants propagation methods on Jatropha curcas (L.) growth and seeds yield in Tandjilé region (Chad). This research paper published by the International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR). an open access scholarly research journal on Agronomy. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Field trial was carried out in Chad to investigate the effects of two plants propagation methods on productivity of Jatropha curcas L. cultivated in four localities (Djoun, Insatal, Laï-Djoum and Tchoua) at Tandjilé region in Chad. Planting was done following a randomized block design with four replications and two treatments (plants propagation methods: cuttings of stem and seedling). Physico-chemical properties of growing soils were assessed. The growing parameters and seeds yield were evaluated. Results shown that growing parameters and seeds yield were significantly different (p˂0.05) between both plants propagation methods and four study localities. J. curcas adapted better in Tchoua locality than other three experimental sites. Cuttings of stem exhibited the highest (104±1.9 Kg/ha) seeds yield while the lowest (88±3.7 Kg/ha) is observed under seedling plants propagation method in each of four study sites. It comes out from this study that plants propagation method using cuttings of stem can be recommended to farmers of Tandjilé region (Chad) to be integrated into their agricultural systems for J. curcas growth.

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Read moreEvaluating Citrullus colocynth Extracts as Natural Preservatives for Chevon Meatballs | InformativeBD


National communities, non-governmental organizations, national and international institutions have in recent years become aware the danger posed by the emission of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide whose fossil fuel constitutes the main emission source (Minengu et al., 2014). Faced with the industries development and exponential growth of world's population, it is urgent to find a source of alternative energy to avoid energy crisis (Fall, 2007; Sall, 2007). Research focuses on bioenergy, particularly on non-edible plants that can produce oils with biofuel potentiality (Dieye, 2007; Bellefontaine, 2001; Nwaga, 2009). Jatropha curcas L., a shrub belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family, is one of the vegetable species that can solve energy problems because the oil extracted from its seeds can be used as biofuels without competing with food crops. J. Curcas growth well in intercropping with food crop (Dauriat et al., 2001, FAO, 2010). This plant is not edible for humans or livestock. It is widely used in traditional medicine. Seeds oil from J. curcas is used in the manufacture of biofuel, handmade soap, ointment and then used as insecticides and nematocides for crops protection (Hammaoui, 2006).

Effets of two plants propagation methods on Jatropha curcas (L.) growth and seeds yield in Tandjilé region (Chad)

The cake obtained after seeds oil extraction is an excellent organic fertilizer for crops (Penjit, 2012). This cake can be used as fodder for livestock after detoxification (Kasuya et al., 2013). The stem of J. curcas is used for hedgerows construction. J. curcas adapts to various soils, withstands long periods of drought and requires very little maintenance. But its optimal production requires a well-drained and fertile soil (Bellefontaine, 2001; Olivier, 2007). Many countries in the world, including America, Asia and recently some West African countries have embarked on its culture for biofuels production. The Sudanian zone of Chad offers a favorable climate for planting this shrub in order to solve the socio-economic needs of population stricken by poverty. The purpose of this work was to evaluate (1) the physico-chemical characteristics of soils from Sudanian savannah of Tandjilé (Chad), (2) plants propagation methods (seedling and cuttings of stem) as well as localities of Sudanian savannah of Tandjilé (Chad) on J. curcas growth and development. The importance and usefulness of this work follows from the fact that the plants propagation method and the Chad study area which will provide the highest seeds yield of J. curcas will be popularized.


Bambang BS, IGM Arya SP, Bambang SP. 2016. yield performance of Jatropha curcas L. after pruning during five years production cycles in North Lombok dry land, Indonesia. Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science 5(3).

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Chengxin Y, Chalapathy RV, Kins HB, Thi Ngoc Z, Shilu K, Manju K, Binoy R, Yan H. 2014. Study on a new Jatropha curcas variety (JO S2) with improved seed productivity. Sustainability 6, 4355-4368; DOI: 10.3390/su6074355.

Dauriat A, Fromentin A, Sarlos G. 2001. Rapport sur les possibilités d’utilisation des Biocarburants à l’Aéroport International de Genève. Ecole polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Genève. 129p.

Dieye PN. 2007. Les biocarburants: Une nouvelle donne pour les politiques agricoles. Agrovision 4, 14-15.

Fall A. 2007. De nouvelles pistes vers la souveraineté énergétique. Agrovision 4, 10-13.

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GIEC. 2006. Guide pour l’inventaire national des gaz a effet de serre, agriculture, foresterie et autre usage des terres. Institute for Global Environnemental Stratégies. Japon. v4. pp. 4.46-4.52.

Hammaoui H. 2006. L’effet nématocide de quelles que plantes sur les nématodes à galles de la culture de tomate. Mémoire de Master. Université d’Agadir. Maroc. 61p.

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Kasuya MCM, Da Luz JMR, Pereira LPD, Da Silva JS, Montavani HC, Rodrigues MT. 2013. Bio-detoxification of Jatropha seed cake and its use in animal feed. In Biodiesel – Feedstocks. Production and Applications. Zhen Fang (editor). In Tech. Chapters published 309-330. DOI: 10.5772/45895

Koutroubas SD, Papakosta DK, Doitsinis A. 1999. Adaptation and yielding ability of castor plant (Ricinus communis L.) genotypes in a Meditarranean climate European Journal of Agronomy 11, 227-237.

Martin A, Mariotti A, Balesdent J, Lavelle, Voattoux R. 1990. Estimate of organic matter turnover rate in a savannah soil by 13C natural abundance measurements. Soil Biol. Biochem 22, 517-523.

Megueni C, Awano ET, Ndjouenkeu R. 2011. Effet simultané de la dilution et de la combinaison du Rhizobium et des mycorhizes sur la production foliaire et les propriétés physico-chimiques de jeunes feuilles de Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. Journal of Applied Bioscience 40, 2668-2676.

Minengu JD, Mobambo P, Mergeai G. 2014. Influence de l’environnement et des pratiques culturales sur la productivité de Jatropha curcas L. en Afrique Subsaharienne (Synthèse bibliographique) 18(2), 290-300.

Mugnier A, Cassagne B, Bayo N, Lafon C. 2009. Estimation des stocks de carbone des forets du Bassin du Congo pour le REDD: étude comparative conduite sur 22 types forestiers. 4 pays et un dispositif d’aménagement 4.8 million d’ha. XIII World Forestry Congress. Buenos Aires. Argentina 18-23 October 2009.

Nwaga D. 2009. Biocarburants. sols marginaux et sécurité alimentaire. 25p. In Biosciences and Food Security. 16ème Conférence du Comité Camerounais des Biosciences. 105p.

Olivier D. 2007. Jatropha curcas: une plante à très fort potentiel: In planète bleue. Poésie en image et Ecologie en action. Actualité de l’environnement. 7p.

Ouédraogo M. 2000. Etude biologique et physiologie du Phourgère. Jatrpha curcas L. thèse d’Etat. Université de Ouagadougou. Burkina-Faso. 290p.

Penjit S. 2012. Prospect of Deoiled Jatropha curcas Seedcake as Fertilizer for Vegetables Crops- A Case Study. Journal of Agricultural Science 4(3), 211-226.

Reinhard KH, Tianasoa R. 2005. Le manuel Jatropha: un guide pour l’exploitation intégrée de la plante Jatropha à Madagascar. Allemagne. Green Island Association. 20 p.

Sall HM. 2007. Rapport annuel de projet biocarburant 2007-2012: nouvelle orientation de la politique agricole au Sénégal. Ministre de Développement rural et de l’agriculture 24p.

Singh G, Rathod TR. 2002. Plants growth biomass production and water dynamic in a shifting dume of Indian desert. Forest Ecology and management 173(3), 309-320.

Tchobsala, Dongock ND, Nyasiri J, Ibrahima A. 2016. Carbon storage of anthropoid’s vegetation on the Ngaoundere escarpment (Adamawa. Cameroon). Journal of Advance in Biology 9 (2): 2347- 6893.

Tchuenteu TL, Megueni C, Njintang YN. 2013. A study of the variability for grain and oil yield and yield related traits of castor beans accessions in two savannah agro-ecological zones of Cameroon. International Journal of Biosciences 3(8), p. 251-263.

SourceEffets of two plants propagation methods on Jatropha curcas (L.) growth and seeds yield in Tandjiléregion (Chad)


Evaluating Citrullus colocynth Extracts as Natural Preservatives for Chevon Meatballs | InformativeBD

Evaluating the effect of Citrullus colocynth extracts as natural preservatives for some Chevon meatballs

Nagwa Thabet Elsharawy , Afnan Ahmed Allhyani, and Mohamed Baeshen, from the different institute of the Saudi Arabia. wrote a research article about, Evaluating Citrullus colocynth Extracts as Natural Preservatives for Chevon Meatballs. entitled, Evaluating the effect of Citrullus colocynth extracts as natural preservatives for some Chevon meatballs. This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences (IJB). an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Chevon is one of the most favorable meats between Arabian populations. Its consider one of the primary source of protein, fat, and water, which providing all essential amino acids, micronutrients, vitamins B6, B12, vitamin D, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which makes it best media for growth of microorganism and highly perishable food item. That increasing the demand to find safe materials extending the shelf life of meat. The aim of the study is to examine Citrullus colocynthis extract as natural preservatives. Fifty chevon samples were investigated microbiologically. Then determined the antibacterial effect of Citrullus colocynthis (aquas & ethanolic) extracts by different concentrations; (1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 12.5 & 15) % against six foodborne microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella enteritidis and Vibrio parahaemolyticus). Finally, addition of the different concretions of each extract to the chevon was performed. On the other side obtained results observed that all extracts have antibacterial effect by varies degree against all tested microorganisms and the extracts successes to extend the shelf life of chevon to about 17 days. According to obtained results indicated that herbal extracts consider a promising choice for the creation as a novel technique to overcome some food pathogens. So, it can be utilized as an alternative to traditional food preservative products. 

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Chevon is referred to the goat meat which considers as one of the most favorite edible red meat kind especially for Arabian societies consumers’. Chevon meat differ in nutritional values than beef meat as it has lower saturated fat, cholesterol and calories contents, in addition to its higher potassium and lower sodium contents all that make this meat kind of choice to people suffering from heart disease and other cardiovascular disorders (Singh et al., 2014).

On the other hand, chevon deterioration may result by the effect of; the meat enzymatic autolysis, lipid oxidation and/or microbial spoilage. Chevon as all meat kinds is one of the excellent media for microbial growth including foodborne microorganisms due to its nutritional value richness (Heifa’a et al., 2018).

Foodborne pathogens such as; (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella enteritidis, Listeria monocytogenes & Vibrio parahaemolyticus) in food poses food poisoning problem to the consumers’ health (Umesha and Manukumar, 2018). The zoonotic danger may cause by the foodborne microorganisms itself or caused by their toxins which leading to different severity of the illness signs or even death (Heredia and García, 2018; Allhyani et al., 2021).

Good preservation considered one of the best methods to avoid and/or retarding the meat spoilage (Sánchez-Ortega et al., 2014). although, there are many chemical preservatives used in food industries but almost of these chemicals have very dangerous side effect on the consumers’ health specially to young, old and immunosuppressed consumers, the hazards increase with prolong consumption of the preserved food products which may causing bad effect on liver, kidney in addition to, their teratogenic and carcinogenic. Therefore, almost recent food hygienists and researchers looking for new natural safe preservatives which can prolong the shelf life of the food item and avoid toxicological effect of the traditional preservatives using different plant parts extracts including; leaves, fruits, stems, roots, seeds and bark (Shah et al., 2014; Abo hashem et al., 2022).

Citrullus colocynthis is one of cucurbitaceae family which are widely spread characterized by its rough angular stems, lobed leaves, solitary monoecious flowers, its fruit is green turn to yellow when ripe with size similar to small orange size with numerous ovoid, compressed, light yellowish to dark brown smooth seeds and characterized by its; antimicrobial, antioxidant, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, gut disorders including gastroenteritis, colic, indigestion, and dysentery with multiple other therapeutic potency without adverse effects on human health but until now there is a wide shortage on them as food natural perservatives (Al-Snafi, 2016; Rani et al., 2017; da Silva and Hussain, 2017). In addition to the nearly absent studies on their effect in chevon preservation. This study aimed to investigate antibacterial effect of Citrullus colocynthis different extracts against some food posining pathogens which isolated from chevon samples, Performed sensetivity test by different concentration of each extract and evalute the effect of addition of the plant extracts by different concentrations on minced chevon shelf life.

SourceEvaluating the effect of Citrullus colocynth extracts as natural preservatives for some Chevonmeatballs


Effect of Growth Regulators on Rooting of Andrographis neesiana: A Valuable Endemic Medicinal Plant of India | InformativeBD

Effect of growth regulators on rooting of Andrographis neesiana Wight. – a valuable endemic medicinal plant of India

Chinnappan Alagesaboopathi, from the institute of the India. wrote a research article about, Effect of Growth Regulators on Rooting of Andrographis neesiana: A Valuable Endemic Medicinal Plant of India. entitled, Effect of growth regulators on rooting of Andrographis neesiana Wight. – a valuable endemic medicinal plant of India. This research paper published by the InternationalJournal of Biosciences (IJB).  an open access scholarly research journal on Biosciences. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


The present study deals with the vegetative propagation prospects of an endemic medicinal plant Andrographis neesiana Wight, which is familiarly used in herbal medicine for the treatment of several diseases. Due to over exploitation this plant is disappearing from original habitat hence its cultivation on commercial scale is suggested. Stem cuttings of Andrographis neesiana are advantageous to root. Treatment with Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) and a-Napthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) raised rooting and increased shoot development in greenhouse under intermittent misting. IBA and NAA treated cuttings performed improve in all development parameters compared to control. The highest percentage of rooting was observed in IBA 1500 ppm (68.10%). The maximum root length was noted in IBA 2000 ppm (11.20 cm). The roots were profuse and branched in characteristic. Besides this, the survival rate of IBA treated plantlets was 86.45% and NAA treated plantlets was 72.61% in comparison to control where it was 7.32%. The percentage of rooting and root length upgraded by using plant growth hormones, either separate or together. The present investigation concludes that clonal multiplication of these an endemic medicinal plant is feasible through application of plant growth regulators. The significance of these findings on the propagation and conservation of A. neesiana is discussed. 

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 Read more : Spatial and Seasonal Variation of Ichthyofauna in Lake Buyo's Littoral Zone Using Video Surveillance | InformativeBD


Medicinal plants contain importances that can be used for biotherapeutic applications or which are used as precursors for the synthesis of beneficial (Sofowora 1993). The medicinal characteristics of plants lies in their phytochemicals namely alkaloids, flavonoids in addition to other phenolic compounds that co-opt as to producing particular physiological properties to the body of man and animals (Che Man, 2010). However, analysis of extract of Andrographis neesiana was found to be rich in flavones to the expensive phytoconstituent potentialities of the plant. Andrograhis neesiana is therefore grown as a medicinal species for the curing of many ailments particularly in India. (Alagesaboopathi and Balu 1999; Alagesaboopathi and Sivkumar 2011; Ponvinobala et al., 2012a). Andrographis neesiana Wight belongs to the family Acanthaceae and has been widely used in healthcare traditions. The rooted plants by cottage have various advantages such as faster growth rate (Ooyamma and Toyoshima, 1965), greater stock stand uniformity, improve site matching and true-to-type planting material production (Fielding, 1969). Cuttings can be categorized into 3 groups as comfortable to root, difficult to root and inflexible to root (Nanda, 1970).

Effect of growth regulators on rooting of Andrographis neesiana Wight. – a valuable endemic medicinal plant of India

Species of Andrographis Wallich ex Nees (Acanthaceae) are used in the Indian systems of medicine namely, Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Amachi and Modern (Alagesaboopathi and Balu, 1999). The genus Andrographis as a whole is of potentialities significance to India. The genus exhibits antipyretic characteristics (Kirtikar and Basu, 1975). This genus consists 40 species distributed in Tropical Asia (Anonymous, 1948). About 21 species are distributed in India (Gamble, 1982) and all of them available in Tamilnadu. (Henry et al., 1987). Among the 21 species 18 species are reported to be endemic to India (Ahmedullah and Nayar, 1986). Andrographis neesiana Wight (Fig. 1) is an endemic medicinal species (Ahmedullah and Nayar, 1986) found in wild in Shevaroy Hills of Salem district of Tamilnadu (11o45 and 11o55 N and 78o11 to 78o20E) upto 1500 m.

The pharmaceutical industries is widely dependent upon the wild populations for providing these plant species for extraction of their intrinsic phytochemicals. Moreover, herbal medicine practitioners, local medicine men, village dwellers, vaidyas, tribals (Malayalis), forest dwellers, and other traditional healers often use these collection of the plant materials from forests and lacking experiments either to allow the replenishment or propagation, these critical flora are rapidly vanishing. As a importance, A. neesiana declared as an endemic plant in India (Ahmedullah and Nayar, 1986). Therefore, there is an immediate need to enlarge serviceable cultivation techniques for propagation of these noteworthy medicinal floras which will excessively commercial application. Andrographis neesiana has been used in the treatment of aphrodisiac and antifungal property (Alagesaboopathi and Balu, 1999; Alagesaboopathi and Balu, 2000). Several medicinal properties such as cough, edema, laxative, bitter and overcomes trouble in breathing, worms, liver complaints, acidity, burning sensation, syphilitic ulcers, skin disorders and also veterinary medicines have been attributed to this plant in the traditional systems of Indian medicine (Sivarajan and Balachandran, 2001). It is used in the treatment of antimicrobial, antioxidant and anticancer activity (Alagesaboopathi and Sivakumar, 2011; Ponvinobala et al., 2012 a, b).

Effect of growth regulators on rooting of Andrographis neesiana Wight. – a valuable endemic medicinal plant of India

Two new flavonoids, 2, 4, 6, 2, 3, 4- hexamethoxychalcone and 5-hydroxy -7, 2, 5 - trimethoxyflavone together with a known flavone glycoside, echioidinin 5-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside were isolated from the whole plant extract of Andrographis neesiana (Muntha Kesava Reddy et al., 2003). There is no previous report on use of growth hormones in vegetative propagation of this useful plant. The work was undertaken to result rooting response of A. neesiana under greenhouse using growth regulators and outcomes reported. Auxin is one of the factors for stimulating root productions in cuttings (Hartman et al., 1990). Thakur and Gupta (1998) reported that cutting of Alnus nitida with various concentration of IBA and obtained the maximum root percentage at IBA 800 ppm.

Rooting of stem cutting through action of growth hormones has been undertaken as a protocol for broad scale propagation of this plant following the approach of Senthilkumar et al., 2009; Akwatulira et al., 2011; Saradha and Paulsamy, 2012). Auxins, a category of plant evolution substances are often called as plant growth hormones and performance an important role in coordination of many growth and behavioral technique in the plant life cycle (Tiwari and Kuntal Das, 2010). Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA), -Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) and Indole -3-Butyric Acid (IBA) are conventionally the leading auxins which are usable commercially and can be applied with liquid (liquid formulation) or in talc (powder formulation) for rooting and sprouting of stem cuttings (Hopkins, 1999). The present study therefore aimed at ascertaining the most suitable propagation A. neeisana using stem cuttings. In the present study, the stem cuttings of A. neesiana were treated by plant growth regulators (PGRs), IBA and NAA. The aim of this investigation was to test the potential outcome of plant growth regulators on the stem cuttings and to prefer an optimal concentration of plant growth regulators for stem cuttings of A. neesiana


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Source: Effect of growth regulators on rooting of Andrographis neesiana Wight. – a valuable endemic medicinal plant of India  

Spatial and Seasonal Variation of Ichthyofauna in Lake Buyo's Littoral Zone Using Video Surveillance | InformativeBD

Spatial and seasonal variation of ichtyofauna in the littoral zone of Lake Buyo (South-west Côte d’Ivoire) using video surveillance

Abo Kouakou Jean-Baptiste, Monney Attoubé Ida, Aliko N’Guessan Gustave, N’Dri Olga Rosemonde, and Koné Tidiani, from the different institute of the Côte d'Ivoire. wrote a research article about, Spatial and Seasonal Variation of Ichthyofauna in Lake Buyo's Littoral Zone Using Video Surveillance. Entitled, Spatial and seasonal variation of ichtyofauna in the littoral zone of Lake Buyo (South-west Côte d’Ivoire) using video surveillance. This research paper published by the Journalof Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES). an open access scholarly research journal on Biodiversity. under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Video surveillance techniques are increasingly being used for aquatic research purposes because they are non-extractive and cause less disturbance to fish habitats. The aim is to use video surveillance as a sampling method to inventory fish in the littoral zones of Lake Buyo. Six baited cameras were used to sample the fish. Analysis of the video recordings enabled 18 species of fish to be identified, divided into 13 genera, 9 families and 7 orders. The best represented families were the Cyprinidae with 2102 individuals, the Cichlidae (1892 individuals) and the Alestidae (1772 individuals). Enteromius macrops (2057 individuals), Coptodon zillii (1387 individuals), Brycinus macrolepidotus (858 individuals), Brycinus longipinnis (831 individuals) and Oreochromis niloticus (469 individuals) were the most abundant species. Depending on the hydrological season, significant differences in species richness were observed between high water and low water seasons at all the stations. Analysis of the structure of the fish assemblages revealed a environment was more diverse and stable during periods of high water than during periods of low water. The use of video surveillance as a sampling method thus represents a important alternative for the collection of ichthyological data.

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As transition zones between terrestrial and aquatic environments, littoral zones represent the most heterogeneous, diverse and productive physical environment in lakes (Brind'Amour, 2005; Zohary and Gasith, 2014). The complexity and diversity of nearshore habitats provide more food resources for fish, stimulate spawning behaviour and generate refuges for many nearshore aquatic species (Schmieder, 2004 ; Kyle et al., 2014).

Unfortunately, these ecosystems are subject to numerous anthropogenic pressures that considerably alter their role in the renewal of fish stocks. These pressures are mainly linked to intensive fishing, the use of chemical substances in agriculture the destruction of forests and the reduction in the surface area or quality of habitats (Jones, 2002 ; Onana et al., 2014 ; Monney et al., 2016).

In Côte d'Ivoire, the Buyo dam lake is no exception to these pressures. Anthropogenic activities (fishing and agriculture) have harmful consequences for fish habitats and fish stocks, sometimes leading to the disappearance of fish species (N'Dri et al., 2020). The fishing techniques and gear used by some fishermen are largely unregulated and very often considerably destroy the lake's coastal habitats, remove spawners from nests and catch all sizes of fish. Excessive variations in water level also threaten the lake's fish populations by altering feeding conditions through the reduction in prey populations (Anderson et al., 2021), or by eliminating fish spawning sites (N'Dri, 2020).

However, although numerous studies have been carried out on Lake Buyo (Kouamé, 2010; Goli Bi et al., 2019; Kouassi et al., 2019), few investigations have focused specifically on the littoral zones of this lake, in particular the zone incorporating the Taï National Park, even though the latter is known to be an important spawning ground for fish (N'Dri, 2020). Hence the need to monitor the dynamics of fish in coastal areas in order to identify and even anticipate possible degradation that could affect them. Such monitoring can also help to understand the causes inherent in these changes. The heritage and economic importance of Lake Buyo in Côte d'Ivoire alone justifies the introduction of such monitoring. The observation methods traditionally used to monitor aquatic ecosystems are based on experimental fishing. However, this extractive technique is destructive, which is undesirable in sensitive or protected areas (Pelletier, 2003 ; Kimball and Able, 2012; Sheaves et al., 2016).

In this context, video surveillance is an interesting alternative, although it is still relatively little used for monitoring aquatic ecosystems (Pelletier et al., 2006 ; Favaro et al., 2012). Visual techniques have largely proved their worth and provide a fairly complete picture of fish populations. The general aim of this study is to use video surveillance to determine the composition of the ichthyofauna at different time and space scales in the littoral zone of Lake Buyo with a view to efficient management. Specifically, the aim is to determine the diversity and abundance of fish that frequent the littoral habitats of Lake Buyo.


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Source : Spatial and seasonal variation of ichtyofauna in the littoral zone of Lake Buyo (South-west Côte d’Ivoire) using video surveillance