Krishnamurthy Yogesh, and Mididoddi Venkateshwarlu from the different institute of the india wrote a research article about, Assessing Carbosulfan's Neuro-genotoxic Impact on Carp Fish, entitled, Neuro-genotoxicity assessment of sublethal exposure of carbosulfan to freshwater Fish, Cyprinus carpio (L.). This research paper published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences|JBES an open access scholarly research journal on Biodiversity, under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural science | INNSpub, an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher.
Carbosulfan, a
carbamate pesticide extensively employed in rural communities, enters the
aquatic environment by the proximity of agricultural lands to water bodies or
through direct application in such environments. The study’s goal was to
investigate the neurotoxic effects of carbosulfan using ACh and AChE levels in
brain tissue, and genotoxic effects using Micronucleus (MN) assay in bloodcells and Comet assay in gill cells of Cyprinus carpio. The fish was
exposed to 1/5th & 1/10th sublethal concentrations of 96 h LC50 for
7, 14, and 21 days. There were significant (P<0.05) alterations in ACh and
AChE content and carbosulfan was induced to show MN formation and DNA damage in
concentration and time-dependent manner. The reduced ionic composition in C.carpio brain
tissue may explain the inhibition of AChE and the rise of ACh concentration.
The significant increase in MN and DNA damage observed in carbosulfan-exposed
fishes in the current study indicates the mutagenic/genotoxic potential of
carbosulfan in the freshwater fish C.carpio, as well as the potential
value of the Common carp for assessing pesticide pollution of freshwater
bodies. Changes in these characteristics may provide an early warning signal
for determining pesticide toxicity and its impact on aquatic species. As a
result, it is necessary to monitor the aquatic system and forecast the
hazardous effect of carbosulfan on fish; precautions should be taken while
using even low concentrations of carbosulfan, and prohibiting or restricting
carbosulfan usage is preferable.
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Carbosulfan is an insecticide used for the control ofinsects, mites, and nematodes on potatoes, sugarbeets, rice, maize, and citrus. It is exceedingly toxic tofish, and its toxicity is mediated in the nervous systemthrough acetylcholinesterase inhibition (Yi et al.,2006). Carbosulfan, which is commonly used in ruralcommunities, penetrates the aquatic environment bythe proximity of agricultural lands to water bodies ordirectly through reckless application in suchenvironments and affects aquatic species, and itsconcentrations in surface and groundwater arepredicted to be between 29μg/L and 0.64μg/L(Leppert et al., 1983; Sao et al., 2008). It is convertedto carbofuran in animals by hydroxylation oroxidation processes in water (Giri et al., 2003) andhas been restricted or banned in some countries,primarily due to the formation of highly toxicmetabolites. Pollution from pesticides in water killsfish and other aquatic creatures (Svensson et al.,1994). Fish are particularly sensitive toenvironmental changes. Thus, fish health may reflectand be an excellent predictor of the overall health ofan aquatic environment (Burkepile et al., 2000).Even though carbosulfan is not stable in water anddoes not remain in the environment, fishbioaccumulate to some amount due to their slowermetabolism. Its high water solubility, widespread usein the environment, and exposure to non-targetcreatures may all offer long-term risks to aquaticorganisms (IPCS, 1986).
The present study investigates the neurotoxic effectsof carbosulfan using ACh and AChE levels in braintissue, and genotoxic effects using Micronucleus(MN) assay in blood cells and Comet assay in gill cellsof Cyprinus carpio exposed in vivo. Because of thereduction of its activity, acetylcholinesterase (AChE;enzyme classification is widely recognized as aparticular biomarker of carbamate pesticides(Fairbrother and Bennett, 1988). By hydrolyzing theubiquitous neurotransmitter acetylcholine, thisenzyme modulates neuronal transmission in thesynaptic cleft. AChE deficiency causes central andperipheral nervous system problems as well asmortality (Quinn, 1987).
Many studies have shown that the micronucleus(MN) test and the comet assay (CA) are the two most sensitive, rapid, and widely used methods for detecting the genotoxicity of chemicals and xenobiotics in the field and laboratory (Ateeq et al.,2002; Pandey et al., 2006). Despite the fact that carbosulfan has been shown to induce micronuclei, sister chromatid exchange, and chromosomal aberrations in human peripheral blood lymphocyte sand rat bone marrow cells (Sterhrer-Schmid and Wolf, 1995; Topaktas et al., 1996; Rencüzogullari and Topaktas, 2000; Giri et al., 2003), research on the genotoxic properties of carbosulfan in aquatic organisms is few, particularly data on its effects onfish. The experimental fish, Cyprinus carpio (L.) is acool to temperate water fish species that, due to its economic importance and status as a major element of many food chains around the world, is an ideal model indicator for toxicological investigations.
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