Halophilic Mycoflora: Exploring Coastal Diversity in India | InformativeBD

M. Helan Soundra Rani and M. Kalaiselvam from the different institute of the india,wrote a research article about, Halophilic Mycoflora: Exploring Coastal Diversity in India, entitled, "Diversity of halophilic mycoflora habitat in saltpans of Tuticorin and Marakkanam along southeast coast of India". This research paper published by the International Journal of Microbiology...

Enhancing Green Gram: Induced Mutagenesis Study | InformativeBD

V. Prabakaran, P. Manivel, S. Parvathi, and S. Palanivel from the different institute of the india, wrote a research article about, Enhancing Green Gram: Induced Mutagenesis Study, entitled, "Induced mutagenesis in Green gram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)".This research paper published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences | JBES, an open access...

Microplastics in Bigeye Scad: Malimono Waters Study | InformativeBD

Bernard C. Gomez, Farrah Mae S. Ejares, Pablito R. Baculpo, Carmiel I. Indig, Annarose A. Madrona, and Randy C. Tuyor, from the different institute of the philippines, wrote a research article about Microplastics in Bigeye Scad: Malimono Waters Study, entitled, "Ingestion of microplastics by bigeye scad, Selar crumenophthalmus in Municipal Waters of...

Orange Peel-Chitosan: Dye Adsorption in Aqueous Solutions | InformativeBD

SP. Manobala , S. Amutha, G. Sabeena, E. Amutha1, M. Sharmila and S. Rajaduraipandian from the different institute of the india, wrote a research article about, Orange Peel-Chitosan: Dye Adsorption in Aqueous Solutions, entitled, "Adsorption of dye from aqueous solutions by orange peel with Chitosan nanocomposite: Equilibrium studies".This research paper published...