Semi-Arid Lettuce Growth: Hairy Woodrose & Carnauba Straw Mix | InformativeBD

Mixture of hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) with carnauba straw (Copernicia prunifera) in the productivity of lettuce in the semi-arid region of Brazil

Geovanna Alicia Dantas Gomes, Paulo César Ferreira Linhares, Karen Geovana da Silva Carlos, Roberto Pequeno de Sousa, Janilson Pinheiro de Assis, Luiz João Rebouças de Souza, Ana Patricia Silva Maia, Luciane Karine Guedes de Oliveira, Maria Elisa da Costa Souza, Walter Rodrigues Martins, Eudes de Almeida Cardoso, and Hiago Alves Moreira, from the different institute of the Brazil. wrote a research article about, Semi-Arid Lettuce Growth: Hairy Woodrose & Carnauba Straw Mix, entitled, “Mixture of hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) with carnauba straw (Copernicia prunifera) in the productivity of lettuce in the semi-arid region of Brazil”. This research paper published by the International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research | IJAAR. an open access scholarly research journal on Agronomy under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


The use of mixtures of organic fertilizers present in the cultivation areas is of paramount importance for farmers who produce in the family farming system, in this sense, the objective was to study the mixture of hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) with carnauba straw (Copernicia prunifera) in the productivity of lettuce in the semi-arid region from Brazil. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in the experimental area of the Department of Agronomic and Forestry Sciences. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in a 5 x 2 factorial scheme, with three replications. The first factor consisted of five amounts of the mixture of jitirana with carnauba straw (0.0; 1.5; 3.0; 4.5 and 6.0kg m-2 of area), and the second factor for the forms of application to the soil (embedded and cover). The lettuce cultivar planted was crespa, which is widely sold in the semi-arid region of Brazil. The evaluated characteristics were: Plant height, diameter, number of leaves, lettuce production and dry mass. The research results showed that the amount of 4.5kg m contributed to the increase of the evaluated characteristics, with values of 115 and 11.97g plant-1. The use of a mixture of organic fertilizers (hairy woodrose and carnauba straw) was extremely effective in the production of vegetable crops, bringing agronomic advantages to the producer.

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Read morePreserving Kalinga's Heirloom Corn Varieties | InformativeBD


Aiming at an agroecological production, many researchers and farmers seek a sustainable and diversified agriculture with systems of use with low chemical inputs (Altiere, 2002). According to Linhares et al. (2018) the use of organic sources in the region of Mossoró, RN, Brazil is of great importance for vegetable growers, with manure (beef, goat and poultry) as inputs, however, the dependence on these sources contributes to the increase of production costs, as farmers do not always have these resources available on their properties. 

Aiming at agroecological alternatives, many researchers have carried out research with farmers who seek sustainable agriculture with diversified systems with low use of chemical inputs (Altieri, 2002), which is of great value to farmers who work in the organic agriculture system. In these areas, where various vegetables are grown, lettuce (Lactuca sativum L.) is an annual herbaceous plant, originating in the Mediterranean, with a small, unbranched stem, to which the leaves attach (Santos et al., 2011) , being the most important leafy vegetable in the diet of the Brazilian people, consumed as a salad (Yuri et al., 2006). 

In the semi-arid region, organic fertilization is widely used in the production of lettuce (Linhares et al., 2022). The amount to be used depends on the quality of the available fertilizer and local conditions, soil, climate and management (Freire et al., 2013). However, when green manure is applied to the soil, it provides ideal edaphic conditions for greater vegetable production, given the productive potential of phytomass and nitrogen concentration of spontaneous species from the semi-arid region, compatible with legumes, such as hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) (Linhares et al., 2021).

Mixture of hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) with carnauba straw (Copernicia prunifera) in the productivity of lettuce in the semi-arid region of Brazil

This species presents green and dry phytomass production in the order of 40000 and 6000kg ha-1, respectively, with an average nitrogen content of 23.0g kg-1 and a carbon-nitrogen ratio of 23/1, being quite prominent during the rainy season in the semiarid region and found in the cultivation areas of farmers who work in the production of vegetables in an organic system in the region of Mossoró, RN, Brazil (Linhares et al., 2021). 

Another species that is important in terms of use as an organic fertilizer is the carnauba tree (Copernicia prunifera L.), which occurs in the semi-arid region and is used by farmers in the production of vegetable crops (Linhares et al., 2014). 

Several scientific studies have shown the use of alternative organic sources in the semi-arid region to meet the nutritional needs of vegetable crops, such as coriander (Linhares et al., 2018a; Linhares et al., 2018b; Linhares et al., 2014a and Linhares et al., 2012), lettuce (Linhares 2009) carrot (Linhares et al., 2014b) and radish (Linhares et al., 2013).

In this sense, it is extremely important to use alternative organic sources that provide satisfactory edaphic conditions for the development of vegetable crops. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the mixture of hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) with carnauba straw in the productivity of lettuce in the semi-arid region of Brazil.


Altieri M. 2002. Agroecology: scientific basis for sustainable agriculture (Agroecologia: bases científicas para uma agricultura sustentável). Guaíba: Agropecuária 592p.

Barbosa JC, Malheiros EB, Banzatto DA. 1992. ESTAT: Um sistema de análises estatísticas de ensaios agronômicos. Jaboticabal: Unesp, Versão 2.0.

Carmo Filho F, Oliveira OF. 1995. Mossoró: um município do semiárido nordestino, caracterização climática e aspecto florístico. Mossoró: ESAM, (Coleção Mossoroense, Série B) 62p.

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária- EMBRAPA. 2018. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 2nd ed. Rio de Janeiro: Embrapa p.306.

Freire LR, Balieiro FC, Zonta E. 2013. Manual de calagem e adubação do Rio de Janeiro. Seropédica: Editora Universidade Rural 430p.

Kronka SN, Banzato DA. 1995. (Estat) system for statistical analysis 2. 3. ed. Jaboticabal: Funep 243 p.

Linhares PCF, Maracajá PB, Sousa RP, Assis JP. 2022. Adubação verde com flor-de-seda {Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton} em culturas olerícolas na região semiárida [livro eletrônico]: In: Linhares PCF, Maracajá PB, Sousa RP, Assis JP, Alves LS, Silva NV, Medeiros AC, Gomes GAD. Aplicação da flor-de-seda {Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton} como adubo verde em hortaliças folhosas (coentro, rúcula e alface). Nova Xavantina, MT: Ed. Pantanal. 96p. Cap. 2, p.29-40. /10.46420

Linhares PCF, Maracajá PB, Liberalino Filho J, Assis JP, Sousa RP, Medeiros AC. 2021. Jitirana (Merremia aegyptia L. Urban) [livro eletrônico]: Potencialidade de uso como espécie espontânea do semiárido na adubação verde de hortaliças. In: Linhares PCF, Cunha LMM, Silva NV, Neves AM, Medeiros BBM and Paiva AC. Fitomassa verde e seca, teores e acúmulo de macronutrientes da jitirana (Merremia aegyptia L. Urban) em diferentes estádios fenológicos- Nova Xavantina, MT: Ed. Pantanal. 96p. Cap. 2, p.24-45. 10.46420 /9786588319901

Linhares PCF, Assis JP, Sousa RP, Sá JR, Pereira MFS, Ramalho WB, Silva RIG, Silva RA, Pereira KLV. 2018a. Optimized amount of hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) in the productivity of coriander cultivars. Bulgarian journal of Agricultural Science 24(2), 654-659.

Linhares PCF, Cunha LMM, Sousa RPde, Neves APM, Assis JPde, Almeida AMBde, Pereira MFS, Cardoso EA, Paula JAA, Alves LS. 2018b. Agronomic Efficiency of Organic Fertilised in the Production of the Intercropping of Coriander and Mint in the Northeastern Brazil. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 29(1), 1-11. 10.9734/ JEAI/2019/45689.

Linhares PCF, Maracajá PB, Pereira MFS, Assis JP, Sousa RP. 2014a. Roostertree (Calotropis procera) under different amounts and periods of incorporation on yield of coriander. Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável 9(2), 07-12.

Linhares PCF, Assis JP, Sousa RP, SÁ JR, Pereira MFS, Ramalho WB, Silva RIG, Silva RA, Pereira KLV. 2018b. Optimized amount of hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) in the productivity of coriander cultivars. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 24(4), 654-659.

Linhares PCF, Cunha LMM, Sousa RPde, Neves APM, Assis JPde, Almeida AMBde, Pereira MFS, Cardoso EA, Paula JAA, Alves LS. 2018c. Agronomic Efficiency of Organic Fertilised in the Production of the Intercropping of Coriander and Mint in the Northeastern Brazil. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 29(1), 1-11.

Linhares PCF, Oliveira JD, Pereira MFS, Fernandes JPP, Dantas RP. 2014a. Espaçamento para a cultura do coentro adubado com palha de carnaúba nas condições de Mossoró-RN. Revista Verdede Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável 9(3), 01-06.

Linhares PCF, Maracajá PB, Oliveira JD, Silva RIG. 2014b. Períodos de incorporação da jitirana mais palha de carnaúba na produtividade da cenoura. Agropecuária Cientifica no Semi-árido 10(3), 100-104.

Linhares PCF. 2013. Green manure as soil conditioner. Revista Campo e negócios 127(1), 22-23.

Linhares PCF, Pereira MFS, Assis JP, Bezerra AKH. 2012. Quantidades e tempos de decomposição da jitirana no desempenho agronômico do coentro. Ciência Rural 42(2), 243-248.

Linhares PCF, Pereira MFS, Silva ML, Maracajá PB, Moreira JC, Souza AAJ. 2013. Otimização da quantidade de jitirana incorporada ao solo no rendimento agronômico do rabanete. Agropecuária cientifica no Semi-árido 9(2), 42-48.

Linhares PCF. 2009. Vegetação espontânea como adubo verde no desempenho agroeconômico de hortaliças folhosas. 109 f. Tese (Doutorado em Fitotecnia: Área de Concentração em Agricultura Tropical) – Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, Brazil.

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Neves APM, Linhares PCF, Souza RP, Assis JS, Neves AM, Cunha LMM, Almeida AMB, Pereira MFS, Alves LS. 2018. Successive crops of lettuce fertilized with bovine manure in the presence and absence of mung bean. International Journal of Development Research 08(1), 19754-19760.

Oliveira EQ, Souza RJ, Cruz MCM, Marques VB, França AC. 2010. Produtividade de alface e rúcula, em sistema consorciado, sob adubação orgânica e mineral. Horticultura Brasileira 28(1), 36-40.

Paiva, Laíza Gomes de. 2016. Estudo da alface e coentro em consórcio e monocultivo sob diferentes adubações em dois períodos/Laíza Gomes de Paiva. Pombal 55 p. Monografia (Bacharelado em Agronomia)- Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Centro de Ciências e Tecnologia Agroalimentar, 2016.

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Source : Mixture of hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) with carnauba straw (Copernicia prunifera) in the productivity of lettuce in the semi-arid region of Brazil   

Preserving Kalinga's Heirloom Corn Varieties | InformativeBD

 Saving the heirloom Corn varieties of Kalinga Province

Rex Saliw-an Langngag, Santos B. Sicnawa, Irene S. Calsiyao, Jelmer Cesar P. Calagui, Jameson Lopez, and Noel B. Estilong, from the different institute of the Philippines. wrote a research article about, Preserving Kalinga's Heirloom Corn Varieties, entitled, "Saving the heirloom Corn varieties of Kalinga Province". This research paper published by the International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research | IJAAR. an open access scholarly research journal on Agronomy under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Heirloom corn is one of the distinctive and significant cultivars grown in Kalinga Province. Factors such as shifting to GM corn, reduction of corn area, entry of OPV varieties, and the age of farmers impact heirloom corn varieties in Kalinga. This study looked into the ex-situ characterization of heirloom corn varieties and the effect of fertilizer on the growth and yield of heirloom corn. The genetic base of heirloom corn consisted of twenty-four accessions in ex-situ characterization with eighty-four descriptors. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of white and purple heirloom corn were determined. The cultivars possess a unique qualitative character to distinguish their traits. The ex-situ characterization shows a slight variation in both quantitative and qualitative data for the cultivars tested. Field trials of heirloom corn planted in the two experiment areas showed no significant difference in the variables tested except in the plant height of heirloom corn under the Tabuk City condition. Sole ammonium phosphate (16-20-0) significantly affected the weight of the kernel and the yield of purple corn. The combined Ultimax organic and ammonium phosphate fertilizer did not yield significantly. Ammonium phosphate application is more effective in a sloped area than organic fertilizer. This phenomenon may be due to the faster release of inorganic fertilizer than organic fertilizer, which has a slow release; moreover, combining inorganic and organic fertilizers significantly improved heirloom corn. Farmers in Kalinga province must continuously cultivate and bequeath these cultivars to the young generation to preserve heirloom corn germplasm.

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Read moreNano Silver from Andrographis paniculata: Germicidal Power | InformativeBD


Heirloom corn is one of the unusual and essential varieties in Kalinga Province. The study collected existing heirlooms, recorded them, and conducted field tests to conserve them. Zea mays, sometimes known as corn, is a significant food crop in the Philippines and is used as a staple meal by 20% of the country's citizens (World Food Program, 2012), particularly in the southern Visayas and Mindanao islands (Logroo et al., 1996). The product provides a livelihood for five million Filipinos. Corn comes in third overall regarding gross value added (GVA) in agriculture, behind only rice and coconut (PCARRD, 2006). The crop has significant economic value as a primary component of animal and poultry diets and as a raw material for various industrial goods, including starch oil, artificial sweeteners, and organic liquids (Siopongco et al., 1999). In 2010, Php70 billion, or US$1.7 billion, was spent on corn production (Bureau of Agricultural Statistics 1).

Saving the heirloom Corn varieties of Kalinga Province

The two most common kinds of maize grown in the Philippines are yellow and white. In times of rice shortage, white maize is the most important staple food, especially for those living in rural regions (Gerpacio et al., 2004). Kalinga has flint and glutinous white, yellow, and purple heritage corn varieties. Although it does not receive much notice, purple corn has been commonly grown and enjoyed in other regions worldwide. White maize is eaten as a vegetable or a snack in regions where rice is the primary food. "Poor man's rice" is frequently used to describe white maize. Purple corn and other colored maize are not commonly grown in the Philippines (Greenpeace). Around 22 percent of the world's maize supply, according to data from 1990 to 2005,

Eighty-one countries agree that genetic deterioration in crops is mainly caused by replacing native species and varieties with better or foreign ones (FAO, 1997). Population pressure, environmental deterioration, legislation/policy, pests/weeds/diseases, shifting agricultural systems, and species overexploitation are additional factors contributing to genetic erosion. According to Greenpeace (2012), farmers may soon lose access to the traditional OPV of white corn for planting since genetically modified organism (GMO) contamination in maize types is already occurring among varieties patented and held by agrochemical corporations. It demonstrates the ineffectiveness of RA 7308, often known as the "Seed Industry Development Act," which requires the government to "conserve, maintain, and develop the plant genetic resources of the nation and supply the local communities with the genetic resources they need." It is essential to preserve landraces and crop wild relatives to preserve genetic resources for future crop improvement (Ford–Lloyd et al., 2011). Crop wild relatives and landraces offer valuable genetic material for breeding current improved lines, reducing the susceptibility of inbred crops to diseases and pests, enhancing performance, and adding distinctive features (Lopes et al., 2015). The heirloom corn of Kalinga is no different from other corn varieties in danger of being lost. Hence this study aims to conserve the Kalinga heirloom corn varieties. Furthermore, it looks into the ex-situ characterization (qualitative and quantitative) of the two heirloom corn varieties. The field trials aim to look into the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the heirloom corn cultivars’ growth and yield production.


Bureau of Agricultural Statistics. http://countrystat.

Bureau of Agricultural Statistics2. http:// www.

FAO. 2013. Traditional High‐Andean cuisine, 1st ed. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Available from: /018/i1466e/i1466e.pdf. Accessed 2014 May 16.

Ford-Lloyd BV, Schmidt M, Armstrong SJ, Barazani OZ, Engels J, Hadas R, Hammer K, Kell SP, Kang D, Khoshbakht K, Li Y. 2011. Crop wild relatives—undervalued, underutilized and under threat?. Bioscience 61(7), 559-65.

Gerpacio RV, Labios JD, Labios RV, Diangkinay EI. 2004. Maize in the Philippines: production systems, constraints, and research priorities. CIMMYT.

Lao F, Sigurdson GT, Giusti MM. 2017. Health Benefits of Purple Corn (Zea mays L.) Phenolic Compounds. Wiley Online Library. Retrieved on July 19, 2018 at http/doi/full/10.1111/1541-4337.12249.

Logroño ML, Lopez EL, Alejandro F. 1996. Maize seed situation in the Philippines: a country report. Philippine Journal of Crop Science 21, p 61-70.

Lopes MS, El-Basyoni I, Baenziger PS, Singh S, Royo C, Ozbek K, Aktas H, Ozer E, Ozdemir F, Manickavelu A, Ban T. 2015. Exploiting genetic diversity from landraces in wheat breeding for adaptation to climate change. Journal of experimental botany 66(12), 3477-86.

Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and natural Resources Research and Development (PCCARD). 2006. Corn Industry Profile. Los Baños, Laguna.

Rice Watch and Action Network. 2007. Issues and Prospects of the Philippine Corn Industry. http://

Siopongco LB, Altoveros NC, Cruz VMV, Villavicencio MLH. 1999. Morphological diversity in NPGRL’s local corn collection. Philippine Journal of Crop Science 24, 103-113.

Transon J, Defourny P. 2017. Corn crops in Bukidnon, Philippines: Synthesis from field survey and literature. February p1-18.

World Food Program. 2012. Philippine Food and Nutrition Security Atlas. content/philippine-food-and-nutrition-security-atlas-march-2012

 SourceSaving the heirloom Corn varieties of Kalinga Province

Nano Silver from Andrographis paniculata: Germicidal Power | InformativeBD

Rapid biosynthesis of highly stabilized nano silver by Andrographis paniculata leaf extract; A prioritized medicinal plant and its germicidal activity

M. Revathy, C. Aswathy, S. Amutha, E. Amutha, T. Madhumitha, E. Pushpalakshmi, R. Venkateshwari, S. Rajaduraipandian, and G. Annadurai from the different institute of the India. wrote a research article about, Nano Silver from Andrographis paniculata: Germicidal Power. entitled,  "Rapid biosynthesis of highly stabilized nano silver by Andrographis paniculata leaf extract; A prioritized medicinal plant and its germicidal activity". This research paper published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences | JBES. an open access scholarly research journal on Biodiversity under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


The present research explains a rapid and environmental friendly route for the synthesis of highly stabilized silver nanoparticles using the Andrographis paniculata leafextract. The biosynthesized silver nanoparticles were characterized by using UV-visible spectrophotometer, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Scanning electron microscope. The UV- visible spectrum exhibited surface Plasmon resonance band at 421 nm signifies the presence of silver nanoparticles in the reaction mixture. The XRD technique revealed the synthesized nanoparticles were crystalline in nature as well as possess face centered cubic geometry. FTIR studies were carried out to investigate the functional groups responsible for the silver nanoparticle reduction in the range 4000 – 400cm-1. EDAX analysis displayed the elemental composition in the sample. SEM analysis confirmed the synthesized particles are polydispersed in nature. The inhibition zone gradually increased with increase in silver nanoparticle concentration. Further the silver nanoparticle exhibited an effective germicidal activity against both Gram positive and Gram negative organisms by using disc diffusion method. The in-vitro antimicrobial assay demonstrated the results of maximum inhibition zone with the (36±0.334) in Lactobacillus sp and minimum zone with (15±0.318) in Streptococcus sp. Because of the potent antimicrobial activity it might be concluded that silver nanoparticles were efficiently utilized as an effective antibacterial compounds.

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Read moreArugula's Viability Under Semiarid Residual Effects | InformativeBD


Nanoscience and nanotechnology is a promising area of nanoscale structures and materials appliances typically ranging from 1 – 100 nm and at these range materials physical and chemical characteristics are drastically distinct from those in bulk materials because of quantum effects (Sharma et al., 2009; Matos et al., 2011). Due to their distinctive properties as well as growing use for several applications in nanomedicine, silver nanoparticles have attracted considerable importance among the rising nanoproducts. Silver in the silver nitrate or silver sulfadiazine form has been utilized for the healing of bacterial infections connected along with burns and injuries due to its antimicrobial properties for a long time (Lok et al., 2007). Several physical, chemical and biological techniques have been improved for the silver nanoparticle synthesis and it has a low yield as well as complex to synthesize nanoparticles with a definite size (Malik et al., 2010).

Rapid biosynthesis of highly stabilized nano silver by Andrographis paniculata leaf extract; A prioritized medicinal plant and its germicidal activity

Traditional approaches similar to physical and chemical such as lithography, laser ablation, pyrolysis, chemical vapor deposition, electrodeposition, sol-gel techniques for nanoparticle synthesis appear to be costly and harmful. Additionally the process includes numerous reactants such as sodium borohydride, potassium bitartrate, methoxypolyethylene glycol, hydrazine as well as it involves stabilizing agents sodium dodecyl benzyl sulfate, polyvinyl pyrrolidone to inhibit the metallic nanoparticles agglomeration. Though numerous techniques are obtainable for the nanoparticle synthesis, there is an essential to expand easy, cost effective, and ecofriendly methods. Hence it is vital to find an alternative biological process for metal nanoparticle synthesis with control particle size and shape for several biomedical applications (Gurunathan et al., 2009; Gurunathan et al., 2013). Plant, plant products, algae, fungi, yeast, bacteria and viruses are a huge collection of biological reserves may possibly utilized for the nanoparticle synthesis and the period needed for the absolute reduction is lesser in biological methods. Biosynthesized nanoparticles are quickly available in solution with high stability, density and depend upon the compounds like alkaloids, tannin, steroids, phenol, saponins, and flavonoids in the plant extract we assume whether the proteins, polysaccharides or secondary metabolites are able to reduce the Ag+ to Ag0 state and develop silver nanoparticles (Singhal et al., 2011). Andrographis paniculata is frequently recognized as king of bitter belongs to the family Acanthaceae indigenous to India and Srilanka. The leaves and root were utilized predominantly for therapeutic purposes in traditional ayurvedic and siddha medicine in India and several other countries. Extract of this plant revealed antifungal, antityphoid, antioxidants, anti-snake venom, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Andrographis paniculata extract contains two major chemical components acquired from the whole plant such as diterpenoids and flavonoids 7, 2’, 3’- tetramethoxyflavonone as well as 5- hydroxy-7, 2’, 3’-trimethoxyflavone which are expected to be responsible for the major bioactivities of this plant (Aliyu et al., 2009; Puri et al., 1996; Tang et al., 1992). 

A number of novel antibiotics were exploited in the previous decades; none have recovered action against multidrug resistant bacteria and due to the growing pervasiveness of microbial resistance has made the public health organization a major concern in the recent world (Mohanty et al., 2012). The main objective of the current study was to improve an easy and ecofriendly method for the silver nanoparticle synthesis and characterization by employing Andrographis paniculata. After that aim of this analysis engaged the germicidal activity of green synthesized silver nanoparticles against both Gram positive and Gram negative organisms. Improving silver nanoparticles as an innovative origination of antimicrobial agents could be a desirable and cheaper means to overwhelm the multi-drug resistance difficulties noticed with bacteria.


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Source : Rapid biosynthesis of highly stabilized nano silver by Andrographis paniculata leaf extract; A prioritized medicinal plant and its germicidal activity 

Arugula's Viability Under Semiarid Residual Effects | InformativeBD

Agronomic viability of arugula, A functional vegetable, under the residual effect of hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.), rooster tree (Calotropis procera) and kill pasture (Senna uniflora) in the semiarid region

Paulo César Ferreira Linhares, Paloma de Almeida Oliveira, Maria Francisca Soares Pereira, Janilson Pinheiro de Assis, Roberto Pequeno de Sousa, Lunara de Sousa Alves, Joaquim Odilon Pereira, Maria Elisa da Costa Souza, Domingos Severino de Souza Junior, Walter Rodrigues Martins, Eudes de Almeida Cardoso, and Jovynttino Francisco de Araújo Santana from the different institute of the Brazil. wrote a research article about, Arugula's Viability Under Semiarid Residual Effects, entitled, "Agronomic viability of arugula, A functional vegetable, under the residual effect of hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.), rooster tree (Calotropis procera) and kill pasture (Senna uniflora) in the semiarid region". This research paper published by the International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research | IJAAR. an open access scholarly research journal on Agronomy under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


Arugula is a nutritionally rich vegetable. Considered a functional food, it can be used to treat diseases and improve clinical conditions. This work was conducted at the Rafael Fernandes Experimental Farm, in the Alagoinha district, rural area of ​​Mossoró-RN, from December 2016 to February 2017, with the objective of evaluating the agronomic viability of arugula, functional vegetable under the residual effect of species of the semi-arid region. The experimental design was the complete randomized blocks with treatments arranged in a 5 x 3 factorial scheme, with three replications. The first factor was constituted by four green fertilizer (0.0, 0.8, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2kg m-2 dry basis) and second factor by the types of green fertilizers (Merremia aegyptia, Calotropis procera and Senna uniflora). Initially radish was planted in plots of 1.4 x 1.4m. After the crop was withdrawn, the arugula cultivated Cultivada was planted. The evaluated characteristics were: height and number of leaves per plant, yield; number of sauces and dry matter mass of the aerial part. The best agronomic performance of the arugula was observed in the amount of 2.4kg m-2, with yield of 902.3g m-2 and 30 arugula sauces. Among the types of fertilizers, Merremia aegyptia presented statistical superiority in relation to Calotropis procera and Senna uniflora for yield and number of sauces. The incentive for the cultivation of arugula is important because its benefits are directly related to the farmers who produce and also commercialize, and the consumers who acquire this vegetable.

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Read more Cacao Phytophthora Pod Rot: Symptoms & Pathogenicity | InformativeBD


The production of vegetables is in a fairly intense activity in northeastern Brazil region due to the cycle of crops, ranging from 25 to 35 days. Another factor that contributes to this activity is the demand for these olerícolas products, where the producers realize plantations that meet the needs of the market (Linhares, 2009).

Among the olericolas, one finds Arugula (Eruca sativa) also known as Persian Mustard, is a Brassicaceae whose leaves are much appreciated in the form of salad, being produced in all regions of Brazil. It is estimated that the cultivated area is 6.000ha/ano (Sala et al., 2004; Purqueiro et al., 2007). Although it develops better under mild temperatures, arugula has been cultivated throughout the year in many regions (Filgueira, 2008). 

In the northeastern region of Brazil, there is a large consumption of arugula due to its use in cooking in various recipes, such in pizza, in meat, which has contributed to the increase of the production area. The cultivation is mainly by family farmers in an organic production system, using manure as the main source of input. Thus, the dependence of this input makes the producer vulnerable to scarcity, since you do not always own on your property, increasing the cost of production (Linhares et al., 2014).

 In this context, organic fertilization, using spontaneous species from the caatinga biome, contributed as a with resource availability, besides reducing production costs (Linhares, 2013). Spontaneous species of the caatinga occurring in the rainy season, hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) and kill pasture (Senna uniflora) and throughout the year, rooster tree (Calotropis procera), has been used as organic fertilizer in the production of vegetables , contributing to the increase in productivity (Linhares, 2009). 

Linhares (2013) states that spontaneous species can promote the same benefits as introduced species in cycling and nutrient availability. In this sense, some studies have evidenced the use of spontaneous species of caatinga as organic fertilizer (Linhares et al., 2009a; 2009b; Linhares et al., 2010; Linhares et al., 2011; Linhares et al., 2012; Linhares et al., 2018; Bezerra Neto et al., 2011; Góes et al., 2011; Linhares et a., 2021 and Linhares et al., 2022). 

Neves et al. (2018) evaluated the production of leafy vegetables, lettuce, found efficiency in the application of mung bean in the presence of bovine manure in agronomic performance, with productivity of 1.5kg m- 2 in the amount of 2.0kg m-2. 

In this sense, an important aspect to be considered when studying the organic production of vegetables, having as source of fertilizer, species of the caatinga biome, is the contribution that residues left in the soil in successive cultivation can promote in the subsequent productivity, since the fertilization of the soil in an activity as intense, as the olericultura, would increase the cost of production whenever a new crop was implanted. Therefore, with the objective of evaluating the agronomic viability of arugula, functional vegetable under the residual effect of species of the semiarid region.


Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária -EMBRAPA. 2006. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 2.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Embrapa p. 306.

Bezerra Neto F, Góes SB, Sá JR, Linhares PCF, Góes GB, Moreira JN. 2011. Desempenho agronômico da alface em diferentes quantidades e tempos de decomposição de jitirana verde. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias 6(1), 236-242.

Filgueira FAR. 2008. Novo manual de olericultura: agrotecnologia moderna na produção e comercialização de hortaliças. Viçosa: UFV 421p.

Góes SB, Bezerra Neto F, Góes GB, Moreira JN. 2011. Productive performance of lettuce at different amounts and times of decomposition of dry scarlet starglory. Revista Ciência Agronômica 42(1), 1036-1042.

Hardes WC, Heredia Zárate NA, Vieira MC. 2005. Produção e renda bruta de rúcula (Eruca sativa Mill.) Cultivada e de almeirão (Cichorium intybus L.) Amarelo, em cultivo solteiro e consorciado. Ciência e Agrotecnologia 29(2), 775-785.

Kottek M, Grieser J, Rudolf B, Rubel F. 2006. Mapa mundial da classificação climática de Köppen-Geiger atualizada. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 15(2), 259-263.

Jandel Scientific. 1991. Table Curve: Curve Fitting Software: Jandel Scientific 280 p.

Kronka SN, Banzato DA. 1995. (Estat) system for statistical analysis 2. 3. ed. Jaboticabal: Funep 243 p.

Linhares PCF, Maracajá PB, Liberalino Filho J, Assis JP, Sousa RP, Medeiros AC. 2021. Jitirana (Merremia aegyptia L. Urban) [livro eletrônico]: Potencialidade de uso como espécie espontânea do semiárido na adubação verde de hortaliças. In: Linhares PCF, Cunha LMM, Silva NV, Neves AM, Medeiros BBM and Paiva AC. Fitomassa verde e seca, teores e acúmulo de macronutrientes da jitirana (Merremia aegyptia L. Urban) em diferentes estádios fenológicos- Nova Xavantina, MT: Ed. Pantanal. 96p Cap. 2, p.24-45.

Linhares PCF, Assis JP, Sousa RP, Sá JR, Pereira MFS, Ramalho WB, Silva RIG, Silva RA, Pereira KLV. 2018. Optimized amount of hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) in the productivity of coriander cultivars. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 24(2), 654-659.

Linhares PCF, Maracajá PB, Pereira MFS, Assis JP, Sousa RP. 2014. Roostertree (Calotropis procera) under different amounts and periods of incorporation on yield of coriander. Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável 9(2), 07-12.

Linhares PCF. 2013. Green manure as soil conditioner. Revista Campo e negócios 127(1), 22-23.

Linhares PCF, Pereira MFS, Assis JP, Bezerra AKH. 2012. Quantidades e tempos de decomposição da jitirana no desempenho agronômico do coentro. Ciência Rural 42(2), 243-248.

Linhares PCF, Pereira MFS, Almeida SMS, Paz AES, Paiva ACC. 2011. Efeito residual do mata-pasto (Senna uniflora) no desempenho produtivo do rabanete. Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável 6(2), 168-173.

Linhares PCF, Oliveira RM, Pereira MFS, Silva ML, Fernandes PLO. 2010. Adubação verde em diferentes proporções de jitirana com mata-pasto incorporado ao solo no coentro. Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável 5(3), 91-95.

Linhares PCF. 2009. Vegetação espontânea como adubo verde no desempenho agroeconômico de hortaliças folhosas. 109 f. Tese (Doutorado em Fitotecnia: Área de Concentração em Agricultura Tropical)- Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, Brazil.

Linhares PCF, Silva ML, Borgonha W, Maracajá PB, Madalena JAS. 2009. Velocidade de decomposição da flor-de-seda no desempenho agronômico da rúcula cv. cultivada. Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável 4(2), 46-50.

Neves APM, Linhares PCF, Souza RP, Assis JS, Neves AM, Cunha LMM, Almeida AMB, Pereira MFS, Alves LS. 2018. Successive crops of lettuce fertilized with bovine manure in the presence and absence of mung bean. International Journal of Development Research 08(1), 19754-19760.

Purqueiro LFV, Demant LAR, Goto R, Boas RLV. 2007. Efeito da adubação nitrogenada de cobertura e do espaçamento sobre a produção de rúcula. Horticultura Brasileira 25(2), 464-470.

Rêgo LGS, Martinscm, Silva EF, Silva JJA, Lima RNS. 2016. Pedogenesis and classification of soils of an experimental farm in Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil) Revista Caatinga 29(1), 1036-1042.

Sala FC, Rossi F, Fabri EG, Rondino E, Minami K, Costa CP. Caracterização varietal de rúcula. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, 44., 2004, Brasília. Resumos… Brasília: Associação Brasileira de Olericultura, 22, n. 2, jul. 2004. Suplemento.

Solino AJS, Ferreira RO, Ferreira RLF, Araújo Neto SE, Negreiro JRS. 2010. Cultivo orgânico de rúcula em plantio direto sob diferentes tipos de coberturas e doses de composto. Revista Caatinga 23(2), 18-24.

Taiz L, Zeiger E. 2017. Plant Physiology, 3. ed. Porto Alegre: Artmed 954 p.

Zárate NAH, Vieira MC, Graciano JD, Gassi RP, Ono FB, Amadori AH. 2006. Produção de cebolinha, solteira e consorciada com rúcula, com e sem cobertura do solo com cama-de-frango. Ciências Agrárias 27(2), 504-514.

SourceAgronomic viability of arugula, A functional vegetable, under the residual effect of hairy woodrose(Merremia aegyptia L.), rooster tree (Calotropis procera) and kill pasture(Senna uniflora) in the semiarid region  

Cacao Phytophthora Pod Rot: Symptoms & Pathogenicity | InformativeBD

Symptomatology and pathogenicity of Phytophthora pod rot disease associated with Cacao plants in selected municipalities in the Province of Cagayan, Philippines

Angelina T. Gonzales, Diosa G. Alasaas, and  Macluven T. Gonzales from the different institute of the Philippines. wrote a research article about, Cacao Phytophthora Pod Rot: Symptoms & Pathogenicity, entitled,  "Symptomatology and pathogenicity of Phytophthora pod rot disease associated with Cacao plants in selected municipalities in the Province of Cagayan, Philippines". This research paper published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences | JBES. an open access scholarly research journal on Biodiversity under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub. an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.


The study aimed to describe the Phytophtora pod rot (PPR) symptoms disease associatedwith cacao plants and its pathogenicity to cacao. Specifically, it aimed to: (a) describe the PPR disease symptoms associated with cacao plants; (b) determine the pathogenicity of PPR disease to cacao seedlings, cacao flower and unripe and ripe pods; (c) document the reaction of cacao varieties to PPR disease. Samples isolated from infected cacao pods of five cacao farms revealed 14 isolates of Phythophthora spp. Pathogenicity test showed development of typical symptoms of Phythophthora of isolates from infected tissue of cacao pod. Incubation period was recorded between 4 days to 14 days after inoculation. The pathogen associated with Phythophthora pod rot belongs to Phythophthora palmivora. Cacao seedlings from 21-days old to 6 months manifested water-soaking leaves to leaf blighting symptoms, while infected flowers were found to have blighting and necrotic symptoms. Ripe variety could easily infected compared to unripe pod as shown by oily brown appearance and it changes from brown to black. White leathery structure or whitish appearance (sporangia) on the surface of the pods and mummified pods in advance stages.

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Read moreMaranta Arundinacea:Antibacterial Extracts Study | InformativeBD


Cagayan valley region contributes 4% of the national cacao production from the 10% shared of Luzon and Visayas region outside of Mindanao which is 80% of the total production of the country. In Cagayan province, there are more than 73 cacao farmers growing cacao with cacao production areas ranging from 1-15 has. Cacao nurseries are also operational in the region. Cacao Nurseries and farms are located in Santa Praxedes, Sanchez Mira, Gonzaga, Lal-lo, Lasam, Gatarran and Penablanca (Fig. 1.). Visits of these cacao-producing towns and nurseries, it has been observed that a number of the cacao plants of various stages of growth show various deviations from normal and symptoms: i.e., seedling blight that starts with vein clearing on the younger and defoliation in older leaves of up to to 4 months old in polybags; flowers turned brown; in fruits, chocolate brown necrotic lesions is commonly observed on infected pods which usually are accompanied by seed rot are common in cacao pods. 

Then pathogen appears on the surface of the pod as a whitish down on which masses of sporangia are produced. Diseased cacao fruits are commonly observed in the municipality of Lasam and Gattaran, Cagayan, Philippines. 

Symptomatology and pathogenicity of Phytophthora pod rot disease associated with Cacao plants in selected municipalities in the Province of Cagayan, Philippines

To date, there are four most common cacao pests and diseases in the Philippines, i.e., black pod rot, vascular streak dieback, cacao borer, Helopeltis and cacao stem borer (Department of Agriculture Bureau of Agricultural Research as cited by Tan et al., 2016). Phytophthora pod rot is a major disease of cacao and causes 20 to 30% pod losses, and kills up to 10% of trees annually through stem cankers (Bowers, J. H, et al 2001; Guest, 2007, and Adomako, 2007). The disease was first reported as cacao canker in Java in 1924 (Hartley and Rands, 1924).

Phytophthora pod rot is caused by four different species in the Stramenopile genus Phytophthora: P. capsici, P. citrophthora, P. megakarya, and P. palmivora which occur in almost all cacao growing region in the world (Guest, 2007). P. megakarya, which is restricted to Africa is the most aggressive species, causing 60-100% yield loss compared to the 15-30% losses attributed to P. palmivora (Nyassé et al., 2002; Tahi et al., 2006). Eight species of Phytophthora have been isolated from cacao: P. palmivora (Butler) Butler, P. megakarya (Brasier and Griffin), P. capsici (Leonian emend.) (P. tropicalis), P. katsurae (Ko and Chang), P. citrophthora (R.E. Smith and E.H. Smith), P. arecae (Coleman) Pethybridge, P. nicotianae (van Breda de Haan) and P. megasperma (Dreschler) (Erwin and Ribeiro 1996; Iwaro et al. 1997; Appiah et al. 2003). 

In the Philippines, cacao had been attacked by disease caused by Phythopthora faberi (Reinking, 1918; Tangonan (1999) host index listed Phythopthora pod rot disease in cacao. In addition, a review of Solpot (2001) enumerated the following diseases of cacao. Similar symptoms or disorders were reported by Panguntalan et al., (2022) on cacao plants of an orchard in Calauan, Laguna.

However, no report is available if the disease is occurring in the cacao nurseries and cacao farms in the province of Cagayan. Thus, this study was conducted to validate if Phytophthora spp. is involved and caused cacao pod rot disease in the cacao farms in Cagayan. This study is undertaken to: (a) collect asymptomatic and symptomatic cacao parts; and (b) isolate, characterize and identify pathogen associated with seedlings, flower, stems, and young and mature pods; (c) and observe and document if the tentative PRR isolates incite PRR disease in seedlings, flowers, and young and matured cacao pods.


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 SourceSymptomatology and pathogenicity of Phytophthora pod rot disease associated with Cacao plants inselected municipalities in the Province of Cagayan, Philippines