Mango Varieties of Burkina Faso: Properties & Potential Uses | InformativeBD

 Main mango fruit varieties in Burkina Faso.

Hyacinthe Kanté-Traoré,  Marie Dufrechou , Dominique Le Meurlay , Vanessa Lançon-Verdier , Hagrétou Sawadogo-Lingani , and Mamoudou H. Dicko from the different institute of the Burkina Faso and France wrote a research article about, Mango Varieties of Burkina Faso: Properties & Potential Uses entitled,"Physicochemical properties and potential use of six mango varieties from Burkina Faso" this research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences| IJB an open access scholarly research journal on Biology, under the affiliation of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub, an open access multidisciplinary research journal publisher. 


The quality profile of the six most important mango varieties from Burkina Faso, as well as their potential use, was investigated. It appeared that Amélie variety showed the highest levels of total sugars (74.49±0.04 % dry weight), β-carotene (1752.72±41.64 µg/100 g of fresh weight), vitamin C (58.94±1.77 mg/100 g of fresh weight), titratable acidity (1.56±0.01 %), and energy value (80.55±0.01 Kcal/100 g dry weight). However, this variety has the lowest soluble solids/titratable acidity ratio (TSS/TA) of 11.24±0.17 and the lowest total fiber content (1.87±0.03 % fresh weight). Kent variety contained the highest levels of pulp (81.31±1.67 % fresh weight), total soluble solids (23.1±0.00 % fresh weight), total fiber content (2.77±0.08 % fresh weight) and the lowest β-carotene content (220.21±14.97 µg/100 g fresh weight). All varieties have significant levels of total phenolic compounds (mini-maxi content). This study not only showed significant differences in biochemical contents and physical characteristics among mango varieties but will also guide mango processors and nutritionists in choosing the most suitable varieties according to target food products.

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Mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit is among the main speculation of the fruit sector in most tropical countries worldwide. In Burkina Faso, its cultivation covers 58 % of the orchards and its production is estimated to be 56 % of the annual all fruits production (APROMAB, 2016). The annual production of mango has increased from 337 101 tons in 2008 to 404 400 tons in 2014 (Ouédraogo et al.,2017) with an operating area of 33,700 hectares. About forty varieties of mango are available in Burkina Faso. Among these, varieties of mango trees identified in the orchards in the largest production area (Comoé, Kénédougou and Houet provinces located in western Burkina Faso) are Brooks (29.61%), Lippens (25.15 %), Amélie (18.96 %), Kent (18.65%), Keitt (5.52 %) and Springfield (2.07 %) (Guira,2008). The distribution of mango varieties in orchards has been studied by Rey et al. (2004). This distribution varied according to the area. For instance, in the province of Houet, the Amélie variety represents a high proportion of the mangoes produced compared to the colored varieties (Kent, Keitt). Amélie variety occupied 40 to 50 % of the cultivated land (PAFASP, 2011). The production yield is around 150 to 200 kg of fruit/tree for Brooks and Lippens varieties, 100 to 150 kg of fruit/tree for Amélie, Keitt and Kent varieties and 50 to 100 kg of fruit/tree for Springfield variety (Guira, 2008). In addition to the high agricultural potential of mango, the pulp of this fruit has a high nutritional value. Indeed, it is an excellent source of β-carotene (provitamin A), vitamin C, carbohydrates, fibers, phenolic compounds and minerals (Robles-Sanchez et al.,2009; Ma et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2013; Somé et al.,2014). Levels of these compounds are significantly different among varieties and are dependent on agronomic, climatic and environmental conditions. Furthermore, mangos being a climacteric fruit, the degree of maturity, growing conditions and storage conditions highly influence the levels of these metabolites. Secondary metabolites are powerful antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress and have anti-cancer properties ((Kim et al., 2003; Chiou et al.,2007). For instance, carotenoids play an important role in human health by acting as a source of provitamin A or as protective anti-oxidants necessary for good reproduction and growth, in the normal operation of the eye system, and in the integrity of epithelial cells and the functionality of the immune system (Murkovic et al., 2002).

Studies on mango varieties from Burkina Faso with respect to diseases and pest attacks have been previously performed (Vayssieres et al., 2008;Ouédraogo, 2011). Moreover, Amélie fruit variety has been studied on aspects related to technological valorization, chemical composition and nutritional value and on the storage effects on vitamin C, carotenoids and browning (Sawadogo-Lingani and Traoré, 2001, 2002a; Sawadogo-Lingani et al., 2002;Sawadogo-Lingani et al, 2005). Other studies dealt with methods of producing unconventional food for pigs based on mango wastes in Burkina Faso(Kiendrebeogo et al., 2013). The drying technology ofthe Brooks variety has been studied and the physicochemical, biochemical, and technological characterization of the different existing mango varieties were determined (Rivier et al., 2009). Yet, without the knowledge and mastery of these characteristics, qualitative and standardized processing cannot be achieved. Production of puree ,concentrates and beverages from mango require specific characteristics, where the ratio of total sugar content/acid (TSS/TA) associated with an intense yellow-orange color and soft texture play major roles. On the other hand, the production of dried mangoes, frozen or canned fruit pieces requires firmer fruits for which color is important. The present work aims to determine the biochemical characteristics of the six most exported and most processed mango varieties in Burkina Faso. The characterization of these six varieties will allow proposing of appropriate use technologies for each variety.


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SourcePhysicochemicalproperties and potential use of six mango varieties from Burkina Faso